Chapter 29: The ants must shut up

"Where are you cheating?" However, Huang Rong, who was originally on guard, couldn't help but swear when she saw the four people who jumped out. Looking at Su Chu, who seemed to be smiling but not smiling, she glared and said, "Did you do it on purpose?" Didn't tell me? I just wanted to see Miss Ben make a fool of herself.&

"Of course not, how could I be that kind of person!" Su Chu smiled and shook her head.

Huang Rong murmured in her heart, "Aren't you weird? You are the worst person, you are the worst person. No, I have to be careful, or I won't let him buy it someday. Count the money for him "This girl seems to be warning me! "Su Chu knew what Huang Rong was thinking just by looking at Huang Rong, but would such vigilance be useful to Su Chu? The answer is of course no!

Of course it's not because these four people are very strong, on the contrary, the four people are really too weak, the weak ones are almost like ordinary people, even in Huang Rong's eyes, they are ordinary people who set up some traps. It is estimated that these four people can be easily caught. Personally, it was precisely because of this that Huang Rong felt annoyed.

I actually became wary because of such four big ants?The dignified Huang Yaoshi's daughter, the descendant of Huang Chang, the creator of the Nine Yin Manual, actually became nervous because of four ants who were inferior to ordinary people. This was what annoyed Huang Rong the most.

Of course, Huang Rong is still just out of the rivers and lakes, and some things are not very clear. The weaker people in the rivers and lakes must not make small losses, especially those who are small shopkeepers. Disdain to hide, but these killers hiding in the dark don't care!A fatal blow is their skill.

Just like this time in Suzhou, if Su Chu hadn't suppressed the factory, I'm afraid there would have been people who didn't know what to do with the looks of Li Qi and Huang Rong.

"Boy! Hand over these two girls, I will spare your life today?." The leading man shouted loudly, and all four of them laughed.

The corner of Su Chu's mouth curled into a slight smile and said, "Do you know, little girl? Possessing beauty is not a sin, but the root of sin is having beauty but not having the power to protect it. This is the most terrible original sin." I understand! "Huang Rong nodded resolutely. She is a smart person. With a little touch from Su Chu, she immediately understood what Su Chu meant.

"It's good to understand." Su Chu smiled and nodded, looking at Li Qi who was full of smiles in his arms, he asked strangely: "What is Qi'er thinking?"

"Master, I was just thinking, these four ants are obviously not even comparable to some high-level robbers they met on the road, who gave them such courage?" Li Qi's words instantly aroused Huang Rong's attention interest.

Huang Rong lucked the four people, curled her lips and said: "It seems that these four people should have masters like bullies, and the masters of these four fools dote on their apprentices very much, otherwise they wouldn't be able to develop He has a defiant character, and an idiot-like defiant character. &

"It doesn't matter if it's a famous teacher or an evil teacher, but as long as the master likes it, he is a smart apprentice, but I really can't see how these four fools have the qualifications to be apprentices?" Li Qi continued laughing.

"Where are they qualified? Maybe it's because their master is an old woman who just raised a strong man!" Huang Rong couldn't help laughing as she spoke.

Seeing Huang Rong's sudden brain opening, Li Qi couldn't help falling into a cold sweat downstairs. Looking at Huang Rong with a giggling smile, did Li Qi suddenly feel that Huang Rong is a little devil at all?Such a belly ⏀ male ⊙ so Fang Sha Huang sheath cut Chun Meng excuse?/p>

But after looking at Su Chu and the four idiots with concave shapes, Li Qi suddenly couldn't help laughing. She couldn't help laughing even more foolishly, "You two little girls always feel that you are thinking about some very bad things." Su Chu narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the two girls, and patted her head helplessly.

"Not really, master!" Li Qiwei shook his head with a smile, and exchanged glances with Huang Rong. The two women who had a little bit of estrangement suddenly became as close as sisters because of this casual question. So you should never guess a woman's mind, you can't guess

...?Smelly brat


A crisp slap suddenly sounded, and Su Chu said coldly: "Ants should look like ants. When we talk, you have to shut up obediently."

"The damn brat dared to slap me in the face, haven't you heard of the name of Lao Tzu&Soul Breaking Knife" Shen Qinggang?It just so happens that today I will let you become my soul-destroyer! "The leading man or Shen Qing just let out an angry roar, and heard the big knife in his hand charge up, "So it's them!" Seeing the four people who shot at the same time, Su Chu understood who the person he met this time was.

In the entire Condor Shooting and even the Divine Condors, the weak cannot be weak, and the trash cannot be trash, just like what Li Pei said just now, with their cultivation level, even Li Qi meets robbers The few strong (Nuo Hao) robbers with advanced cultivation bases are not comparable.

This kind of cultivation base in this world is simply a waste of the world's aura!This world has such a strong aura of heaven and earth, it can be said that as long as you are not an idiot and have this bit of talent, as long as you practice hard, you can easily cultivate to become a third-rate or even a second-rate expert.

This also created a situation where low-level strength in this world is worthless, but in front of the three Yellow River Four Ghosts, the boss "Shen Qinggang, the soul-breaking knife", the second child "Life-seeking Spear & Wu Qinglie, the third child" Soul Whip & Ma Qingxiong, The fourth child? Mourning Axe" Qian Qingjian, these four guys are simply embarrassing to the world.

Su Chu really doubted that such a guy is the apprentice of Sha Tongtian, the "Dragon King of Ghost Gate", but does Sha Tongtian have no intentions?

Or is there any special deal between them! .

Chapter 30: The Yellow River destroys the gate!

Chapter 30: The Yellow River destroys the gate!

The inexplicable Su Chu suddenly thought of a stalk that she played very much when she was an otaku in her previous life. Su Chu couldn't help but shook her head and hurriedly threw that idea out, but the more she looked at the four ghosts of the Yellow River, the more she couldn't help but rise again came up with that idea.

"Is it true what I think?" Su Chu couldn't help but said helplessly.

"Master, what are you thinking?" Li Qi looked at Su Chu strangely, but feeling Li Qi's smile and malicious feeling, couldn't help but said: "Although I don't know what Master is thinking, but I always feel that you seem to be Thinking of something impolite!&

"It's nothing. I just think that Sha Tongtian, the master of the Four Ghosts of the Yellow River, is a man, and if he dotes on his four apprentices so much, do he regard his four apprentices as his beloved disciples or talk about his four apprentices halfway?" Chu stopped, saying half of some words is enough.

■Amount! '

How smart Huang Rong and Li Qi are, although they only spoke half of what they said, the two girls immediately understood. Human dialogue may seem long, but it is actually very long.

The reason for 930 is also very simple. The four ghosts of the Yellow River are too weak. They are so weak that even if they are angry, their attack speed is very slow. It is so slow that Su Chu feels that he just goes out to eat and sleep. The four of them may not come back. able to come before oneself.

"Hey!" With a slight sigh, Su Chu hooked her fingers slightly.

The next moment the breeze rose slightly, and Huang Rong looked at Su Chu keenly. Although Huang Rong now recognized her current identity, it did not mean that Huang Rong would not choose. She needed to carefully observe the source and trace of Su Chu's martial arts. I won't be an enemy of Su Chu in the future, but it's better to know more than less!

"Little girl, it's useless!" Su Chu pointed her finger slightly as she said.

, 捜,

The four of them were stiff in mid-air at the same time. Huang Rong looked at the faces of the four of them and suddenly showed a look of terror. At the same time, he fell to the ground bleeding from all seven orifices, and then died. The weird scene was like a ghost killing people!

Huang Rong said solemnly: "Magic Wood!"I never thought that you have practiced illusion to this level. &

"Essence of illusion is to confuse others, but when the illusion is truly practiced to the extreme, truth and falsehood are just a matter of thought." Su Chu raised his finger slightly, and said with a faint smile... Interesting! Really Interesting, but what I'm more curious about is that although I dare not claim to recognize hundreds of martial arts in Jianghu, I don't know that there is any one in Jianghu who is proficient in illusion?" Huang Rong praised.

Su Chu smiled lightly and said, "You don't have to blow me up, little girl, even if you know my master's inheritance, I'm afraid you won't be able to guess anything." &

"Really? I don't believe it." Huang Rong curled her lips and said, "If you don't dare to say it, you don't dare to say it."

&Rong'er! "Li Qi smiled helplessly.

Su Chu said lightly: "Since you want to know, it's okay to tell you. I learned from Taoism and inherited the secret method of the Yin-Yang family in the Qin and Han Dynasties. Do you know?" &

Huang Rong, who was originally confident and slow, immediately became like an eggplant beaten by frost. There is no way that Taoist and Yin-Yang school Huang Rong knows that Huang Chang was the official in charge of classics in Da Nei back then. Of course Huang Rong knew some things. Zibaijia is like the current martial arts sect.

It’s just that later Confucianism became dominant, because Zhang Liang, one of the three heroes in the early Han Dynasty, came from Confucianism, just as the Qin Dynasty followed Legalism because Li Si’s relationship was auspicious, and sometimes a good official represented a lot.

But (cefe) whether it is Zhang Liang or Li Si, they are all people who have left a mark on history, and the history of various schools of thought seems to be hidden. No matter how you search, you can only find clues. The only thing Huang Rong knew was that the Beggar Gang was born out of the No. [-] family in the world, and she didn't know anything about the rest.

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