As for Qiu Lingsu being the number one beauty in martial arts, of course she has attracted enough attention, and it is true that Qiu Lingsu also has such qualifications. 853 It is a pity that none of the people present dared to take a look at Qiu Lingsu. No one wants to talk nonsense. To die just by looking at others.

Kneeling down after a lucky moment, only a fool can do it.

The Shenshui Palace is built on the Tianchi Lake, but people in the world don't know that the Shenshui Palace is actually the base camp on the surface of the Tianchi Lake, and the real base camp is located under the Kunlun Tianchi Lake. Enter the real palace of Shenshui Palace.

And now in this palace, Su Chu and the four daughters are also here, Yin Ji looked at Su Chu who was sitting cross-legged on the step, and asked strangely: "Young master, what are you planning to do?"

Su Chu's face was indifferent, and even his whole body was filled with a kind of indifference

With a breath, he said softly: _'It's nothing, it's just that I have some insights through this _battle. &

The four girls were stunned at the same time when they heard Su Chu's words. Zhou Zhiruo and the three girls knew exactly what kind of bottleneck Su Chu had reached. They never thought that Su Chu might break through again. If Su Chu did break through, then Su Chu "Okay, let's go down! Zhiruo, take Qi'er and bring all the people from Yinyang Valley to Shenshui Palace. I don't have any special thoughts compared to those guys." Su Chu sneered ...

Chapter 68: Xue Xiaoren

Chapter 68: Xue Xiaoren

The sneer on Li Qi's face became more intense: "Master, how dare you think about my Yin Yang family just because of those trash?" &

Su Chu shook her head with a smile and said: "People, I never want a powerful force to be above my head forever. Even if Shaolin and Wudang show a little decadence, I am afraid that the whole world will be destroyed." There are countless people who secretly kill. &

Su Chu has really seen this matter. Wudang, who is proud of the world, and Shaolin, who is relying on the sky, seem to be the hands of Su Chu, but in fact, those people are not good people in secret. Do you want to die?/p>

"I see. Li Qi nodded firmly and followed Zhou Zhiruo to leave.

Su Chu looked at the two daughters who left and smiled lightly. I'm afraid this trip will be another bloody storm, right?But what does this have to do with me?

After thinking for a while, an ancient book has fallen into Su Chu's hands. After experiencing three worlds in a row, Su Chu found helplessly that his task of collecting martial arts secret books has not been completed until now, and according to the system's explanation, he may only complete it. about a tenth.

Thinking of the difficulty of that task, Su Chu shook his head helplessly, handed the ancient book in his hand to Yin Ji and said lightly: "This is the formation of the Yin Yang family, and it will be arranged around Tianchi. Some mechanism beasts and mechanism techniques will be arranged, so that Tianchi's comfort can be guaranteed. &

"Young master, Yin Ji looked at Su Chu as if she was confessing her funeral, and couldn't help but worry.

Qiu Lingsu didn't say a word but looked at Su Chu differently. Although the time we spent together was short, Qiu Lingsu had never seen Su Chu look like this.

Su Chu looked at Yin Ji's appearance, and said with a helpless smile: "Where did you think?"go Go!It's just that the battle with Xue Yiren gave me a lot of insight, some things really need to calm down and sort them out&? ?'

?? Follow orders! "Knowing that things were not what she thought, Yin Ji took Qiu Lingsu and left.

Watching the four girls leave, the sword energy in Su Chu's hand flashed through, and the purple energy-gathering blade reappeared, but the strange thing was that half of the color was blood red, and Su Chu's complexion was uncontrollable Pale, it looked like he was seriously injured.

_'Although I don't know if it will be successful, but this is definitely an attempt. If it succeeds, the chance of breaking through the peerless distance will increase again

up. &


Following the huge explosion in the Yin Yang Valley in front of him, Li Qi stood on the mountain not far away, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, and sneered: "Go and deal with the fish that slipped through the net, these guys who don't use their own strength You are not qualified to leave this Yin Yang Valley.&

"Follow me! &

The ten jade female guards disappeared, but Li Qi had a deep expression and didn't know what he was thinking. His eyes were thinking intensely. After a long time until all ten jade female guards returned, Li Qi finally made up his mind and said in a low voice. :&how is the situation? "

"Let's tell Ms. Ni that the [-] people who went to the Yin Yang Valley were all killed.

"Very good, let's go." Li Qi took one last look at the Yin-Yang Valley where he had lived for five years. With a trace of emotion in his eyes, he turned his head and left. His real emotional destination is his master, not this Yin-Yang Valley. The place where I live, as long as my master is there, then that is my home.

In fact, just as Su Chu expected, the world was full of surprises immediately after learning that Xue Yiren died tragically in Tianchi, but Su Chu did not leave Tianchi afterwards, which made many people have some strange ideas. Zhou Zhiruo had just picked up the people in the Yin Yang Valley, and within three days, someone came.

It's a pity that they all stayed here in the end. Since they knew that there were enemies coming, how could Zhou Zhiruo and Li Qiong let them leave sadly?

On the other side, Zhou Zhiruo stopped in front of a man in red, and said calmly, "Xue Xiaoren, right?" h

"Zhou Zhiruo!" Xue Xiaoren stared at the woman in front of him, and suddenly dozens of men in black appeared behind him.

Just like the original book, although Xue Yiren has not retired to the Jianghu yet, Xue Xiaoren has already started to organize a killer organization. It may not reach the level in the original book, but it is still very simple to know a person's name in this martial arts.

Zhou Zhiruo looked at these well-trained killers. Although they were not as good as the Jinyiwei led by Yang Qian, they were not weak, and they could be considered a good killer organization.

"??? What a pity & Zhou Zhiruo shook her head.

There was a cruel smile on Xue Xiaoren's slightly rounded mouth; "What a pity? &

Zhou Zhiruo said gently: "Your lives are a pity. If you have nothing to do with Xue Yiren, maybe you can really grow into the world's most famous killer organization in the world." &

"Really?" Xue Xiaoren sneered: "As long as I kill you, I can also grow into the number one killer organization."

There was a loud fist clenched, Xue Xiaoren hated his brother, but it is undeniable that he loves his brother, and Xue Xiaoren is also a smart person who knows that his brother is for his own good, but his brother is dead, how can he surpass him?How could Xue Xiaoren accept this.

This time it seemed that Zhou Zhiruo stopped (Qian Lizhao) Xue Xiaoren, but in fact it was Xue Xiaoren who somehow obtained Zhou Zhiruo's journey and stopped Zhou Zhiruo, or it could be said that his own journey was revealed by Zhou Zhiruo himself S went out to catch Xue Xiaoren, a big fish.

Su Chu has been teaching Zhou Zhiruo the truth that weeds need to be rooted out, and Zhou Zhiruo also understands that since Xue Yiren is killed, Xue Xiaoren must not stay, not to mention that Xue Xiaoren is more dangerous than his brother Xue Yiren to some extent. .

After all, whoever is dangerous between a killer organization and a peerless swordsman must be aware of it?The former makes people fear, while the latter only makes the world fear, but the former can assassinate the world, but the latter cannot be done in a short time.

Looking at Xue Xiaoren's eyes, Zhou Zhiruo said with a faint smile: "I'm afraid you don't know, I let you know all this, right?"

Chapter 69: Time flies (fourth update, please subscribe)

Chapter 69: Time flies (fourth update, please subscribe)

Xue Xiaoren's complexion changed. Although his IQ is not the best in the ages, he is definitely a smart person.

The moment Xue Xiaoren saw Zhou Zhiruo for the first time, he knew that he was not Zhou Zhiruo's opponent at all, and since he could get Zhou Zhiruo's trace, there was only one possibility, all of which Zhou Zhiruo wanted to let himself know.

The hunter and the prey are changing rapidly, but no matter whether to give in or not, Xue Xiaoren must bring someone to assassinate Zhou Zhiruo. This is his own obsession, and his two brothers are also dependent on each other. No one avenged him.

Although Zhou Zhiruo is not good at strategy, it is a pity that Zhou Zhiruo is not an idiot. The passage of time has changed Zhou Zhiruo differently from ordinary people. Until today, it is very easy for Zhou Zhiruo to calculate others.

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