Su Chu's clear and indifferent voice slowly spread to everyone's ears, some disdain, some reluctance, some disagree, but without exception, everyone looked at Su Chu with respect in their eyes, for The respect of the strong, they can't deny that if they change their position, they will definitely die.Even Huang Yaoshi and the others knew that even if they could defeat Qiu Qianren, they would never be as easy as Su Chu showed.

"How? **Su Chu's eyes fell on Du Kong again, and Du Kong closed his eyes silently, but said softly: "Mr. Su is indeed a well-deserved master of Taoism. Mr. Su doesn't bother to give advice.&

"Naturally!" Su Chu smiled even more interestingly.

"Five-five-seven" Because Su Chu saw Du Kong's movements, Du Kong even glanced at Huang Chang, as if to say, did he see that this kid was challenging you? Do top masters really care about so much false fame, or a reputation that is useless at all?

Isn't this pure nonsense?If Huang Chang really cared about it, he would not be able to get to where he is today. The strong will not necessarily let go of everything, but what is certain is that the strong can definitely let go of everything. Fame is just something outside of the body, and it is natural to use it when it is not needed. Throw the oyster.

Just like Zhang Sanfeng didn't care about the so-called number one title in the world, but when someone stood in front of him, Zhang Sanfeng didn't suggest calling them human beings.

"Then, Master Dukong doesn't know who the next master Shaolin Temple will send out? **Su Chu slightly set his sights on Hong Qigong and Master Yideng.

But Yideng closed his eyes slightly, while Hong Qigong's eyes fell on Lin Chaoying.

"Why did you obey him?" Hong Qigong suddenly spoke after being silent for a moment.

The voices of the two were very low, and only a few people around could hear them. Hong Qigong was not afraid that others would know his thoughts, so what could he do if he fell in love with Lin Chaoying? It is normal for men and women to love each other. of!

"Why do you obey him?" Lin Chaoying was silent.

What flickered in those dark and beautiful eyes was fear, but also a touch of tenderness!

It is undeniable that Su Chu is indeed a very gentle person to women. Lin Chaoying is entirely because she wants to break the restrictions of the Jade Heart Sutra, and Su Chu really wants to play, but with such a posture, in Su Chu's heart After branding enough.

Su Chu's tenderness towards Lin Chaoying is irresistible, and Lin Chaoying can't help but get lost in that kind of extreme tenderness. The intertwining of hatred and tenderness makes Lin Chaoying still not understand what she is for Su Chu. What kind of mentality.

But it is undeniable that whether it is the Ancient Tomb Sect or Wang Chongyang, everything has faded in Lin Chaoying's heart, only the figure of this young man with a Taoist embrace and an always indifferent face is always lingering in her heart , as if forever, never can dissipate.

"I don't know either." Lin Chaoying shook her head, not saying much about Hong Qigong's affection for her. It's not that Lin Chaoying can't see it, but so what? Lin Chaoying doesn't care at all, the side effects of the Jade Heart Sutra It was so terrible, Su Chu broke into Lin Chaoying's heart with a very terrifying gesture, and Hong Qigong obviously did not have such qualifications, so naturally Lin Chaoying didn't care.

"It turns out that with such a bitter smile, Hong Qigong understood.

Everything is self-indulgent, maybe this is the difference between good and evil, Hong Qigong is a standard decent person, he will not force others, and if Su Chu is replaced, it will be a very terrible method, but the facts have proved that Su Chu The method is indeed very good, at least now Lin Chaoying can hardly accommodate other things in her heart.

"It's your turn to strike.

Du Kong's voice suddenly sounded beside his ears, and Hong Qigong said coldly: "I know!"

"Don't forget what happened to your beggar gang back then, and what you got from Shaolin, you killed Su Chu, you killed him at all costs & Du Kong's voice was full of coldness and endless chill.

Hong Qigong nodded unobtrusively, jumped up, and disappeared in place like a dragon going out to sea.

Su Chu looked at Hong Qigong who fell in front of her out of nowhere, and suddenly admired: "It's really curious, you have improved so much in just a few months? I'm very curious, you have made progress in the past few months. In the end what happened?&

"You don't need to know - Hong Qigong's voice is very cold.

"I don't know, then I don't know." Su Chu shook his head.

The most terrible hatred between men is nothing more than the hatred of killing their father and taking their wife!

The fundamental hatred between Yang Tiexin and Wanyan Honglie is the latter, so the two of them can only live without dying or cultivating until one of them dies, and the same is true for Su Chu and Hong Qigong now, of course this is just what Hong Qigong thinks, Su Chu has no such ideas at all.

Because in short, Su Chu didn't like Hong Qigong at all, and besides, Lin Chaoying never looked at Hong Qigong directly from the beginning to the end. It's totally unscientific for Su Chu to be jealous. Is this necessary?To put it bluntly, it was Hong Qigong's unrequited love at all, and he was rejected later.

To put it bluntly, **Si's confession like a goddess was rejected, and after that **Si said she wanted to kill Gao Fu 1.3 Shuai.

Although Hong Qigong is a very high-end technical nerd, it's a pity who made Su Chu an abnormally tall, rich and handsome man!


A beast-like roar emanated from Hong Qigong's body. It was an aura of madness. At this moment, Hong Qigong exuded an aura different from that of human beings.

"You've gone astray." Su Chu said indifferently as he watched Hong Qigong shake his head.

"It can kill you, so what if it's a crooked way?" Hong Qigong said confidently: "What's more, I am confident that even evil martial arts can exert the power of righteousness in my hands."

As soon as Hong Qigong finished speaking, he suddenly disappeared, and a deep pit appeared on the solid ground, and it was still spreading around...

Chapter 118: Like a Dragon God

Chapter 118: Like a Dragon God

Regarding Hong Qigong's words, Su Chu was helpless, nothing but helplessness. This is the standard. I am a decent person, and what I said is the right idea!Hello, your martial arts practice is crooked, even equal to the evil martial arts, just because you are the leader of the decent beggar gang, you are the right way, but in the end, they are the evil way.

"Hong Qigong, I look down on you more and more." Su Chu's voice was very cold.

If Su Chu still admired Hong Qigong very much when we first met, then now Su Chu really looks down on Hong Qigong, because the current Hong Qigong has changed, and he is no longer the one who was accepted for many reasons. Hong Qigong, known as a hero above the rivers and lakes, is a cold and vicious person. If such a person is a villain, he is another Ouyang Feng, not even comparable to Ouyang Feng.

"It's not because of you! W Hong Qigong let out an angry roar, and slapped out with a palm, and eighteen golden dragons flew across the sky in an instant.

It's just that the eighteen golden dragons now are different from the eighteen three-clawed golden dragons at that moment, but the five-clawed golden dragons. What's more important is that the position of the dragon's most critical inverse scales is not the golden scales but the pitch-black scales. Ink's [piece.

"Buddhist martial arts will have such 25 evil martial arts?" & Huang Yaoshi glanced at Du Kong slightly, but there was a slight sarcasm in his words.

Every Shaolin master seems to have a very harmonious thick-skinned skill. Dukong looked indifferent, and said gently: "This is not surprising, martial arts are martial arts, and people are people. Righteous martial arts are in the hands of the evil sect." The evil way, and the evil way's martial arts are also in the righteous way of martial arts, but Dukong's words are very similar to what Hong Qigong said. It can be seen that Hong Qigong has been brainwashed by Dukong without knowing it.

Huang Yaoshi shook his head slightly, looking at Hong Qigong in front of him, he understood that people in those days had changed, Wang Chongyang was dead, Ouyang Feng was dead, Master Yideng had a madman who seemed to be a believer in Dukong in his eyes, and Hong Qigong was also troubled because of women.

"Everything has changed in the past!" Huang Yaoshi silently sighed that although Wu Jue was said to be an enemy back then, he was actually a friend. An enemy's enemy is a friend, and you who know him best are also your enemy. It was a fight, but in fact the five of them were also discussing with each other.

But today, two of them are dead, two of them have been abolished, and of the five, only he still maintains his own heart. Such a life is nothing more than a tragedy!

"Pharmacist, think about it." The sudden voice in his ear made Huang Yaoshi wake up immediately, shaking his head slightly.

Seeing Huang Yaoshi's actions, Huang Chang also nodded with a smile. Huang Chang's family was almost wiped out due to an accident, leaving only Huang Yaoshi's bloodline. For so many years, Huang Chang hoped that this bloodline could lead a normal life, so Just help with wealth.

But I didn't expect that in the end, except for a genius like Huang Yaoshi, even if Huang Chang didn't teach, Huang Yaoshi created a world-famous reputation by himself, so that Huang Chang had a kind of old man, and his son was like a dragon, a phoenix, and a unicorn. a feeling of.

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