

The breeze was blowing, and he slapped it out with one palm!


As if the sky was collapsing, the sound of the dragon vibrated loudly, I saw that what Hong Qigong used with his hands was the aggressive dragon, the pure golden dragon head gathered in the void, and Su Chu's figure did not know when to appear , The city brought by the bloody skull was gusts of wind.

'Crack, crack, crack,

The two took three steps back at the same time, but Su Chu had the upper hand in a vague way. Hong Qigong looked at Su Chu and praised: 11 Evil is not evil, and I don't know that there is another brother Yao in the rivers and lakes. The characters are good or bad. &

?? Are some things really good or bad? &.

Chapter 35: Change Hasn't Changed

Chapter 35: Change Hasn't Changed

"I am not an old beggar who is qualified to distinguish between good and bad. As my little brother said, Quanzhen Sect is called the Great Sect of the World, and it is a decent leader in the world today. However, what Qiu Chuji is doing today is colluding with the enemy and betraying the country. It is something that goes against the righteous way of the world." Hong Qigong said lightly, without the slightest intention to hide it, and it is precisely because of this that Hong Qigong has today's wisdom.

Su Chu smiled and said, "Since Qi Gong knew, why did Qi Gong save Qiu Chuji?"Qigong should understand that what Qiu Chuji did, I will definitely kill him! &

Hong Qigong sighed softly: "Old beggar, I still say the same thing. I owed Wang Chongyang a big favor back then, so even if the old beggar violated it today I must repay this favor in my heart.

The corners of Su Chu's mouth curled up slightly, and she said with a smile: "Not bad, not bad!"This is the Hong Qigong I know, the Hong Qigong I know! &

"Hong Qigong, promise me two things, I will let Qiu Chuji go today." Su Chu suddenly raised two fingers and smiled.

Hong Qigong nodded immediately without thinking: "Good!Not to mention two pieces, even five pieces, ten pieces 933 As long as the old beggar can do it, even if the old beggar is asked to commit suicide on the spot here, the old beggar will never frown. &

"It's not that serious!" Su Chu waved his hand and said, "I said that as long as two pieces are enough, then it's enough."

Hong Qigong showed an attitude of listening attentively, and Su Chu continued: ??The first thing is very simple. Qigong only needs to fight me. I want to see how I can fight against the five people who are known as the strongest in the world today. How is the individual. m

"That's not a problem, but the old beggar is very self-aware. From the blow just now, it can be seen that your strength, little brother, is probably stronger than the old beggar, but it's still not as good as Wang Chongyang back then. The ability to overwhelm the four of us depends on our strength. Hong Qigong's eyes are vicious and his comments are clear and logical.

Su Chu shook her head and said: First, it doesn't matter. You can only see many things when you see the real chapter in your hand. As for the second thing, I need the help of the beggar gang to destroy the Jin Dynasty!Dare to touch my woman, then death is their only consequence. "

"Okay!" Hong Qigong nodded and agreed without the slightest hesitation.

No one would want to offend a master like Su Chu, especially a master like Su Chu who didn't care about being alone, and no one would want to offend, just like everyone in the world would rather offend Hong Qigong, Master Yideng and Ouyang Feng. There is a reason for the unwilling sin yellow pharmacist.

Huang Yaoshi is alone, you are guilty of me, it is easy for me to kill, the other three are all rich and have a lot to worry about, and now Su Chu's cultivation level surpasses that of Hong Qigong, and he is even more unrestrained Which type of hanging, this kind of thinking about the Jin Dynasty, Hong Qigong can feel the chaos of the Jin Dynasty.

"Master!" At this moment, a figure suddenly stepped into the air.

Seeing the person coming, Huang Rong immediately showed a look of disgust on her face, and even curled her lips in disgust: "Why is this damn guy here again, and he even worships Hong Qigong as his teacher?" "

plum!Qi smiled and said: "Little girl, he is the child of luck, and with his honest character, the martial arts that suit him best is probably the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon. If that is the case, then of course his luck will arrange for him to learn it all the way to this world." The most fierce martial arts, and for example, you are the most beautiful girl in the world. &

"Sister Li is teasing her again!" Huang Rong shook her head shyly, but then said viciously: "But this guy, I just don't like this guy, honesty is nothing more than a hypocrite, and he is a villain with a hypocritical face." "

??Little girl, you seem to have a lot of opinions on my apprentice? "Hong Qigong's martial arts are so advanced, and Huang Rong has no hidden intentions at all, so the voice can be clearly heard, and he asked with a smile.

"Hmph!" Huang Rong snorted coldly, without saying a word, without even looking at anyone.

Of course, the only person who could be hated by Huang Rong so much is Guo Jing. In fact, Guo Jing is also very confused. Although he is honest, he also understands that women should not be offended, especially beautiful women, and gentlemen are gentlemen.

Guo Jing couldn't deny that he also had some thoughts about Huang Rong, but now this little idea has been completely broken. I don't know why Huang Rong just doesn't like him, Guo Jing finds it very strange.

In fact, although Guo Jing is not good-looking, he is definitely not ugly. With a standard burly physique with a Chinese character face, coupled with his youth and wealth, it can be said that this is not a problem.

"Master!" Guo Jing bowed to Hong Qigong respectfully.

"En!" Hong Qigong smiled and said to Su Chu: "This is Guo Jing, the old beggar's direct disciple. Although his qualifications are pure, he is definitely a good seed."

"Of course he is a good seedling." Su Chu said with a smile: "Qi Gong, your apprentice's achievements will surpass yours in the future, and he will become a new generation of Wang Chongyang-"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked. Su Chu had already cultivated Yin-Yang Art to an extremely high level. Now, in Su Chu's eyes, Guo Jing was just like a real martial artist, even more so than nothing. After worshiping Hong Qigong as his teacher, the luck on his body became even more terrifying.

But what makes Su Chu even more curious is that the plot has not changed, or has it changed, or has it not changed?

Under Su Chu's calculations, Guo Jing did part ways with Huang Rong. He even said that Huang Rong hated Guo Jing unilaterally, but even so, Guo Jing still worshiped Hong Qigong as his teacher. Without Huang Rong's help, he still succeeded in his apprenticeship. Yes, and in this short period of one month.

The most important thing is that Guo Jing, who accepted Guo Jing as a direct disciple under Huang Rong's aggressive method, has now become Guo Jing's direct disciple, and under the guidance of Hong Qigong, he cultivated Hong Qigong's unique internal strength and Quanzhen's inner strength has two □ pure inner strength, Guo Jing's current martial arts can be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds.

Su Chu suddenly felt interesting. Can manpower conquer the sky?

Chapter 36: The Seven Lords of War Hong

However, whether manpower can conquer the sky is not important. What is important is that Su Chu can be invincible in the world. Guo Jing is indeed the son of luck in the present age, but so what?He is not his opponent!It is even said that Su Chu can easily kill Guo Jing now as long as he wants to. This is the gap, and even in the future, the gap will not be narrowed very much.

"Okay, Qigong, I'm not interested in your apprentice, come on." Su Chu raised his palm slightly, and the bloody light between his palms began to permeate.

"Okay! *? Hong Qigong is obviously also excited. There will never be anyone who doesn't want to fight in a warrior. Wen Wu is the first and Wu Wu is the second. This is the foundation of a warrior. Meeting people who are similar to him is even better. Those who are stronger than themselves want to defeat him, and it is the instinct of a warrior to challenge him.

Since the battle on the top of Mount Hua [-] years ago, Hong Qigong hasn't had a hearty battle for a long time, and today maybe Su Chu can bring himself such a battle.


The two of them hadn't moved yet, when suddenly the air exploded. Guo Jing and Huang Rong might not be able to find out because of their cultivation, but Li Jing, whose body had almost recovered, could clearly feel the center of the two of them. The attack that was roaring.

The invisible sword energy and the invisible long dragon bombarded and collided between the two, the fearful force seemed to turn the world upside down-Yixiang "Not good!" Guo Jing hurriedly hid, while Huang Rong was very smart Hiding behind Li Qi, the surrounding trees were completely scattered by the terrifying aura, and the scattered trees even stopped completely in mid-air, as if time had stopped at this moment.


The figures of the two people suddenly disappeared, and the figures of Su Chu and Hong Qigong appeared out of thin air in the next moment, and the bloody handprint of the skeleton with Su Chu's palm seemed to rise up behind him, and the bloody skeleton that blocked the sky was only at this moment. He showed his true power, and Hong Qigong f!Not daring to be careless, he slapped Kanglong Youhu, one of the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon that he is most familiar with.

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