Chapter 52: A Brief Confrontation

Of course, it is clear that Zhao Min is not aware of this matter. If he admits it, then the one who greets him may be a fight, not to mention whether he wins or loses. As a master, Zhao Min will never allow it to be consumed without seeing the slightest achievement.

Zhao Min thought to herself: Miss Zhiruo really knows how to joke, whether it is true or not, you will know if you try it?.

As Zhao Min clapped his hands, a man behind him gave a ferocious smile, creaked, and tore off Lan Fenghuang's coat, revealing a soft and beautiful body, and the fierce Lan Fenghuang immediately said nervously: "Zhiruo help.

How?. Zhao Min was indifferent.

Unexpectedly, for such a scene, the complexions of the people present did not change at all, Zhou Zhiruo shook her head instead: Princess Minmin, five forty, you made three problems.

Zhao Min gritted her teeth and said in a low voice: Please give me advice from Miss Zhiruo.

Zhou Zhiruo raised a finger and made sense: "The first point is that although I have never met Sister Fenghuang, according to the master, Sister Fenghuang is covered in poison, let alone touching like this, even if it is Sister Fenghuang's breath." It is possible to kill people. 'Such words make people look stiff, but Zhao Min is helpless because there is no way to imitate it, and many of his subordinates died under the poison of Lan Fenghuang, but Zhao Min can't take himself The men are joking!

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Zhiruo raised her second finger, and said softly: "The second point is also the simplest. Sister Fenghuang is a person with a very strong backbone. Don't say that she is just captured by you, even if she is humiliated in every way, Sister Feng Damn it, I will never make a sound! It is true that Zhao Min does not understand Lan Fenghuang's character. In front of outsiders, Lan Fenghuang is always a charming, charming and intoxicating image. Who knows what kind of image Lan Fenghuang secretly looks like .

Zhou Zhiruo continued to raise her third finger, and said calmly: The third point is also the most important point. Even if you are asking for help from Sister Fenghuang, even if you are asking for help, you will be like this man in two clothes asking for help. It will definitely not be like me. "As soon as these words came out, Zhao Min stared at the man in Tsing Yi, his eyes narrowed slowly, thinking about the identity of the man in Yu Yi.

After summing it up, Zhou Zhiruo said softly: So Princess Minmin has only two roads in front of you now, retreat now, or die forever!.

Following Zhou Zhiruo's voice, thousands of disciples of the Beggar Clan took a step forward under the leadership of the six elders, and at the same time, fourteen jade female guards blocked Zhou Zhiruo's front, and the man in Xiaoyi also opened Huimi's eyes, Scanning Zhao Min.

Damn it! Zhao Min said coldly: Are you really not in the lives of Lan Fenghuang and Yingying?

Until now, people only know that Ren Yingying next to Su Chu is called Yingying, and they don't even know their surname. It can be seen how strict Su Chu keeps Ren Yingying a secret.

Hey, suddenly there was a soft sigh, followed by a woman's voice: "Really Princess Minmin, if you're just someone who doesn't cry when you see the coffin, you don't deserve to be my opponent!" The figure of a woman slows down. Slowly came out from the shadows, and this person was Ren Yingying, with a natural smile on her face, she slowly walked up to Zhou Zhiruo, nodded and praised: "That's right, the character and qualifications are top-notch, there is I am qualified to be Brother Su's apprentice, thank you sister Yingying for your compliment! Zhou Zhiruo Huihui cupped her hands.

At this time, another voice came, and Lan Fenghuang also came out, and said coquettishly: If you count according to seniority, you should call us uncle, right?

Zhou Zhiruo smiled and said: "The master said, you can just call your sisters, otherwise you will be called old and good-natured!" Ren Yingying once again praised, and said with a little happiness: "This is the first time I saw such a scene correctly." To be able to not give up, good, good, good!.

Who is Ren Yingying, and she is the one who knows Su Chu best, how could Su Chu teach Zhou Zhiruo such words, these words are probably said by Zhou Zhiruo herself, no matter how old women are, they will never be afraid of age. It's very kind, any woman, no matter how smart she is Erlan Fenghuang patted Zhou Zhiruo's little head, looked at the ugly Zhao Min and smiled: Princess Minmin, don't you know me? Ah! You and I have been enemies for the past few years, Ming! Really, I forgot about it like this. People will be very sad.

Looking at Lan Fenghuang's pretended manners, if Zhao Min hadn't received a very good education since he was a child, he might have started to swear.

Zhao Minqiang suppressed his emotions, and said lightly:.Why are you two here?.

Ren Yingying chuckled and said: "Then where should I and Phoenix sister be? In your hands, or trapped by you?"

Zhao Min is not an idiot, it would be in vain if she couldn't understand such an obvious word. Su Chu took a fancy to her, and said in a low voice: "Disguise!"

Ren Yingying smiled lightly and said: "No talent, the girl's favorite thing is the disguise technique. Although it is not as good as some masters who have been practicing this for decades, it is still much better than some people." Hearing Zhao Min's cold snort, the two women behind him tore off the masks on their faces at the same time. Although they were equally good, they were far inferior to Lan Fenghuang and Ren Yingying. Behind Zhao Min.

Zhao Min looked at the two 1.9 girls:. I want to know when you found out about my plan?

The corner of Ren Yingying's mouth twitched and said lightly: From the very beginning, Kunlun Ningzhong once told me a month ago that Mingjiao Yang Xiao recruited Wei Yixiao back for some reason. This is a very simple plan. I want to guess. Of course not difficult. '

Zhao Min said coldly:. Let's go!

Let you go?. A hoarse and cold voice came out slowly. At this time, everyone shut up, and their eyes focused on the man in Yuyi at the same time. Everyone present is not an idiot. It can be seen that this battle It seems to be in the hands of Zhou Zhiruo, but in fact it is in the hands of this Yuyi man.

The atmosphere suddenly became dignified! .

Chapter 53 Zhongnanshan Tomb of the Living Dead

Chapter 53: Zhongnanshan Tomb of the Living Dead.

Who is this person? Zhao Min was full of thoughts.

In the past two years, Zhao Min has obtained a lot of information about Su Chu through Cheng Kun, and also knows that Su Chu doesn't trust other subordinates except his wife. In today's situation, Zhao Min has considered that Ren Yingying is the leader, Lan Fenghuang It was the leader or even Su Chu's apprentice Zhou Zhiruo, but he never expected it to be this man in two clothes.

For a while, the identity of this Yuyi man began to become psychedelic in Zhao Min's heart.

Zhao Min secretly thought: This person has never been seen in the martial arts, only appeared once ten years ago, is it really Su Chu's secret training?'

Of course, no matter what, Zhao Min still smiled and said:. Then I wonder if your Excellency has any advice?

Today's matter, you cut off your stomach and it's over. The man in two clothes fell on Zhao Min's body and said lightly.

Zhao Min's complexion changed and he said coldly: Your Excellency should have informed you, is it possible that the world is the king's land, your Excellency did this today, the beggar gang can't afford such a blow!.

As soon as a cold light flashed, Zhao Min immediately found that the man in Tsing Yi had come in front of him. Those sharp eyes pierced his heart like ten thousand years of ice, which made Zhao Min feel a sharp pain that he couldn't breathe. The man said coldly: But you also remember that the blood splashed five steps in a rage, and this deity can easily take the lives of you and King Ruyang to protect the princess. All the masters moved at the same time, and eight people suddenly aimed their bows and arrows at you. The man in Yuyi didn't dare to move around, one step away is just a short distance away for these masters who want to take someone's life.

Zhao Min looked at the man in the suit with mixed expressions. But no one saw the glint in Zhao Min's eyes.

The corner of the Yuyi man's mouth slightly curled up into a cold face: Don't think that the Beiming Divine Art that Su Chu gave you is useful to this deity. The Beiming Divine Art can indeed be called a treasure of heavenly skills, but it depends on who uses it. In Su Chu's hands, this deity is no match. , but in your hands, you are still not the deity's opponent.

Seeing the panic in Zhao Min's eyes, the man in Tsing Yi continued to be confronted with: "I'll break my stomach, all of you can leave today, don't doubt whether these people can keep you!".

This lunatic! Zhao Min cursed secretly.

This person doesn't estimate any situation at all, just like a scar, but Zhao Min still calmly said in front of the big situation: "Mr. mean what you say?"

Of course it counts! The Yuyi man said lightly.


His complexion was pale, but Zhao Min broke his left stomach decisively and instantly. The crisp sound seemed to explode in everyone's heart. Looking at his left left bent in an unnatural trajectory, Zhao Min said in a low voice: . Sir, may I leave now?.

pop, pop, pop

They clapped their hands, and everyone gave way, sticking to Zhao Min's ear Zhao Min was horrified to find that it was a woman's voice: "Yes, yes! It is indeed one of the two most valued by your husband. She is Su Chu's." Wife!' Zhao Min was startled, she didn't expect that this man in Yuyi, who was extremely skilled in martial arts, was Su Chu's wife, but when she heard the two people mentioned by the man in Tsing Yi, Zhao Min glanced at Zhou Zhiruo, who looked at her with a light smile from afar, Turned around and left.

Zhao Min left as quickly as when he came, leaving no trace of Silk Demon.

Let's go. The man in two clothes turned around and said lightly.

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