The voice from Su Chu again finally brought the three girls back to their senses, and they hurriedly took Su Chu away, it was terrible, the power of that blow just now, the three maids felt as if they saw the coming of a fairy. This kind of thing has nothing to do with Su Chu at all, but Su Chu looks at them very unpleasant, if they are not pleasing to the eye, then get rid of them, this is what Su Chu thinks in this square world.

Soon, under the leadership of the three women, Su Chu came to an exquisite pavilion. Su Chu said lightly: "Perverted old woman, it's time to come out to meet guests."

Hearing Su Chu's words, the three maids hurriedly stood up, and said respectfully, "Master, please come this way, Master Wuhen has a secret pavilion, and she will hide there every time there is an important matter. Su Chu asked strangely, "But compared to where Master Wuhen will hide, I'm more curious about how the three of you know about this? "

Trembling all over, the maid who walked in the front couldn't help but shed tears in her eyes, and said in a low voice: Mr. M, when the three sisters were captured by that villain, I was tortured by her, and that position is in that secret place. In the pavilion, the servants could not forget the scenery even if they were beaten to death.

The three women walked forward quickly, walked out of the forest, and suddenly asked Su Chu heard groans and groans, and stopped suddenly, causing the three maids to ask strangely: "What's wrong, master?" m

Listening to the increasingly obscene voice in her ear, Su Chu frowned and pointed

The location in the south frowned and said: &Where is 817?&

"For an instant, the three girls were silent at the same time.

There was an imperceptible sarcasm in his eyes, and Su Chu said lightly: "Tell me! Where is this place?"

"My lord, this is the place where Master Wuhen raises his male pets. It is also the place where Master Wuhen and his apprentices play on the entire Wuhen Island." The leading maid said shyly.

"It's a big trough! & Su Chu couldn't help but exploded once in his heart.


For Su Chu, who is a standard harem man, he has never seen a woman want to open a harem. This is too cheating, isn't it? Shaking his head helplessly, Su Chu said lightly: "Go and see." &■? But the young master opened his mouth and the maid obviously wanted to say something.

Su Chu frowned and said, "What else is there?" &

The maid took out a pill from her bosom and said softly: "My lord

You may not know it for the first time, but it is the forbidden place of Master Wuhen, and there is a strong poison in it. Unless you take this antidote, no matter how high your martial arts (cefe) is, you will definitely die, but on the contrary, ordinary people without any martial arts People are not affected. &

Su Chu said with a smile: "Interesting, interesting, this Master Wuhen is also proficient in strange poisons." &

Speaking of which, Su Chu swallowed the ammunition directly, and the eyes of the three maids flashed a gleam, and then led Su Chu forward.

Soon as the distance got closer and closer, the voice became clearer and clearer. After a while, Su Chu saw a huge pavilion, and inside and outside the gate of the pavilion, there were naked men and women everywhere. Doing that kind of thing made Su Chu raise her eyebrows, and said coldly; "Are these people plundered by Master Wuhen?" &

The three maids nodded and said: _'That's right, my lord, each of these men is a well-known handsome man in the martial arts, and these women are either abandoned babies, or tragic people who were exterminated by others, and they were all prosecuted by Master Wuhen After returning, it became like this. &

"What a perverted old woman." Su Chu said silently.

For these people in front of me, if they can still be called human beings, these men Su Chu can feel that every ray of internal energy in their bodies will be absorbed by the women, and the internal energy of these women seems to be controlled by something and imprisoned in the body , cannot be called at all.

And these men and women have dull eyes, and they can't see any aura that human beings should have. It can be seen that these people have degenerated into slaves of desire.

Su Chu just observed for a while, then smiled coldly: "This kind of low-level harvesting of yin and replenishing yang is really boring."

Although he dare not claim to be able to identify the world's martial arts, Su Chu is also proficient in hundreds of martial arts. He has seen many martial arts, big and small. These men and women Su Chu can tell at a glance that these people are similar to cauldrons and the like A man generates internal energy which is absorbed by a woman, while a woman is like a transfer station absorbed by Master Wuhen.

The three maids were obviously accustomed to such a scene, and whispered, "Sir, shall we leave?"

Su Chu glanced at the three women and said calmly: "Leave, why do you want to leave?" "

Speaking of Su Chu's hands together, thousands of red lights bloomed in his hands, and the special seal of scarlet red Tai Chi emerged. ⅲ蛘dongditomb rate⑼Qizhi×counselingNe final beer?/p>


Thousands of rays of light whizzed out, and each red ray of light exuded the aura of burning flames. If you look closely, you will find that there is a palm print in each ray of light. The spell is the most powerful yin-yang spell that has been cultivated in the past five years except Jiushui Fengqi.

As if the sky was falling apart, the three maids closed their eyes in an instant. The dazzling red light was beyond what they could peek at. They only heard bursts of violent explosions in their ears. When everything subsided, the three maids The maid opened her eyes and widened them instantly.


Swallowing a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, the three maids said forcefully:

"My lord, did you do this?

"Let's go!" Said Su Chu turned and left, but the three maids couldn't recover for a long time.

The luxurious attic in front of me has disappeared, everything in the courtyard has disappeared, and the men and women who were originally in the courtyard also disappeared in an instant, yes, they disappeared. Su Chu didn't even leave their bodies for them, and directly killed them. Crushed to dust.

"Let's go!&

The voice from Su Chu again finally brought the three girls back to their senses, and they hurriedly took Su Chu away, it was terrible, the power of that blow just now, the three maids felt as if they saw the coming of a fairy. This kind of thing has nothing to do with Su Chu at all, but Su Chu looks at them very unpleasant, if they are not pleasing to the eye, then get rid of them, this is what Su Chu thinks in this square world.

Soon, under the leadership of the three women, Su Chu came to an exquisite pavilion. Su Chu said lightly: "Perverted old woman, it's time to come out to meet guests."

Hearing Su Chu's words, the three maids hurriedly stood up, and said respectfully, "Master, please come this way, Master Wuhen has a secret pavilion, and she will hide there every time there is an important matter. Su Chu asked strangely, "But compared to where Master Wuhen will hide, I'm more curious about how the three of you know about this? "

Trembling all over, the maid who walked in the front couldn't help but shed tears in her eyes, and said in a low voice: Mr. M, when the three sisters were captured by that villain, I was tortured by her, and that position is in that secret place. In the pavilion, the servants could not forget the scenery even if they were beaten to death.

The three women walked forward quickly, walked out of the forest, and suddenly asked Su Chu heard groans and groans, and stopped suddenly, causing the three maids to ask strangely: "What's wrong, master?" m

Listening to the increasingly obscene voice in her ear, Su Chu frowned and pointed

The location in the south frowned and said: &Where is 817?&

"For an instant, the three girls were silent at the same time.

There was an imperceptible sarcasm in his eyes, and Su Chu said lightly: "Tell me! Where is this place?"

"My lord, this is the place where Master Wuhen raises his male pets. It is also the place where Master Wuhen and his apprentices play on the entire Wuhen Island." The leading maid said shyly.

"It's a big trough! & Su Chu couldn't help but exploded once in his heart.


For Su Chu, who is a standard harem man, he has never seen a woman want to open a harem. This is too cheating, isn't it? Shaking his head helplessly, Su Chu said lightly: "Go and see." &■? But the young master opened his mouth and the maid obviously wanted to say something.

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