Closing her eyes and savoring the delicious wine exploding in her mouth, Yin Ji asked indifferently: "What do you want me for??"

Zhou Zhiruo casually spilled a glass of fine wine in her hand into the sea, and said gently: "It's nothing, I just came out for a walk, it's just that Yiqiao met" Um, if it is said that Yiqiao met Yin Ji, she wouldn't believe it even if she was beaten to death. I was about to rest at night, but I happened to hear the intoxicating voice from the next room. I was so embarrassed by this shameful voice that Yin Ji came out to relax, and the person who made this voice seemed to be the one in front of me. woman.

And generally, shouldn't you go to bed after you finish that kind of thing?Wouldn't it be nonsense to say that Zhou Zhiruo came out to relax?

Looking at Zhou Zhiruo indifferently, Yin Ji said: "You can say what you like."

Say, don't like to say forget it. &

Zhou Zhiruo looked at it interestingly and said; "You don't seem to care about the status of a maid?" "

Yin Ji looked at the sea shining beautifully under the moonlight, and said softly, "Why do you care? I'm willing to accept the bet! If you lose, you lose, and the young master didn't make any excessive demands. The maid in the past six months will be treated as one time." Well honed.&

Zhou Zhiruo couldn't believe that Yin Ji was able to calmly admit her maidservant status from such an arrogant person in just three days when Yin Ji called her so naturally.

But Yin Ji suddenly asked: "You and the young master should be in a master-student relationship, but is it really good to do such a thing?" &

"What's wrong?" After drinking another glass of wine, Zhou Zhiruo showed a sweet smile on her face, and said softly: "Master is everything to me. No matter what others think, as long as Master doesn't give up or abandon me, that's enough." .

Yin Ji was silent. Although she only stayed on the boat for three short days, Yin Ji could see Su Chu's doting on Zhou Zhiruo during these three days. Whether it was martial arts, behavior, or accidents, Su Chu was perfect. reservation.

The reason why the martial arts is getting weaker and weaker is because any master believes in teaching nine guarantees and one. There are indeed very few people who truly teach their apprentices like Su Chu unreservedly. This is why Shaolin and Wudang Reasons to stand tall.

Because Wudang abandoned this vulgar custom, but Shaolin turned it into a book of cheats and left it down. The genius is natural, and he can comprehend it. In this way, no matter what time it is, it ensures that even if Shaolin is silent, it is only a momentary silence. After all, this There are many geniuses in the world.

Raising children rich and raising daughters!

This old saying is vividly reflected in Su Chu, Yin Ji feels that she is a little jealous, why is her life so miserable, while Zhou Zhiruo is loved and cared by others, but she can only (money is good) Everything depends on yourself.

Of course, Yin Ji just lamented the injustice of fate silently. After walking in the rivers and lakes for so many years, she has already understood that nothing is fair, and she can only rely on herself if she wants to survive.

Zhou Zhiruo looked at Yin Ji, suddenly chuckled and said: ヰ? It seems that you envy my life? &

Yin Ji nodded and said: "Indeed, a woman like you may never be able to understand my hardships, but I think anyone will envy your life." "

"No?" Shaking his head, Zhou Zhiruo said solemnly: "Although the master dotes on me, he has never spoiled me, and how was my childhood experience similar to yours? Hearing Zhou Zhiruo's sigh, Yin Ji Suddenly interested, he said softly: "Can you talk to me?"


Chapter 20: Want to learn? (Fifth update, please subscribe)

Chapter 20: Want to learn? (Fifth update, please subscribe)

No one knew what Zhou Zhiruo and Yin Ji talked about that night, and even Su Chu didn't know what they said even if he couldn't eavesdrop.Su Chu only remembered that when Zhou Zhiruo returned to the room in the early morning, she suddenly said something strange to herself: "Master Smelly, I really took advantage of you." "

Afterwards, I went to bed. This sudden and strange situation made Su Chu very confused, but if she couldn't figure it out, she simply didn't want to. Su Chu never thought that Zhou Zhiruo would spoil herself, even if everyone in the world betrayed her. I, my woman will not leave me, this is Su Chu's confidence, and it is also their love for Su Chu

Early the next morning, Su Chu looked at Yin Ji and said softly, "How did you rest last night?" &

Yin Ji's cheeks were red, she didn't say a word, but secretly she was gnashing her teeth, Su Chu is really too bad!He clearly knew that in the first half of the night because of the two of them, he didn't sleep well at all, and in the second half of the night, he talked with Zhou Zhiruo until the early morning.

Fortunately, Yin Ji has a high level of cultivation, and a night without rest is nothing to her. Otherwise, if she doesn't sleep all night, she will show tiredness the next day, especially when she looks at the teasing look in Su Chu's eyes , Yin Ji is full of helplessness.

Everything must be mastered to a degree, and it will be bad if you pass it. 823

Su Chu didn't ask any more questions, just sat up and said calmly: "Yin Ji, come and give me a shoulder squeeze." &

"Obey, master." This is not the first time this kind of thing has happened in this period of time, Yin Ji also stood behind Su Chu very naturally, put a pair of jade hands on Su Chu's shoulders and gently massaged, of course Compared with a medical master like Yilin, it must be a lot worse, but there is no distinction between medicine and martial arts. Anyone who learns martial arts, especially the higher the level of cultivation, is almost more advanced in medicine. After all, it is inappropriate to trouble others with many things. In addition, it is normal to be proficient in acupoints and study medicine.

So Yin Ji's massage techniques are good, the most important thing is that she is a beautiful woman, and she is also a beautiful woman with high martial arts skills to massage you, what else is there to be dissatisfied with?

Zhou Zhiruo, who walked out of the pavilion after washing up and having breakfast, took a look at

When it arrived, Su Chu, who looked like an extravagant child again, said helplessly: "Master, if you continue like this, you will be ruined."

is u?I remember that Zhiruo is the one who begs for mercy every night?" Su Chu looked very puzzled.

Zhou Zhiruo's cheeks were slightly blushing, if it was normal, it would be fine, but she said this in front of Yin Ji, Zhou Zhiruo glared at Su Chu, but then she calmed down and sat in front of Su Chu .

While Yin Ji was massaging Su Chu, she looked at her nose, mouth and heart with her eyes, as if I don't know anything, and whatever you say, I don't know.

After sitting down, Zhou Zhiruo's expression became serious, and she suddenly asked: "Master, for some reason, I always feel that my Yin Yang technique seems to have stopped, and no matter how hard I try, I can't break through." "

This problem has troubled Zhou Zhiruo for a long time. Unlike Su Chu who has cultivated Yin-Yang Art to the realm of astrology in just five years, Zhou Zhiruo has also practiced Yin-Yang Art to the realm of illusion in five years, but is stuck at the peak of this realm. It has been more than a year, and no matter how hard Zhou Zhiruo tried, she was unable to break through.

Seeing the anxiety in Zhou Zhiruo's eyes, Su Chu suddenly appeared.


Hitting Zhou Zhiruo's head fiercely, Zhou Zhiruo and Yin Ji were stunned at the same time. As for the jade girl guards who also came out to protect, they couldn't see any changes in their expressions except for Su Chu's order.

Rubbing her head, Zhou Zhiruo said in confusion: "Master, what are you doing?"

Su Chu said lightly: _'Zhiruo, have you forgotten your true heart? "

"Ben Xin & (cefe) is strange. Muttering, Zhou Zhiruo suddenly

After understanding something, a smile appeared on his face and he said gently: "Master, thank you for your guidance."

He nodded very satisfied. For this apprentice, Su Chu just likes to be smart and beautiful here. He doesn't need to explain anything by himself, as long as he mentions a few words, he can comprehend by himself.

Zhou Zhiruo was unable to break through Yin-Yang Art, and the reason was very simple. Zhou Zhiruo was not suitable for Yin-Yang Art. Although Yin-Yang Art requires double effort to break through to the next level in name, Yin-Yang Art also requires qualifications. Divide yin and yang, form yin and yang, so Su Chu was able to practice yin and yang to the level of astrology so easily within five years, because Su Chu has enough background, the understanding of yin and yang is unparalleled in the world, even Zhang Sanfeng can't do it, this is Su Chu Chu's confidence.

But Zhou Zhiruo is different. What Zhou Zhiruo learned is the Nine Yin Manual, which is suitable for her martial arts. It is enough to follow the path of the Nine Yin Manual. As time goes by, Zhou Zhiruo has slowly found it. Unexpectedly, the way Zhou Zhiruo found was not the right way, but an evil way.

kill!This is Zhou Zhiruo's path. The Nine Yin Scriptures are extensive and profound, but Zhou Zhiruo has chosen the sharpest path from it. However, no matter what kind of path Zhou Zhiruo has to follow, it is enough for Zhou Zhiruo to go on. However, as Su Chu's apprentice, Zhou Zhiruo naturally needs to learn the yin and yang art. , As a result, Zhou Zhiruo actually forgot what was most important to her, and turned to pursue Yinyang wood instead.

This is very inappropriate, but fortunately Zhou Zhiruo understood it very early and did not cause any problems.

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