Abandoning all things is the ruthless way. Taking the world and all things as ants and the common people as dogs is the way, and it is also the last way of the way. In the way of ruthlessness, the common people are just ants under their own calculations. , It's a pity that they will never be able to reach that state, and only those two people have really reached that state throughout the ages!

"Sure enough, there is a problem." Su Chu was a little lucky about the position of the back mountain. At that position, Su Chu felt that the figure with the aura of the ancient tomb was getting closer and closer, even just one step away from him. Of course, this one step away is Compared to a strong man like Su Chu.

Su Chu can be sure that Lin Chaoying will definitely stop him when he kills the killer in pain, but Su Chu does not intend to simply kill the entire Quanzhen Sect, but is waiting, waiting for the awakening of this breath, and finally In Nanshan, Su Chu felt another breath of Wujue.

However, compared to Su Chu and Lin Chaoying, this breath is too weak, so weak that it seems to be abnormally weak, but the smile on the corner of Su Chu's mouth is getting thicker and thicker, because Su Chu is very concerned about the person in front of him. It's getting more and more interesting.

Because he is becoming stronger step by step, and Su Chu is very fast, compared to appearing soon, Su Chu really wants to see who can have such a cultivation base, and more importantly, Su Chu feels I'm afraid I still don't fully understand this world, and some things still need to be carefully observed.

"You villain, how dare you lose your mind while I'm waiting for the Big Dipper array...?" Su Chu seemed to have been thinking for a long time when he said it, but in fact it was only a split second. changes everything.

It's like now that Ma Yu immediately saw the opportunity and made a sudden move. The strike was ruthless without the slightest hesitation, not at all like a master of Taoism, and the other Quanzhen Seven fully cooperated with Ma Yu's movements, even if Yin Zhiping couldn't keep up The movements of the seven people are also very fast, but there is only a slight flaw.

Su Chu took a look at Yin Zhiping, who is worthy of being entrusted to the entire Quanzhen Sect in the future. Although his aptitude is not good, his character and methods are considered good. At that moment, Su Chu could tell that Yin Zhiping had suffered internal injuries, so he forcibly He caught up to the speed of the Quanzhen Seven Sons.

"Not bad, not bad, but it's a pity that your entire title has been ruined because of Dragon Knight in this life." Su Chu's eyes narrowed, showing endless murderous intent. To be honest, he is not interested in Yin Zhiping and Su Chu, but it is undeniable that Su Chu Chu hates Yin Zhiping very much.

As for the reason, everyone must understand that the pure and flawless little dragon girl was defiled because of Yin Zhiping. , then just prepare to kill Yin Zhiping.

"So die! u Su Chu moved suddenly, the attack of the seven people was just a joke to Su Chu.

In the original book, the Big Dipper array formed by seven people can stop Huang Yaoshi. That's because at that time it was the real Quanzhen Seven, not the current Big Dipper array that was counted by Yin Zhiping. If seven people work together, otherwise the power they will display will not be as good as the full power.

And the Quanzhen Seven Masters have been brothers for so many years, how can Yin Zhiping be comparable, all in all, the current Big Dipper array is definitely inferior to Qiu Chuji's Big Dipper array, not just a chip, it is not at all. levels are comparable.

? Not good Ma Yu wanted to say something, but it was too late


Su Chu didn't know when he had arrived in front of Yin Zhiping, and the two closest to Yin Zhiping rushed to attack, but at this moment time seemed to stand still, in fact, only Su Chu and Yin Zhiping were left, Everything calmed down.

"How is it possible? Such infuriating, damn it! The Quanzhen Sect has provoked such a monster and made a helpless voice hiding in that kind of figure. Even she can't save Yin Zhiping.

This is the combination of illusion and true qi, in Su Chu's hands (De Nuo's), it has become supernatural, and ordinary people can't compare it at all.

Although Yin Zhiping trembled under Su Chu's aura, he raised his head firmly and looked directly at Su Chu. His handsome face was full of firmness, without any hint of fear.

Su Chu said interestingly: First, your name is Yin Zhiping, right? &

"That's right, Quanzhen junior Yin Zhiping has met Mr. Su." Yin Zhiping seemed very natural to be humble.

"Do you know why I killed you?" Su Chu asked lightly.

"I don't know!" Yin Zhiping shook his head very naturally, and said:! .But for someone like Mr. Su, does he need a reason to kill me, an unknown junior? "

"Yes, your reason is very good?&

With a hook of Su Chu's palm, he hummed six times at the same time, and the Big Dipper burst

Chapter 80: Qiu Chuji Comes Back to Life

Chapter 80: Qiu Chuji Comes Back to Life

Ma Yu and the other six fell to the ground. It wasn't that they didn't want to get up, but that the terrifying force was oppressing them. They had no room to resist. It wasn't until this moment that they realized that they could deal with Su Chu. It was simply that Su Chu wanted to kill himself and others, otherwise all the people present might have died in just an instant.

"Is there really only such a little ability?" Su Chu turned his head and his eyes were full of disdain.

This is also the reason why formations are not very popular in this world, formations have all kinds of restrictions, just like the Quanzhen Qizi Yixiang in front of you, the combination of seven people has the power to counter the five uniques, and even resist the power of the five uniques , but if there are only six people, it's just one less person, and there are even substitutes, but even if the power exerted like this is compared with the real Big Dipper array, I don't know how far it is. Otherwise, formations would have replaced martial arts a long time ago. After all, not everyone has enough determination to become a generation of powerhouses.

"It seems that although you are young at 193 years old, you are indeed very enlightened. If so, then I will send you to die!" Su Chu slowly slapped down.

The ordinary palm was getting bigger and bigger in Yin Zhiping's eyes. He wanted to avoid it, but in the end he found that no matter how he roared in his heart, he could only watch helplessly as the attack got bigger and bigger. The closer it is, the more I can't avoid it, or I don't have the qualifications to avoid it at all.

"Is this my last life?" Yin Zhiping was expressionless but roared like a beast in his heart: "I am not reconciled! I am not reconciled! My ambition has not been fulfilled yet. I want to become the leader of the martial arts, and even I want to be:

"You are nothing." Su Chu's faint voice rang in Yin Zhiping's ear, and the next moment his palm fell, Yin Zhiping finally closed his eyes in despair.


The breeze was blowing, but the pain he imagined did not come, Yin Zhiping couldn't help but slowly opened his eyes, looking at the man who was dragging him with one hand and avoiding Su Chu's attack, the pain in Yin Zhiping's eyes There was a flash of light, and when he fully saw the face of the visitor, Yin Zhiping couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise: "Master?" &

It was true that the person who came was Qiu Chuji. Qiu Chuji hugged him all over his body, his long pale hair had turned black, and his old face in his thirties turned into that of a handsome boy in his twenties at this moment. This sudden situation made everyone stunned.

This even includes Su Chu. Except for Su Chu, everyone in the Quanzhen Sect understands Qiu Chuji's tragic situation. As Qiu Chuji's major disciple, Yin Zhiping naturally needless to say. Yin Zhiping looked at Qiu Chuji and couldn't help but said in surprise: "Master How could you?&

"Good! Good! Good!" Qiu Chuji looked at Yin Zhiping and praised continuously: "Zhiping, you really did not disappoint the master. You are very good. At the critical moment, you are worthy of being a disciple of my Quanzhen Sect. The dignity of the true religion does not waste the cultivation of the master."

Qiu Chuji is obviously very satisfied with Yin Zhiping, and it is true that since ancient times, standing in front of a master like Su Chu, how many people can live and die with Yin Zhiping like this, and even since the two sides fought, there have been many The disciple left secretly.

Of course Ma Yu and the others knew about these people's situation, but they didn't go back to stop them, because it was their choice. Even though their disciples named Abi were Quanzhen sect disciples, they didn't have obligations (cebf) and Quanzhen sect. The True Sect survives and dies together, and the Quanzhen Sect has no obligation to make them give everything for the Quanzhen Sect.

After all, their relationship with Quanzhen Sect is not simply a master-student relationship, but a relationship of interests. When there are interests in anything, then it is not so simple

However, these things have nothing to do with Su Chu. Although Su Chu took a look at the young man who was hiding in the crowd and looked at Yin Zhiping with complex and dark eyes, the corner of his mouth curled up, and his eyes fell like Qiu Chuji's and said interestingly: "I didn't expect that you could recover from such an injury." &

"I never thought that I would have the chance to stand in front of you again." Qiu Chuji walked towards Su Chu step by step.

Every step seemed to shake Su Chu's aura. As Qiu Chuji walked in front of Su Chu, all the terrifying aura that bound Ma Yu and others disappeared, and a very interesting smile appeared on the corner of Su Chu's mouth. : "What a pure Taoist zhenqi, no, this should be innate zhenqi!" u

The true qi contained in every person who breaks through the innate can be called the innate true qi, but after all, these innate true qi are all returned from the day after tomorrow, so they are not the real innate true qi, the real innate true qi is The real qi contained in the dantian when the baby was just born, that real qi is the real congenital zhenqi o

Su Chu once created a martial art by chance and coincidence, just like the magic art that Zheng He learned from Zhang Sanfeng back then. This martial art is a person who has no foundation in martial arts and can absorb the innate innocence of infant jl Qi, so that you will have real innate Qi from the most basic time, and there is no problem in prolonging your life.

It's a pity that this martial art is a magic art. Innate true energy only exists for babies who have just been born for one day, and it is the foundation of the baby's survival. Only such true energy babies can survive. It can be said that in order to practice which kind of magic art just need to kill countless babies jlo

That is the real magic skill. Su Chu didn't even copy it down and put it in the Sutra Pavilion under the Tongque Terrace, and kept it in his mind forever without letting anyone know about it.

"My Quanzhen teaching is broad and profound, so it's so simple." Qiu Chuji said very confidently.

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