
Like the roar of a fierce ghost, Yin Ji found that a figure in front of her appeared out of nowhere, appeared and disappeared, and vaguely turned into a white jade skull, and five bone claws that were also white as jade shattered the skull. Head, _claws come through the heart.

"Good time!" Yin Ji gave a secret admiration, and raised her palm slightly.

In an instant, the sea roared, as if the sea god was enraged, a huge current rose from the sea, surrounding Yin Ji...

Chapter 14: Skeleton blood handprint (fourth update, please subscribe)

Chapter 14: Skeleton blood handprint (fourth update, please subscribe)

The water flow converged into a monstrous curtain that completely surrounded Yin Ji. Just when Zhou Zhiruo showed a disdainful smile, the next moment the monstrous curtain disappeared. No, it turned into small streams of water and poured into Yin Ji. in the palm of your hand.

The monstrous curtain slowly dissipated, and a blue light burst out from Yin Ji's hands. The sky-filled water curtain was completely integrated into Yin Ji's hands, but in an instant, it had condensed into a drop that exuded blue waves like crystals. A rippling drop of water.

Su Chu, who was watching the battle, smiled even more intensely, and secretly said: "Good palm technique! This kind of palm technique is completely enlightened from the sea, with water as the foundation, and uses the power of the sea to coerce the enemy, and subdue the enemy without fighting." &


Following Yin Ji's low singing, this faint crystal-like drop of water escaped from Yin Ji's palm and shot away quickly.

"This kind of attack." Zhou Zhiruo didn't dare to take a peek, secretly added three points of strength, and the bone claws that were as white as jade exuded a colder aura.

The Nine Yin White Bone Claw was originally just the first martial art of the Nine Yin God Claw, but Zhou Zhiruo combined it with the Nine Yin White Bone Claw after learning the Yin-Yang technique from Su Chu's hand, and created a new one. Si Cha is not weaker than the martial arts of Nine Yin God Claw and Destroying God Claw.

And because it was created by herself, this martial art is more suitable for Zhou Zhiruo. Every move contains not only the coldness and cruelty of Jiuyin White Bone Claw, but also the powerful innocence and tolerance of the bloody handprint of the skeleton.



People often say that when yang rises and yin declines, water comes to cover soil because soil is yang and water is yin, so water comes to cover soil, and when yin flourishes and yang declines, water drops through stones. For example, the drop of water now is like a sharp arrow. Normally it penetrates the hard Nine Yin White Bone Claw, but the next moment the shattered Nine Yin White Bone Claw shatters into countless white jade skulls, endless, and the bones of the upper and lower jaws give out a cold 'quack quack' smile.

As Su Chu's apprentice, Zhou Zhiruo has also learned Yin Yang Art. Although it is not as good as Su Chu's cultivation to the level of astrology, Zhou Zhiruo has also cultivated to the level of Illusion Art. It is the true meaning of Onmyoji Illusory Realm Jue.

Seeing this_Mu Yinji frowned slightly, hooked her palm, and the water droplets whizzing past stopped, and then exploded suddenly into countless water droplets, which disappeared in an instant.

The first confrontation between the two seemed to be tied, but in fact it was extremely dangerous. The two had already used all their strength in the very beginning, and it seemed that there was no danger, but if a negligence between the two brought about The consequences are not weaker than a sword fight.

The ghostly aura dissipated, and Zhou Zhiruo's figure seemed to have never moved, just standing there quietly, and the two women looked at each other silently.

The other expressions in his eyes are no longer visible, and now all that remains is the solemnity towards the opponent and the determination to win!

When two powerful women come into contact with each other, the so-called mutual admiration is pure nonsense, and what it will bring will only be to regard each other as their own strong enemy, and then defeat them.

Yin Ji's age, Zhou Zhiruo, felt that she was in her mid-twenties. At such an age, she could already catch up with her own cultivation. Even though there were problems in the world, it could be seen that Yin Ji was also a person with outstanding aptitude. Of course, Zhou Zhiruo did not. I don't know that Yin Ji is not as good as Zhou Zhiruo in Su Chu's heart.

Zhou Zhiruo's perfection is in all aspects, while Yin Ji has a problem with her mood, and her overall qualifications are still a level behind Zhou Zhiruo, Dongfang Bai, Yang Qian and others. Of course Zhou Zhiruo is not a People who are good at distress, under Su Chu's explanation, Zhou Zhiruo understands that history is always written by the winners, winning means everything, and age does not mean anything.

Current aptitude does not mean that it can be converted into future strength, the world is so cruel!

Yin Ji suddenly said: "What's your name"? &

"Zhou Zhiruo!?

The eerie tone came from Yin Ji's mouth: "Zhou Zhiruo! What a good name, but it's a pity that no one will know your existence anymore after today." &

"Because I will die?" Zhou Zhiruo asked rhetorically.


"But I don't think so.&

"Then let's see the real chapter under my hand.

The hands were at both ends of the body, and the sky was full of water. When Zhou Zhiruo moved at this moment, Zhou Zhiruo could see that Yin Ji's palm technique was related to the water flow.

Yin Ji sneered and said, "You're thinking too naively." 11

Speaking of which, the water flowing all over the sky suddenly converged into two light curtains and condensed on Yin Ji's palms, forming a water screen like a glove, one of which whizzed towards.

Before the palm arrived, but the palm came whistling, Zhou Zhiruo felt the intense pressure in an instant. This is a pressure from the heart, no, or it is the pressure from Yin Ji's palm, which represents water. A force that weighs as much as a thousand catties.

water!Although the source of life is as light as a feather, it can also be as heavy as Mount Tai.

And now that's it!

Su Chu sat up slightly and looked at Zhou Zhiruo. Although she had confidence in Zhou Zhiruo, as a master, how could she not care about this girl who was equivalent to her own daughter.

"Ning!" Zhou Zhiruo, who was close to the palm (with the money), suddenly and slowly spit out a word.


The red breath all over the sky suddenly rose into the sky, cutting off the heavy palm in an instant, and a huge skeleton frame rose into the sky around Zhou Zhiruo, just like Susano in Naruto, but in fact this But it is the skeleton blood handprint in the yin and yang technique.

Skeleton blood handprints can not only be used for attack, but can also be used for defense. It is rumored that a person with a real skeleton blood handprint master can instantly condense a huge blood-colored skeleton like a giant reaching the sky, but that is just a legend, and in the records of Yin-Yang magic This does exist, but Su Chu still has a headache because of the true energy and luck needed in it, as well as the degree of comprehension of yin and yang spells.

His majestic zhenqi is simply a drop in the bucket.

"Broken! &o

Chapter 15: One move is only short (fifth update, please subscribe)

Chapter 15: One move is only short (fifth update, please subscribe)

Following Zhou Zhiruo's soft snort, the huge blood-colored skeleton hand directly crushed Yin Ji's palm. In the next moment, Zhou Zhiruo's figure moved and dozens of Zhou Zhiruo appeared around at the same time. Every Zhou Zhiruo had claws, palms, or Fist, or whip, everyone's martial arts are completely different. Zhou Zhiruo majored in the Nine Yin Manual and minored in Yin Yang Art, but this does not mean that Zhou Zhiruo does not learn other things. Even if he does not learn a hundred martial arts, he has experienced it It is always beneficial, but how can you not learn it after watching it for a long time? Although Zhou Zhiruo is not very proficient in these hundred schools of martial arts, he does know it.

And the Spiral Nine Shadows, with Zhou Zhiruo's improvement in cultivation over the years, coupled with the combination with the Yin-Yang Illusion Art, has become a kind of martial arts that seems to be true and false. If you really treat all of it as an illusion, you will die Terrible!

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