"Qingfeng's vice president? Why?" Hu Hua felt that the news was a bit sudden.

"As for why, I won't say it, and I'm not asking for your opinion."

"Just to inform you politely, who am I going to fire, it seems that I don't need to explain this matter to grandpa, right?!" Hu Xing's tone made Hu Hua very puzzled.

"Others, if you want to fire, you don't need to notify me, but Qingfeng's vice president, if you want to fire, you have to give me a reason?" Hu Hua asked his grandson to speak carefully.

"The reason is that this guy is a piece of rat shit. Is this reason enough?" As tough as he should be, Hu Xing still has everything.

Even if it is grandpa, Hu Xing will definitely do it if he wants to...

He owns 20% of the shares, and Reba also owns 15%. If it is really counted, the shares of Hu Xing and Reba are already the major shareholders of Yilong Group.

There is nothing wrong with Hu Hua being the owner of this group, but his shares are only 32%.

If Hu Xing wanted to, as long as he didn't give the shares to Reba, but to himself, he already surpassed Hu Hua with 35% of the shares, and the group would already be his.

So if Hu Xing wanted to fire a vice president, he didn't need Hu Hua's consent anymore.

As long as he and Reba share the shares together, that's enough.

Of course, Hu Hua can also fight against Hu Xing with his son Hu Yu, but this is unnecessary. After all, they are all a family, and there is no need to cause family discord because of a small vice president.

In addition, Hu Hua also felt that there must be some reason why his grandson would not mess around.

"It's fine to fire, but you have to give me a good reason afterwards. You must also know the identity of Qingfeng's vice president." Hu Hua agreed with Hu Xing's decision.

"Remind you father and son again, don't randomly arrange people to come to our group to work in your capacity in the future, follow the procedure if you have to follow the procedure, and interview if you have to interview; it is best to find a headhunting company to recommend candidates to us."

"You look at your friend's face like this, and arrange someone to come in at random, what is that?"

"If this continues, the group will be destroyed by you sooner or later." Hu Xing was very dissatisfied with this.

"Even if the old lady was going to work at the beginning, I trained her and even interviewed her with my father before agreeing to let her go to Qingfeng as the general manager."

"On the contrary, you guys, are you going to be the number one car brand in China now?"

"The son of a good friend can be arranged to come in and go to work at will? What's wrong?" Hu Xing's scolding made Hu Hua's old face a little hot.

"That's not because..." Hu Hua wanted to explain.

"I'm not in the mood to know about your private life. Remember, this group is no longer the auto group that was about to go bankrupt a year ago."

"It marks the face of Chinese cars, screw it up, do you know how serious it is?"

"Or, you have to force me to come back to work?" This tough attitude was a bit too much, and Hu Hua was very helpless.

Hu Xing is like this, in fact, as a grandfather, he also understands: "Your father does not have a tough style like you."

Hu Hua hung up the phone, then glanced at his father Hu Qing beside him.

"What's the matter? What happened to Xing'er?" Hu Qing asked his son what happened.

"It's okay, Xing'er is going to fire a vice president of Qingfeng, a subsidiary company, just to inform me politely." Hu Hua picked up the teacup and drank it down.

"Xing'er is reliable in doing things." Hu Ji, who is already the ancestor of Tianzu, said to his grandson Hu Hua in a slow voice, reassuring him.

"I know about this, but this kid is a bit embarrassing to me." This is what Hu Hua is depressed about.

"Isn't it enough to give you face? Based on what we know about this little guy, it's already a great face to inform you. Otherwise, he would have been kicked out a long time ago, and he wouldn't even mention it to you."

…… 0 Ask for flowers…… 0

"I don't know anything else, but what I do know is that Xing'er has never been unreliable since she worked for Yilong. To put it bluntly, Xiao Yu's ability is not as good as Reba trained by Xing'er. "

"It's just that they are young and don't want to express themselves too much. The company and the group's affairs are all handed over to you and Xiaoyu. In the end, you are lucky. You retired early, and Xiaoyu is not capable enough, which makes him sometimes Come back and do me a favor."

"Being able to come back to the company group to help, Xing'er has given up part of the life he wanted, so he agreed to come in, otherwise, with the life he wants, Yilong Group has gone bankrupt now." Hu Qing said These are still very clear.

0. …

Even if he is ready to be 90 years old, Hu Qing's mind is still very clear, and he is relatively open about these things.

"I know." Hu Hua just shook his head: "I planned to give my shares to Xing'er before, but I was afraid that this would make Xiaoyu think too much, so I never gave it."

"Hehe~ for Xing'er? You're overthinking."

"As Xing'er said, it's not about whether you want to give it now, but whether he wants it or not."

"Does he lack your shares? He bought back 40 shares himself, and in the end, didn't he distribute 15% to Reba, and 5% to Xiaoying and Xiaoyun?" Hu Qing's thinking was very clear, and he knew everything. These things.

"Give your share to Xiaoyu, so you don't have to worry about this kind of thing."

"In this way, you can also be happy and leisurely. As for Xiaoyu, let him work for a few more years, let Xing'er live his current life for a few more years, and discuss whether to let him come back to inherit the group after he is 30 years old. "

"He has worked hard since he was a child, let him enjoy it for a few years, and he has to worry about the rest of his life."

"We need to understand him, because none of us know how much pressure he is under now. On the surface, he looks relaxed, but the pressure in his bones is beyond what we can imagine." After Hu Qing said these words, he felt A little tired, but also very enjoyable

He is the clearest about the ability of his great-grandson.

Chapter 1204 We Are Each Other

"How are you doing, the recorded program." Hu Xing came home at night, saw Song Jia watching TV, and remembered that she recently recorded a variety show on Mango Channel.

Since "Wife's Romantic Travel", Song Jia also recorded a teacher's program on Mango Channel.

"Don't mention it, these kids make my scalp tingle." Speaking of this program, Song Jia felt tired.

"Hehe~ I can't; anyway, you shouldn't be afraid of having children because of this program." Hu Xing warned Song Jia seriously.

"I really want to give birth, but the key is that your seeds don't germinate, what can I do?" Song Jia's look of despair made Hu Xing even more distressed.

"Come on, I'll play it again." Hu Xing grabbed Song Jia's feet and tickled the soles of her feet.

"Don't be crazy with you, I'm going to the airport." Song Jia was going to the airport.

"Why are you going? It's so late." Even at this hour, you still have to go out.

"Go to the crew, the filming of "Young Marshal" will start tomorrow, of course I have to rush there."

"I was going to wait for you to come back and send me there." Song Jia planned like this.

"Okay." Since Song Jia is going to work, Hu Xing will send her there.

"Where are Liying, Shishi and the others?" Hu Xing just came back and saw no one.

"Liying went to find her grandma with Xiangxiang in her arms, and Shishi accompanied her there." Song Jia said that Zhao Liying and her daughter went to her parents' place, and Hu Xing only knew it now.

"Okay then, I'll take you to the airport first." Send Song Jia off first, let's talk about it when I get back.

Song Jia has already packed her luggage, and now she just needs to go there.

Hu Xing drove Song Jia there in person, and Song Jia's manager and assistant were waiting for her at the airport.

"Yeah." Sending it in, before Song Jia entered the airport passageway, Hu Xing still hugged Song Jia and kissed.

"Send me a message when you arrive, do you know?" As a boyfriend, these instructions are still necessary.

"Got it, pay attention to safety when you drive back." Song Jia and Hu Xing waved their hands, and walked in by themselves, and Hu Xing also turned around and left.

But as soon as he turned around and came out, Hu Xing met his old friend by coincidence.

"Hey, why are you here?" Hu Xing asked Jiang Shuying in surprise.

"Just came back to Shanghai. How about you, did you just come back too?" Jiang Shuying looked around and found that Hu Xing was alone, without any manager or assistant.

"No, I sent my wife here, and I'm planning to go back, what about you?" After Hu Xing explained, Jiang Shuying finally understood.

"That's right, you can take me back." Jiang Shuying asked Hu Xing to take him back.

"Where are you going?" Hu Xing didn't know where she was going, so it was okay to send her off.

As far as their relationship is concerned, it won't matter if they are photographed by the paparazzi.

Jiang Shuying said long ago on the show that she has known Hu Xing since she was a child and treats him like a younger brother.

Furthermore, Hu Xing's sister and she are still classmates and good best friends.

Even if they are often photographed together, everyone will not be too surprised, and there will be no scandal at all, unless their intimate behavior is photographed, otherwise, there will be no scandal.

This is not a pure friendship between them, but a sister-brother relationship.

Hu Xing said before that there is no pure friendship between men and women in him.

The friendship between a man and a woman, that is, ordinary friends, will never be that kind of closeness, such as hugging, holding hands and so on.

"Let's go home, I just came back from filming and I'm very tired now." Jiang Shuying said that she was very sleepy and wanted to go back to rest.

"No way, why didn't Lao Hu come back with you?" After Hu Xing and Jiang Shuying arrived at the underground parking lot, they asked Jiang Shuying and Hu Fu.

"He has a part to play, otherwise he will come back with me." Jiang Shuying fell asleep in the passenger seat as soon as she got in the car. It can be said that she fell asleep in seconds.

Seeing Jiang Shuying like this, Hu Xing also knew that she was really tired.

While waiting for the traffic lights, Hu Xing even took photos and sent them to Hu Fu.

Hu Xing also put on a bluetooth headset and chatted with Hu Fu on WeChat voice.

"Your girlfriend fell asleep from exhaustion." Hu Xing sent a voice message to Hu Fu.

"How did you meet her?" Hu Fu happened to have some time, so he chatted with Hu Xing on WeChat.

"Take my daughter-in-law to the airport, and I happen to meet, and she asks me to take her home."

"Well, let me tell you, why didn't you send me a message when you arrived." Hu Yu was still very relieved of Hu Xing and Jiang Shuying. If they really wanted to fall in love, they would have already talked about it.

"I guess I know and let me send it home, I will tell you halfway."

"She is like this, and she is more measured in doing things; after all these years, she still has the same temper." Hu Xing and Hu Fu chatted very calmly.

Because they are a couple, Hu Xing is really optimistic.

In the previous life, Hu Fu and Jiang Shuying seemed to have been in love for less than a year, and they finally broke up.

In fact, now, Hu Xing still very much hopes that Hu Fu and Jiang Shuying can finally get married.

One is his good gay buddy, and the other is the neighbor sister he has known since childhood.

This is almost like the palm of the hand and the back of the hand.

For their couple, Hu Xing would definitely help if he could. In the end, they were able to go to the end, and then they showed off to him with certificates together.

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