But now Su Chu is more open-minded. Su Chu never thought that Yideng could display the power of the Six Meridians Excalibur to this level, let alone that Yideng could cultivate Kurong Zen Kung Fu to this level!

That's right!

Kurong Chan Gong is also a martial art inherited from Tianlong Temple in Dali. The monks of Tianlong Temple are actually the royal family and nobles of Dali Kingdom, so to put it bluntly, these martial arts are all Dali martial arts. (Li Wang's)

In Su Chu's view, this Kurong Zen skill is a martial art that is likely to be as good as the Yi Jin Jing, that is to say, it is very likely to be a treasured book of heavenly skills.

Kurong Zen Kungfu is taken from Sakyamuni’s experience of enlightenment under the Salva Trees. Duan Siping created the city. But in the end, it will be like a dry bone, it looks like a dry bone that is about to go into the ground.

But in fact, when the Kurong Chan Kungfu is practiced to the extreme, it is even said that as long as it is cultivated to the state of non-dryness and non-prosperity, it can rebel against the original source, and the whole person will recover immediately, just like a dead tree with a spring. Very similar martial arts.

"It's not dry, it's not glorious! I never imagined that you have practiced the six-meridian sword and Kurong Zen skills to this extent! & Su Chu praised!.

Chapter 125: Whatever You Do, Break It With One Punch!

Chapter 125: Whatever You Do, Break It With One Punch!

& What is Kurong Zen Art? &Huang Rong looked at her father suspiciously. This is in the heart of a child. In the heart of a child, her father is the most powerful. No matter what kind of thing it is, she can easily handle it. She knows it easily. Although Huang Rong I am much older now, but my heart has not changed.

But this time it was unexpected that Huang Yaoshi shook his head and denied it: "Father doesn't know either, I have never even heard of Kurong Zen Kungfu in the world." &

Speaking of Huang Yaoshi's gaze fell on Huang Chang, Huang Chang smiled lightly: "Is it Kurong Zen? It is indeed a good martial art, but it is no less than the martial arts of the Nine Yin Manual when it is cultivated to the peak. It is a pity that this The difficulty of cultivating martial arts is really too great, if I search according to my memory, I am afraid that only Shaolin Patriarch Bodhidharma has the possibility to cultivate it to the peak, or the founder of Kurong Chan Gong."

"How is this possible? Everyone opened their mouths in surprise. They obviously didn't expect this martial art to be so difficult.

Huang Chang didn't lie, and Dukong also knew this. Although Dukong's heart is like a Buddha, he has to admit that it is absolutely impossible for Kurong Zen to reach its peak without the martial arts practice of Bodhidharma. As the founder of Gong, Du Kong doubted whether he practiced it or not? He has reached the peak.

Ordinary martial arts requires aptitude, and hard work is enough, but Kurong Chan Gong needs the Zen mind the most in addition to the above two. It is extremely difficult to even get into □-.

Su Chu also deduced this Kurong Zen skill through the system, but it is a pity that after Su Chu simply started, there was no cultivation result.

The Kurong Zen Art and the Six Meridians Excalibur were both created by Duan Siping!

In other words, Yiyang Finger, Kurong Chan Kungfu, and Six Meridian Excalibur were all created by Duan Siping. Back then, Duan Di in Dali was in the chaotic era of the Five Kingdoms and Ten Dynasties. The Duan family was just the most common family. , there is no top-level martial arts at all, and being able to survive is already considered good.

However, in the era when the Great Song Dynasty was established, Duan Siping was born, and his majesty and grandeur are not enough to describe Duan Siping. According to the power of pure yang, he created the one-yang finger, which is a combination of finger and internal strength. Refined swordsmanship, and the sword was broken in a battle.

He was also seriously injured, but in that battle he realized a lot and understood many things. He abandoned the sword and created the Six Meridians Excalibur based on the Yiyang Finger. Excalibur, Duan Siping created the Dali Kingdom because of his friendship with the Great Song Dynasty.

In his later years, Duan Siping summed up his life and escaped into Buddhism, and built Dali Tianlong Temple in Dali, which is called the National Temple. Duan Siping also escaped into Buddhism and created Kurong Zen Gong.

Listening to Huang Chang's description, everyone involuntarily returned to that chaotic era.

'I really never thought that the origin of Dali turned out to be like this. & Zhou Botong also widened his eyes in surprise.

"Senior Huang is worthy of being a master of seniors. Seniors are so clear about such martial arts secrets." Du Kong narrowed his eyes. Although he knew that this person was at the same level as the seniors in Shaolin Temple, he didn't know the specific experience. This time, let's see if he can explode something

Huang Chang smiled lightly and said: "The old man was an official in the Song Dynasty in his early years, and he was in charge of all the classics of the Song Dynasty. It's not surprising to know these things. m

As soon as this statement was made, everyone understood it.

Even though the Jianghu is powerful, it is Jianghu, and in the Jianghu, except for the people of the Wujue level, they are all afraid of the imperial court. After all, not everyone has the strength to be the head of a general among thousands of troops of the Wujue level. And the imperial court is in charge of an army of millions, and it couldn't be easier to destroy them.

It is precisely because of this that there are extremely many huge ancient books hidden in the imperial court. These clicks record the secrets of the rivers and lakes and the world. Situation people enter.

"Kurong Zen skills are nothing more than that." But at this time, Lin Chaoying's sudden opening made everyone stunned.

ask for flowers...

Mu Nianci and Huang Rong looked at each other and wanted to speak, but considering Lin Chaoying's icy condition, both women shut their mouths strangely, without saying a word, watching their noses, mouths, and hearts.

"Why did you say that?'! Huang Yaoshi was the first to ask.

Although Huang Yaoshi and Lin Chaoying can't be called friends, they know each other after all, so they don't have so many scruples when talking a lot, but others can't do it. After all, the two sides can say that they are not the same kind of people.

"Kurong Chan Kungfu is indeed powerful, but Yideng is not qualified to cultivate it successfully." Lin Chaoying just said a word, then shut up.

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other, and finally smiled at each other.

What Kurong Zen Gong needs is an extremely high Zen mind, and the Buddha pays attention to the emptiness of the four elements. Since one lamp is still pursuing the rights of the person, then he is not really the emptiness of the four elements, so how can he succeed in practicing Kurong Zen?

Or can a person really be empty of the four elements?Back then Bodhidharma probably couldn't do it, otherwise he wouldn't have created the seventy-two stunts inherited from Shaolin Temple.

But it is undeniable that Bodhidharma's Buddhist practice is indeed amazing. Everyone, everyone in the world is controlled by power. Of course, this sentence cannot be said absolutely, but it can be said more or even more. This is true of all people, but Bodhidharma controls power with his mind.

The same is true for Su Chu, controlling the power, Bodhidharma has completely mastered this feeling, so his Zen mind is not broken!It's a pity that Yideng is not at this level.

"Do you agree with what they said?" The conversation of this group of people was easy for the two to hear, Su Chu asked lightly.

"I agree, but I don't agree." Yideng nodded but shook his head again.

"It's a pity that I don't have any ideas to know. ** Su Chu smiled cruelly, and clenched her palms slightly. No matter how strong you are, what Su Chu believes in is her own fist, and one punch is enough to break it!.

Chapter 126: One lamp, die!

Chapter 126: One lamp, die!

It is true that Yideng also has his own greedy heart, otherwise Yideng would not be able to stand here today, nor would he be able to fight for Shaolin. He wants to become the king of Dali again, and he wants to obtain his own rights. And why plan so much, he can be regarded as a hero.

It's a pity that people like Xiongxiong are nothing in front of Su Chu, because Su Chu is stronger than him!

More importantly, Su Chu is stronger than him in terms of strategy. Although Su Chu likes to use fists to solve problems, it does not mean that Su Chu is good at fists. Su Chu has been the emperor for so many years, and no one in the whole world dares to rebel , not only because of Su Chu's subordinates, but more because of Su Chu's stability. If you really think that Su Chu is a muscular man, then you are wrong!Big mistake!


That movement was almost as fast as lightning. Yideng looked at Su Chu who had come in front of him almost instantly, and instinctively wanted to back away, but the next moment he put his hands together and murmured softly: "Amitabha ! u

With a soft sound of the Buddha's name, Yideng's palm contained a light of pure yang color, and the Prajna Mountain Palm was slapped out again. This time, it can be said that this palm really contained Yideng's majestic true energy, completely How strong is the Ku Rong Zen skill that others have not known Su Chu is clear?

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