"Hehe~" Jiang Fang left without answering.

The students she taught, as long as they were the skinniest when they were in school, and now they are out of society, they all say that they are the best.

"This world is really strange. The most naughty and disobedient students in school used to do better than those who were obedient, went to school, and studied hard after graduation." Jiang Fang held her husband's arm. hand, sighed.

"When he was naughty in school, it doesn't mean he is a useless person; as long as he has a good nature and doesn't go astray when he comes out of society, he can generally do well."

"On the contrary, when you are in school, students who only know how to read and study in a serious manner lack a kind of resilience, and their ability to adapt to society is not strong. Naturally, students who are not naughty are more likely to adapt to the social environment." Hu Yu had already seen through this.

During school, it doesn't matter how skinny or disobedient you are, as long as your nature is not bad and what you do is not bad, then it's hard to say what will happen in the future.

Chapter 1248 Tell me, you can live with what you eat

"Is this settled?" Liu Shishi was a little surprised to see Hu Xing and Song Zhuer coming back safely and so quickly.

"Otherwise, how long do you think it will take? But just now my husband is so handsome, and he beat 7 of them by himself." Song Zhuer felt that his man just now was so handsome.

"What the hell is this? It's useless to worry." Liu Shishi felt that he was very worried just now.

"I just said, as long as you are in Shanghai, you don't need to worry." Reba came out of the shower and told Liu Shishi not to worry.

"I can't do what you do." Liu Shishi hugged Xiangxiang and said that he couldn't be as calm as her.

"Just get used to it." Reba said that just get used to it, how could it be possible to get used to it?

I will be worried more or less, well, I don't think it is so simple.

Reba picked up her phone and looked at it, and said, "Are you ready for tomorrow's concert?"

"What else do I need to prepare, just go on stage and perform, don't you need much preparation for this?!" Hu Xing felt that he didn't need to make any preparations.

"Tomorrow's concert, will the two of you go through the entire concert together?" Liu Shishi also knew that tomorrow night would be his first solo concert.

"I'm only performing two or three songs on stage. After all, I can't appear too much in Reba's solo concert, otherwise, it will be a bit overwhelming." Hu Xing has already confirmed that he will only perform on stage Two or three songs.

"In that case, Reba will sing for more than two hours tomorrow night?" Knowing this, Liu Shishi was very surprised.

"To be precise, it is more than three hours. Tomorrow night's concert may last for four hours." Reba said that her first concert will last for four hours.

Hu Xing came to the stage to perform two or three songs, which took half an hour at most.

"It's been more than three hours, won't there be a problem with this throat?" Liu Shishi has never given a concert.

She didn't even know how important it was to hold a concert.

And singing is not as simple as you think, but also very difficult.

There can be no mistakes in the concert. If there are mistakes, it will be very shameful.

The concert is not just one song, but a dozen or even twenty songs.

You have to memorize the lyrics of a dozen or twenty songs, and you have to distinguish the beat of each song.

So many song lyrics, can not sing the confusion.

If some of your songs are dance music, if you want to dance, you also need to remember the dance steps of each song, so you can't dance wrong.

Compared with Chinese singers holding concerts, girl group idols like Lin Yuner need a full day of rehearsal to hold a concert.

Because of their concerts, most of the performance songs are said to have dances, and the dance steps of each song are different.

First of all, they need to maintain high-intensity practice every day for a month before the concert, and constantly familiarize themselves with the dance steps. Then, after the concert is approaching, you need to rehearse from the morning to two hours before the concert in the evening, and then There won't be so many mistakes when performing at a concert.

Most of the concerts of Chinese singers rarely dance, and those who dance more are singers like Cai Yilin and Luo Zhixiang who have a lot of dance music.

The concerts of Zhou Jielun, Zhang Xueyou, Liu Dehua and others basically said that they relied on their strong singing ability and excellent singing voice and talent to interpret their song performances.

Anyway, most singers in China seldom dance when they hold concerts. Even dancing is very simple and not too difficult, except for a few people.

Reba's concert tomorrow will also have several dances. During this time, apart from filming, she basically spent most of her time dancing continuously.

This is also her personal concert, so Reba takes it very seriously.

Tickets for this concert earned more than [-] million yuan. Excluding the cost, Reba can get more than [-] million yuan. This is already a very high-end concert.

It's not surprising that a concert like Zhou Jielun earns [-] to [-] million yuan...

"Aha~" Reba woke up in the morning, still yawning.

"Why are you up so early?" Hu Xing saw Reba get up just after sending Master Song to school.

"Go to the rehearsal." Reba lay lazily on the sofa, reluctant to get up.

"I don't care. I went to bed too late last night and exhausted all my strength. Today I have to rehearse for another day, and I will start my concert at 7:11 pm until [-]:[-]."

"How do you want me to hold on? It feels like I'm going to die." Reba crawled on the sofa, weakly playing tricks on Hu Xing.

After seeing this, Hu Xing even sat over and slapped her lightly with an angry smile.

Then Hu Xing was also on the sofa, laying down sideways, hugging Reba's delicate body, and said in her ear full of doting and tenderness: "Well, just say it directly, what can you eat to survive?"

"Hee hee~ Bai Zhan Duck." Reba smiled and said that she wanted to eat Bai Zhan Duck.

"Really." Hu Xing was completely conquered by this woman.

Hu Xing's big hand gently squeezed Reba's chin, and said: "Then I will make a white duck for you this afternoon and take it there."

"I still have lamb chops at night." It can't just be eaten at noon, but also for dinner.

"Okay, I will make you lamb chops for dinner on May 5.4." Hu Xing also agreed, and made her lamb chops to eat.

"I love you." Reba turned over and found a comfortable position in Hu Xing's arms.

"If you don't love me, who else can you love?" He said, but he was not slow, and quickly kissed me.

It's good, every morning when I wake up, I can cheat on my man for a while, and at that moment, Reba has been conquered by this sweetness and happiness.

Then Hu Xing used exercises to warm up Reba and open her voice. As time went by, Reba's singing became more and more pleasant. This can be regarded as Hu Xing's goal of helping Reba open her voice.

Her solo concert is about to start tonight, and she needs to give her a good voice in the morning, so that she can maintain an efficient performance in tonight's concert.

Chapter 1249 Xu Xian's Distress

An hour later, Reba's whole body glowed with a different temperament and charm.

Her skin glowed red, her face was full of confidence, and her rosy white skin became more and more alluring.

Her skin, which was already fair, was moisturized by Hu Xing last night, early morning, and morning. At this time, she was really a fairy, a seductive fairy.

Hu Xing can't help but look at it, always wants to fit with her all the time, from morning to night, and from night to morning, this is the real pinnacle of life.

Reba changed her clothes and went out. She was going to the concert site for rehearsal.

As for breakfast, just go out and eat something.

Hu Xing walked into the child's room at this time, and Zhao Liying and the child were sleeping in the cage again

At this time, Hu Xing walked in quietly enough, but it still woke up the child.

Walking around and seeing her daughter woke up, Hu Xing smiled and kissed her little mouth.

After seeing her father, the little girl also grinned happily.

After kissing her daughter, she had a mother. Just when she saw her father kissing her mother, the child pouted, as if she was jealous that her father actually kissed her mother in front of her.


"Ah!" In order to express her jealousy, the little princess made a special ah.

"Puchi." Zhao Liying woke up when Hu Xing kissed her.

It's just that I didn't expect my daughter to be so jealous that she would complain to express her jealousy.

Hu Xing also looked at his daughter angrily and amusedly, and said: "Okay, what is there to be jealous about when I kiss my mother, my mother has worked so hard to accompany you, and later my mother will give you a pet to drink grandma .”

Hu Xiang didn't care about this, just looked at her mother like this, then exchanged glances with her, and then grinned happily.

"Your belly, are you hungry?" Zhao Liying looked sideways at her daughter, and gently poked her stomach with her jade finger, asking her if she was hungry.

"Ang." Hu Xiang, who is already two months old, can already utter some ravings.

Hu Xing also lay down. When lying on her side, Zhao Liying still leaned her back against Hu Xing's chest.

They lay on their sides together and looked at the daughter lying beside her shaking her little hands.

"Hmm~ha~" Seeing that her daughter was in such a hurry, Zhao Liying knew that she might be hungry.

After sitting up, she hugged her daughter and lifted off her clothes. The little girl immediately turned her head and opened her mouth anxiously.

After waking up, there is breakfast, Hu Xiang's life is enough to make Hu Xing envious.

Hu Xing was still lying on his side, with his arms around Zhao Liying's waist, watching his daughter sucking milk.

"Do you still want to drink? Didn't you drink enough Reba just now?" Zhao Liying got up early and wanted to go down, but she happened to see Hu Xing and Reba doing morning exercises on the sofa in the living room, so she didn't go down .

"Hmm~ You probably have enough to eat." Hu Xing felt that he was not full.

"All of you can't feed me enough." Regarding this point, Hu Xing was still very confident.

It's just that when they were tender, Xu Xian pushed open the room and walked in.

"Huh? Why are you in Shanghai?" Seeing Xu Xian, Hu Xing was still very surprised.

Especially looking at the clothes Xu Xian was wearing, they were still pajamas, which showed that they had just woken up.

"My sister Yuner and I took the plane from Seoul at 4:5, and it was exactly 6:[-] when we arrived in Shanghai. When we got home, it was just after [-]:[-]. You were still sleeping, and Master hadn't woken up yet, so we went to sleep in the guest room. "

"Didn't you just wake up?" The time Xu Xian said made Hu Xing very strange.

"Why did you fly back so early?" Even if you want to see Reba's concert, you shouldn't fly back after four o'clock in the morning, right?

"I can't sleep, I slept too much yesterday, so our jet lag was not adjusted."

"It's not that I couldn't sleep last night, so I discussed with my sister and just flew back."

"It's good to catch up on sleep after flying back." Xu Xian explained in this way, and Hu Xing knew it.

"Yun'er still sleeping?" Hu Xing asked Xu Xian after learning that they had returned.

"Still sleeping, my sister is not honest when she sleeps, her hands are always messing around." Speaking of this, Xu Xian was very depressed, obviously she was often harmed by this sister.

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