I can't ask what, and the few people continue to wait. As expected, everyone waited for a while, and another floating corpse was brought up by the jade girl guard. He is from Dongying, and he is wearing Japanese wooden clogs, and the same scabbard hanging from his waist is also the scabbard of a Japanese samurai sword. Even if the right hand is wounded or even dead, The samurai sword still did not let go, it was tightly held.

Su Chu just glanced casually and said lightly: "People from Dongying, does Yin Ji know this person's reputation?"

Taking a closer look at this person's handsome face, Yin Ji shook her head and said indifferently: "I don't know, I have never met this person in various countries, the Western Regions, the Central Plains, and Dongying all these years. It's strange that this person with such martial arts has never made a head start, it seems that his ambition is not small." Zhou Zhiruo said with a sneer.

People who are good at hiding are either ambitious people or masters who hide from the world, but the person in front of them is obviously not the latter, not to mention if they are really people who hide from the world, how can they kill these twelve people? Both of them were killed by this Dongying man.

The corners of Su Chu's mouth curled up slightly: "This matter is even more interesting Zhou Zhiruo complained: "Master, even if it is an interesting matter, the person is already dead, can you still bring him back to life and ask him what happened?" what? ?'

"Are people really dead?

Su Chu's words made Zhou Zhiruo and Yin Ji stunned at the same time, and the seven jade female guards immediately surrounded the three of them, with one hand resting on the sword at their waists, looking at the person in front of them solemnly.

Looking at this person, Su Chu waved his hands and said: "Don't worry, even if this person is not dead, he is not far from death.

It is a miracle that he can survive until now. This person's internal strength seems to have special restorative properties just like the silkworm power. &

'Plop, plop i

Sure enough, following Su Chu's words, the heart of the person in front of him started beating suddenly. Although it was very light, the people present couldn't hear it, they were all stunned.

Especially the two daughters Zhou Zhiruo and Yin Ji, the two women can be sure that this person absolutely lost all vitality when he was just taken on board, but now he is slowly recovering, although it is unusually slow and only a little bit of impact is needed. It is possible to fail, but the person is indeed recovering.

With a wave of his palm, twelve corpses floated up and were thrown into the sea by Su Chu. Looking at the man on the deck, Su Chu said indifferently: "Very interesting man, I want to know what happened to him even more.

Zhou Zhiruo said strangely: "Master, did you leave this man here?"Do you want to give medical treatment? &

Su Chu glanced at Zhou Zhiruo and said casually: "Why don't you go" then forget it, it seems that he can recover by himself, let him do it himself. Zhou Zhiruo immediately refused.

Just kidding, this man's injuries almost cover his whole body, let Zhou Zhiruo treat him or let him go away quickly, Zhou Zhiruo is not the kind of selfless white lotus, she is very clean.

As for the jade girl guards, don't make trouble, they are all arrogant masters, except for Su Chu's order, everyone else loves that coolness and stays cool.

Thinking of this, Su Chu and Zhou Zhiruo looked at Yin Ji at the same time, and as expected, they saw Yin Ji shook her head in disdain, and looked at this man with a look of contempt and disgust in her eyes827.

Yin Ji is actually a woman who likes women, commonly known as a lily, she is so convinced by Su Chu that she doesn't have that kind of disgusting look, other men Yin Ji is very disgusted, especially Dong Ying. Yin Ji, a man in a country with no adultery, is even more disgusting.

Su Chu waved his hands and said: _'Seeing that since no one is willing to help him, let him fend for himself. It's good if he gets over, but it doesn't matter to us if he comes over and dies. &

Both women nodded in agreement with this sentence.

It is a great kindness for Su Chu and others to rescue him on board this endless sea. What does it have to do with us? Martial arts are always such a reality. He must be prepared to be killed before he kills. preparation.

Everyone in the martial arts world has only one life, and no one can afford to lose, even Su Chu is auspicious, so Su Chu has always maintained that he is undefeated and cannot be defeated. If he loses, he may really lose everything.

Looking at the Dongying man lying motionless on the ground, the corner of Su Chu's mouth twitched and he vaguely guessed who this person was.

u Interesting, interesting, I didn't expect this thing to develop like this. &o

Chapter 24: Tianfeng Fourteenth Lang (fourth more, please subscribe)

Chapter 24: Tianfeng Fourteenth Lang (fourth more, please subscribe)

Although there was one more living dead person on board, there was no change at all for the people present, what to do was still what to do.

"go with!"

Yin Ji let out a low drink, and two drops of water instantly created a small hole in the sea. The sunken place was not big, about the size of a soybean, but it took several minutes to fill it up, and after the move, Yin Ji He also fell limply in Su Chu's arms.

Even in three months, in front of Su Chu, a carnivore, although Yin Ji was not eaten because of her haughty heart, hugging like this is nothing.

Zhou Zhiruo also slowly withdrew her hands from the side, looked at Yin Ji who was used to it, and said with a smile: Yin Ji, if you continue like this, you will be eaten by the master until there is no bone left. &

Yin Ji just showed a smile that I don’t know whether it’s happy or bitter. It’s undeniable that Yin Ji found that she couldn’t resist at all, and even the problem of her liking for women is slowly improving as she stays with Su Chu for a long time. , that's why Yin Ji couldn't explain it clearly, nor could she refute it.

Seeing Yin Ji's expression, Zhou Zhiruo smiled and said, "Although Yin Ji Jiushui Fengqi is powerful, it is not a yin and yang technique that consumes true energy. You are still far behind." &

This time Yin Ji opened her mouth, nodded and said: "That's true, every time even I have to use a huge amount of true energy to activate the Nine Waters Ethos." **

Su Chu ticked off this point, the nine drops of water had been held up by Su Chu, and Su Chu said lightly: "Nine Water Ethos needs not m but purity. When you are pure, you can manipulate every wisp of true energy." At that time, Jingyou could do this. &

**En... Yin Ji nodded, glanced at the Dongying people who had not only survived but recovered in the past three months, and said interestingly; "I didn't expect such kung fu in the world"?. &

He didn't eat or drink for three months, and not only did he not die from the wind and sun, but his body has slowly recovered. Even Su Chu felt interesting about this person's inner strength.

'cough cough'

Suddenly there was a low coughing sound, and the man in front of him sat up slowly. The first thing he saw was Su Chu and the others. When he saw the two women, the man's eyes flashed with surprise, but he recovered immediately. With a plain look, he looks like an eminent monk Yixiang who is not close to women.

The man stood up staggeringly, and knelt down at Su Chu with a 'plop'. He opened his mouth and spoke fluent Chinese, and said respectfully: "Thank you benefactor for saving your life. I, Tianfeng Shishilang, can't repay you." , Willing to follow to the death. &

Su Chu waved her hands and said calmly: "I didn't save you, I just put you on my boat." &

"No matter what, benefactor saved me, he saved me, otherwise how could I survive on the sea alone." Tianfeng Shishilang shook his head and said solemnly.

Zhou Zhiruo and Yin Ji looked at each other at the same time. For a while, the first impression of the two girls on Tianfeng Fourteenth Lang was good, but then the two girls frowned slightly because they clearly saw Tianfeng Fourteenth Lang's eyes. Although the flash of light is not easy to detect, warriors themselves are keen people.

Compared to the two girls, Su Chu knew what kind of person this person was, but Tianfeng Shishilang was an ambitious person, willing to give up even his own life for his own plan.

Tianfeng Shishilang is a very ambitious person. He clearly feels that Zhou Zhiruo and Yin Ji are very strong. Even in his heyday, he is no match for him. A realistic person understands that what is obtained without strength will never be his own.

What's more, Su Chu looks like an ordinary person, but how can he be an ordinary person if he can be served by two women? Then there is only one possibility that this is a peerless master. For his own ambition, Tianfeng Shishiro naturally wants to learn more A lot of martial arts, so there is such a scene.

It is undeniable that Feng Shishilang is a hero this day, although he has already guessed that he is close to ten in just a moment.

So Su Chucao will look at Tianfeng Shishilang differently, such a person is really interesting.

Su Chu leaned back on the recliner, and asked lightly: "Why did you appear here? And why did those twelve people kill them?m

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