Chapter 53: Peerless Twin Swords ([-]rd update, please subscribe)

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But the moment Xu Shuzhen saw Zhou Zhiruo, Xu Shuzhen's eyes narrowed, master, this is definitely a master, even if he faced this woman, his winning rate would be [-]-[-] at most, or even [-]-[-], no When Xu Shuzhen made up her mind, she counted until the white light passed by.

The figures of ten jade female guards appeared from all directions, and the long swords in their hands were dripping with blood "tick, tick". Xu Shuzhen is no longer something Xu Shuzhen can ignore when people gather together.


Nothing can be done, nothing can be done, Xu Shuzhen is unwilling to close her eyes, at this moment, a clear sound like broken glass came to everyone's ears, only to see that Chuchen's Taiji pattern was still broken by Su Chu up.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, dust fell from the sky, it is not Su Chu's character to take advantage of the victory and not pursue it, but she is as white as jade but has a punch that is lacquer-like and extremely terrifying It whizzed out, and the target was the dusty Yue Xiongluo.

, hum

The sword in his hand sang softly, Xu Shuzhen moved, and the violent sword energy enveloped the world in an instant, and a more majestic huge sword energy shot up into the sky to block the Tai Chi power, but it was only blocked. , and then the terrifying sword energy broke inch by inch.

'Search' floated on the top of BMW again, Su Chu looked at Xu Shuzhen, the icy chill was actually hidden under the violent sword energy, just like the peeping of a ghost, that kind of feeling was as violent as Xu Shuzhen herself In fact, he is as calm as silk.

Slightly supporting her forehead, Su Chu chuckled and said, "Xu Shuzhen of Huashan really deserves her reputation." &

Su Chu's admiration is not a taunt, but a real admiration. Xu Shuzhen's strength is not as good as Chuchen, but sword repair is a terrible path, which brings Xu Shuzhen great strength, even if she is still weak in realm. Dust is in a realm, but in terms of strength, it is only a little weaker. It is not even known whether Xu Shuzhen will win or lose if Xu Shuzhen works hard.

"Brother, are you alright?? After stopping Su Chu's attack, Xu Shuzhen gave Su Chu a resentful look, and hurriedly stepped forward to help Chuchen who fell on the ground.

Silently waved his hands, Chuchen stood up a little lonely, and was defeated by others on Tai Chi, which he was best at. That kind of shame was a huge blow to a proud person like Chuchen, but it was also A huge opportunity, if he can see it through, it will be a terrible progress, and if he can't see it through, it will stop here, but the premise is that he can survive today.

Su Chu is determined to kill her!

For Su Chu, killing and saving people depended on a single thought. Back then, Shaolin Shuangjue could seriously injure Su Chu, but Su Chu didn't care and instead stopped Zhou Zhiruo's attack because he believed that the two were just entrusted by others. A matter of loyalty is a person worth living.

But now Chuchen and Xu Shuzhen belong to ambitious people, and Su Chu hates this kind of people, and Su Chu can't see in the two of them the disposition that makes him satisfied like Tianfeng Shishilang. Then kill it.

"No problem!" Waving his hands, Chuchen followed Xu Shuzhen's movements, stood up slowly, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, clasped his fists and said: "Mr. Su's enlightenment, I have learned it." m

Su Chu hooked her fingers and said, "You two go up together." &

Xu Shuzhen was full of sword energy again, and shouted angrily: "Arrogant and conceited, brother, you don't need to make a move. Today's stab: let you experience my Huashan sword technique." &

Su Chu didn't say much, but just hooked his fingers again, but the sarcasm was even stronger, making Xu Shu's face flushed with anger, and the hand holding the sword trembled abnormally, as if she was completely irritated , It's a pity that this appearance is also useful to others.

From Su Chu’s point of view, Xu Shuzhen’s all this is just pretending. The Yin Yang family has insight into the mystery, and the mind-controlling spell controls people’s mind. How can the calmness and solemnity in Xu Shuzhen’s eyes escape Su Chu’s eyes.


A sword came across the sky, and the majestic blue sword energy transformed into thirteen small swords in mid-air, covering Su Chu from all directions at the same time, killing six of the thirteen people. Many swordsmen in the world were instantly ashamed.

Huashan Seven Swords are also proficient in Qingfeng Thirteen Styles, but their Qingfeng Thirteen Styles and Xu Shuzhen's comparison is like a child playing house, thirteen small swords, each of which has undergone ever-changing changes in an instant , making it impossible to capture traces of it.

As a swordsman, Xu Shuzhen's mastery of the thirteen styles of Qingfeng is the best in the world. Even Su Chu, as long as he has not broken into the peerless world, it may be extremely difficult to see the essence of this sword technique.


?Since I can't see it, I don't think so. Su Chu suddenly smiled faintly.

"What?" A bad feeling rose in Xu Shu's heart. As soon as he crossed his hands, the red light covered his hands again. The nails on his left hand were painted. The word appears to be charming Γstreet lietweezers threshold magnesium zang stick uranium sticky is hewake up because ofgong?/p>

'Hoo Hoo Hoo'

The red qi coming out of the body from the fingers converged into two terrifying skulls screaming ferociously, and then the two blood-red arms swept across (Qianma Zhao) everything with lightning speed.

Slowly retracting the sword, Xu Shuzhen still had panic in her eyes, looking at everything that had disappeared and Su Chu who was still standing with her hands behind her back, she really didn't expect that the Qingfeng Thirteen Styles that she struck with all her strength would be broken like this.

Su Chu smiled and said, "Is it strange?" "

Chuchen and Xu Shuzhen looked at each other and saw the bitterness in each other's eyes.

However, Su Chu ignored the two and continued: "The thirteenth style of Qingfeng is in your hands, even I can't see the changes clearly, but if I can't see clearly, then just break it with absolute strength."

Su Chu will never forget her true heart, her moves are always auxiliary moves, and her true energy is the root!


Chuchen also pulled out the sword in his hand, and the two swords echoed each other in an instant, and the momentary question was peerless...

Chapter 54: Breaking the sword with the sword (fourth update, please subscribe)

Chapter 54: Breaking the sword with the sword (fourth update, please subscribe)

Whether there is anyone in the rivers and lakes who can stop Chuchen and Xu Shuzhen's brother and sister from joining forces, no one knows, because no one has even survived under the joint hands of the two. This point has not been broken in martial arts for decades, especially They are two brothers and sisters standing with swords.

Everyone in the world knows that Chuchen came from Wudang, and they only think that the sword hanging around his waist is just a symbol of the head of Wudang, but in fact, no one knows that apart from practicing Tai Chi, the more important thing about Chuchen is that he is also a swordsman. Xiu, and not weaker than his sister Xu Shuzhen's sword repair, Su Chu didn't know that a second before Chuchen pulled out the sword, but now Su Chu knew, but she didn't bother.

With a sneer at the corner of her mouth, Su Chu said disdainfully: "Tai Chi and Jian every ー□ are both extensive and profound moves. Don't you think you are asking too much?" &

Chuchen didn't care about Su Chu's ridicule at all, and said with a gentle face: If m warriors don't have enough ambition, can they really reach the top? &

Su Chu smiled indifferently and didn't say much. There are indeed many people who practice both ways, but they all have masters. Once Su Chu is now majoring in Yin and Yang, but everyone can see that Su Chu is also proficient in Taiyi, maybe because Su Chu Chu's yin and yang are born out of Tai Chi, but no one in 850 can deny Su Chu's understanding of Tai Chi.

Zhang Sanfeng is also proficient in Tai Chi, but I am afraid that everyone has forgotten that Zhang Sanfeng is a peerless swordsman. Back then, he swept the world with his long sword and founded the Wudang School. The way of Tai Chi.

The paths of Su Chu and He Zudao complement each other. Only Zhang Sanfeng chose two paths by virtue of his great aptitude. Su Chu also has the confidence, but it is much better to be proficient in one path than to be inexperienced in two.

But Chuchen doesn't have that qualification, if he specializes in one path, maybe the current Chuchen will be a line worse than Su Chu, not as he is now.

, hum

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