However, the Zhirou Kongming Fist bloomed in Zhou Botong's hands, so it cannot be underestimated. There is an essential difference between Hong Qigong and Zhou Botong. As he practiced, his hair turned blacker and blacker, from white to black. Apparently Zhou Botong had seen the essence of Taoism because of his urchin-like disposition, and saw many things that others couldn't see. Compare it.

If we were to compete with the five masters in the latter area, I am afraid that Zhou Botong is the one who is most likely and most hopeful to become a Grand Master. As long as Ying Gu dies and Prince Duan dies, the last two knots in his heart are resolved. , Zhou Botong is the representative of invincibility.

Too bad it's all ruined now!

Zhou Botong was destroyed in the hands of Wang Chongyang, also in the hands of Quanzhen Sect, and 547 was destroyed in the hands of Su Chu, just like what Su Chu said, although Zhou Botong was like a naughty boy by nature, he was a child of the same age. However, urchins are also a kind of person with ultimate feelings, and children will always be the spokesperson of feelings.

The death of Wang Chongyang back then caused a great blow to Zhou Botong, which is why Zhou Botong has made so little progress over the years, and why there is no Zhou Botong in the long river of the future, Su Chu can probably guess with his eyes closed, the reason is that Shaolin comes out of the mountains, Wudang rises!

The juxtaposition of the two sects completely destroyed Quanzhen Sect, making it impossible for Quanzhen Sect to continue to compete, and naturally it was on the verge of extinction.

With the demise of Quanzhen Sect, a hole appeared in Zhou Botong's heart, and if he could not take revenge, he would naturally be unable to break through, just like now is Zhou Botong's chance. If he can kill Su Chu, then the future will really be a bright future. If so, Zhou Botong is really qualified to stabilize the grand master, if not, then death is the only end!

, 捜.

With a hook of Su Chu's palm, the emerald green light condensed into a long emerald green whip that instantly wrapped around Zhou Botong's arm, making it impossible for Zhou Botong to take a step forward.

"Do you think this is the end?" Zhou Botong sneered, raised his other hand suddenly, and dropped his palm suddenly. It turned out to be a completely different force from the Kongming Fist. It was extremely cold, and it was for the Quanzhen Sect to break through the frost. palm method'

This palm technique is the strongest palm technique of the Quanzhen Sect. It has been lost in the Quanzhen Sect. It is different from the Xiantian Kung Fu, which is still recorded. This palm technique is too difficult to practice, so it has been passed down orally, even if it is Qiu Chuji, who had broken through innate talent, couldn't practice because he didn't have cheats, otherwise Qiu Chuji who had practiced this palm technique would not be so easy to lose.

And besides the dead Wang Chongyang, Zhou Botong is the only one who knows this set of palm techniques in today's world!

"Left and right fighting skills? Su Chu sneered at the corners of his mouth, and at the same time, he combined his hands together with Yin-Yang Ai-Qi Handprints and Ten Thousand Leaf Flying Flower Flow. The two advanced Yin-Yang techniques resisted Zhou Botong's ice-breaking palm technique."


The violent collision made Shi Wen seem to stop for an instant, and everything froze at this moment. Su Chu let out a breath of foul air, and slowly looked at Zhou Botong with a surprised expression on his face.

"It's strange why I know the same martial arts?" Su Chu said with a faint smile, "Don't ever think that you are the only smart person in the world." You don't need to teach me." Zhou Botong snorted coldly, both (bsp; ) shook his hand slightly, the collision just now made Zhou Botong's blood churn, and it took a little time to stabilize.

It's not that simple to use one mind, or even internal energy. Don't look at how simple Su Chu and Zhou Botong are doing. It's because they both have special martial arts. As for why Lin Chaoying can do it, it's all because Cultivating jade girls have a calm mind and a very strong rationality, just like a computer that has completed all the calculations so it can be done.

You let Hong Qigong try to use the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms and the Kongming Fist at the same time. You don’t need to think about it, you must be crazy. On the contrary, it will reduce the power, the reason is that it is not so simple to use one mind for two purposes!

This is also the main reason why the secret techniques of the Yin Yang family must be divided into the three masters of the sun, the moon, and the stars, and the elders of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. A person's energy is limited, and not everyone has Su Chu. Energy can bring together a hundred schools of martial arts.

"Don't you hate your senior brother?" Su Chu also stopped, but said suddenly.

"What did you say?" Zhou Botong didn't seem to hear Yixiang clearly.

Su Chu sneered, and said lightly: "Zhou Botong, you are a smart person, no matter whether you are a naughty boy or not, you are a smart person no matter what, you should understand what I mean, you really don't Hate your brother? &

"I opened my mouth and Zhou Botong was silent. He didn't know what he should say, hate? But his senior brother gave him everything today, if he said he didn't hate it! But it was also his senior brother who bound him here, Otherwise, with my own aptitude, I would have already broken through to the Grandmaster and advanced like a Grandmaster.

"Sure enough, when Su Chu looked at Zhou Botong, he knew that Zhou Botong knew everything, but whether Zhou Botong was willing to face it or not.

Zhou Botong sighed softly for a long time, but the next moment he showed a smile, a very bitter smile, and the laughter became louder and louder, until finally it even resounded through the entire sky, and the crazy voice exploded in the world: "Yes!"I, Zhou Botong, seem to be a joke, I have always been manipulated by others, manipulated r

"Hey!" Su Chu also sighed softly. Anyone who encountered such a thing would probably not be able to bear it.

Blood and tears mixed and dripped down from Zhou Botong's blood red eyes! .

Chapter 101: Battle Battle Battle

Chapter 101: Fight, fight, fight

Tick, tick, tick. The blood dripped on the ground and made a sound like steam evaporating. Su Chu looked at Zhou Botong, who looked like tears in front of him, and sighed slightly. Zhou Botong is not an idiot. Everything, but he didn't want to say it because he understood.

Because Zhou Botong doesn't have any relatives in this world, when he loses his senior brother again, he is really lonely. Do you really think the feeling of being alone is so good? So Zhou Botong endured all this Come down, but endure it doesn't mean it didn't happen, this layer of window paper was pierced by Su Chu, Zhou Botong still felt heartbroken.

It would be absolutely impossible for Wang Chongyang to say he didn't know about the matter with Ying Gu back then. With Zhou Botong's cultivation back then, trying to hide it from Wang Chongyang is pure nonsense?What's more, the reason why Wang Chongyang gave Master Yideng innate skills is a deal. In this world, never think that there is such a hero who is a great hero for the country and the people, it is absolutely impossible-exist of.

Is Qiao Feng considered a thousand heroes?But even such a person will never show mercy in Juxian Village. Guo Jing can be called a hero, but he will do the same when facing those who want to kill him. In the unchangeable rivers and lakes, people are not alone!

It can be said that Wang Chongyang calculated Zhou Botong, Lin Chaoying, everyone, and the world for his Quanzhen Sect. Unfortunately, he did not calculate the appearance of Su Chu, so his failure was already doomed .

"Hey! Thousands of words can only be turned into a sigh, but Zhou Botong's figure slowly regained his composure.

Zhou Botong straightened the black hair of those dancing wildly, and the blood-colored eyes slowly faded as if they had lost their life, but at this moment Su Chu became more dignified.

Zhou Botong who can't see through is not scary, but Zhou Botong who can't see through is different. He is qualified to be his opponent, even a master of the same level as himself.

"You have become stronger!" Su Chu looked at Zhou Botong and said lightly.

Zhou Botong gave a bleak smile, and said gently: "Thank you for all of this. After so many years, I have finally understood that some things can be solved without running away. Understanding does not mean the end. Some things are just like this, and no one can change them." &

"Understood? Su Chu smiled: "In this case, do you still want to dedicate your life to Quanzhen Sect? "

"I don't think I will lose!" Zhou Botong grinned suddenly and said: "Besides, I think I have changed to live on my own, but no matter how Quanzhen taught me, I can be regarded as his master and uncle. My juniors, they died at your hands. I need to find a reason for them. Is there a problem? &

"No! No! No!" Su Chu laughed and said: "Not at all, I never thought Zhou Botong would see through so much in just such a short sentence. If you don't die today, you will have a place in the future after all. .&

"Maybe! But before that, I have to defeat you." Zhou Botong's face darkened, and suddenly his figure moved.

Phantom, formless!

In the eyes of these ordinary people, the two people are like two phantoms. Su Chu tilted his head slightly, and the Kongming fist that flew past his ear whizzed past, and Zhou Botong raised his palm slightly and turned his body slightly sideways. , that terrifying skeleton blood handprint is only a tiny bit away from his heart.

"What kind of martial art is this? The two of them fought very fast, but Zhou Botong laughed loudly.

"What's my sect called?" In the time he asked, Su Chu's hands once again showed the Yin-Yang Aiqi handprint with thousands of red lights.


A clear and pleasant voice came, Su Chu looked at Zhou Botong whose hands were frightening and thick with true energy, there was a slight difference in his eyes, Su Chu was clear about the power of the Yin-Yang Qi handprint.

In fact, there are two attack methods of the Yin-Yang Aura Mudra, the first is a large-scale attack, and the second is similar to what Su Chu has in his hands now, the red energy contained in his hands is positive It is another version of the yin and yang amalgamation mudra, and it is an attack that contains strong true energy.

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