If that's the case, Su Chu will definitely turn Shaolin upside down when he returns to the Daxuan Empire this time, to see what the structure of Shaolin is, and it's so heaven-defying.

"Su benefactor, there is nothing to say about fists and kicks on the martial arts competition stage, and the poor monk's six brothers who were defeated also have nothing to say, but there is indeed no one in Shaolin Temple who can compete with you, Su benefactor. Dukong's calm and natural words without any anger or hatred made people more dignified.

If Dukong now has a crazy and angry look, people will look down upon him, but if it is like this (bsp;bd) now, Dukong will make people more dignified.


Du Kong suddenly changed the subject, and a faint smile suddenly appeared on his slightly disappointed face: "There are still senior masters in this temple, and the senior masters also want to fight against Su benefactor for a while, no Know what Su Shi is up to? &

These words are very level, it is obvious to tell you that you beat the young one, now that the old one is here, I wonder if you would like to fight!

"Little friend, you don't have to fight that old guy, just leave that old guy to me." Huang Chang's sound transmission suddenly rang in Su Chu's ears.

Su Chu shook her head slightly, and said in the same voice transmission: "Senior, I need to find a master to prove my strength. Although that old guy has a high level of cultivation, I think it is very easy for me to survive. I'm not the kind of person who can't help himself. &

"If that's the case, Xiaoyou can do as he pleases, but you have to be careful, I don't want Rong'er to be a widow." In the end, Huang Chang made a joke in a moderate way.

"Of course not, I haven't bridal with Rong'er yet, how can I die!" u Su Chu also refuted with a smile.

"Ha ha;

After the sound transmission was over, Su Chu and Huang Chang looked at each other but couldn't help laughing at the same time, which made everyone very puzzled. Only a few people at the Wujue level had a slight idea, and they vaguely understood what happened just now. what happened.

"I don't know what Su Shi's idea is?" Du Kong had roughly guessed Su Shi's thoughts, suppressed the smile on the corner of his mouth, and asked gently.

"Very good! Very good! Su Chu's arrogance is your grave.

Du Kong sneered again and again: "Those three seniors are not ordinary people, each of them is extremely terrifying." ??

&Naturally, although I am a junior, I still don't hesitate to teach my seniors. & Su Chu smiled lightly, with a gentle tone.

"Congratulations to the three seniors." Du Kong suddenly turned around and spoke lightly.

"As expected! Mu Su Chu and Huang Chang secretly said at the same time.

With their cultivation bases, they didn't even feel who the person was, and even said that if they hadn't moved, they might have thought it was a third-order dead wood, and they didn't even think they were people, but the facts proved that they were indeed people. Although he is very old, he is indeed a human being. "Cough Su benefactor, the three poor monks and brothers are like one, Su benefactor can choose any man to join the battlefield, even if there are thousands of troops, the poor monk and three brothers will take over "The head monk coughed violently twice, opened his slightly squinted eyes slightly, and said slowly.

The three old monks looked like old people in their seventies and eighties, with white beards, dense wrinkles, and closed eyes. There was only a gap, which made it very doubtful whether the three of them could see clearly.

But the Wujue level people present underestimated this old monk at all. They all felt a very strange, or very withered breath in his body, as if the lamp was about to run out of oil, but It was this kind of feeling that made Su Chu feel the most strange that Shaolin would never let three useless people come out to invite the battle, so there is only one possibility that these three people are definitely not useless people, but are very likely to be masters.

Of course, Su Chu didn't feel that kind of extremely dangerous feeling from the three of them, that is to say, the three of them probably didn't break through to the master, but according to Su Chu's calculation, even if they didn't break through to the master, the three of them were probably just short of it. , and it is even very possible to face that Lin □ with one foot, or to say that he has already stepped one and a half feet away, only a little short.

&Naturally no problem, the three masters invited. &Su Chu jumped back and landed on the edge of the competition field, looking directly at the three old monks, waiting for their movements.


"Ahem, he stepped out so flatly, even with a trembling step, but the three old monks came to the ring at the same time.

ps: Pepper's new book "My Name of Martial Arts, Wei Zhuang" I hope you will support me a lot. Please don't be polite for collections, flowers, and rewards. Let's kill Pepper! .

Chapter 144: The Empty Generation

Chapter 144: The Empty Generation

"With this method, Su Chu's eyes suddenly became serious. Sure enough, these three old monks are not ordinary people. Su Chu can be said to have seen such a pace, such a speed, and even the pressure on the surrounding air caused by that momentary questioning." In my eyes, that is definitely not something that ordinary people can do! I would say bluntly that the cultivation bases of the three old monks present are definitely the strongest except Huang Chang and Su Chu, but Su Chu also saw the three through the step just now. Although the old monk is strong, he is indeed inferior to himself, otherwise, the step that was similar to shrinking the ground to an inch just now would not be so slow.

The most important thing is that it is always impossible for people to refuse to accept!

Compared with the five great kings of Ming Dynasty, the three old monks were indeed promoted by relying on their own cultivation, but I am afraid that the age of the three old monks breakthrough is too late. Although the three old monks have not died yet, and The cultivation base is indeed very strong, but they are old after all.

Insufficient vitality, exuberant dead energy, the energy mechanism of the whole body becomes abnormally weak as they get old. Although they are strong, they are too old, otherwise they would not appear at such a time, and even said that this battle is Their last battle, no matter whether they win or lose, it is the final battle.

Even if this battle is won or lost, the vitality in their bodies is enough to support this battle. After the end of the battle, the three old monks will undoubtedly die, and there is absolutely no accident, unless something like A master like Su Chu who can use the two qi of life and death instills qi in his body.

It is a pity that such people almost do not exist. It is only a coincidence that Su Chu has mastered the two Qi of life and death. Otherwise, even if you have reached the grand master, you are not qualified to control the Qi of life and death even at the limit of heaven and man.

Of course, it is not impossible for the three old monks to survive. It is also very simple. In this battle, as long as they break through, it is enough. As long as they break through the master, the three of them can immediately gain more than two hundred years of life. It is enough to say that, but it is a pity that the master is so easy to break through.

Especially for people like them who have reached this level through hard work, the master is even more difficult. The gap between the master and the peerless is a huge threshold, stopping [-]% of ordinary people who are not qualified. Only one percent of people are qualified to step into the legendary realm.

"However, Su Chu looked at the appearance of these three old monks, and suddenly had a new understanding of his own moves, but it was just a flash. Although he already had an idea in his heart, it is a pity that it takes a lot of time to improve. Long hours of research, very long hours of research.

However, although it is only ten ideas, it is enough. It is extremely difficult to make progress in Su Chu's realm. Having an idea means having a direction, which is already very rare.

"However, Su Chu hesitated for a moment, then asked lightly: "Is it worth it for the three of you?"

Others didn't know what Su Chu was talking about, but the three old monks smiled lightly, even full of freedom, revealing the white teeth that had only a few teeth left.

The old monk headed said gently: "This is our home. After more than a hundred years of life, Shaolin has long been the most important thing for the poor monks and three people. No one can change it, and there is no need to change it. For him, the poor monk has been spelled out." Waiting for this last life is worth it.

"If the three of you don't take action in this battle, you will have at least fifty years to live. Do you three know?" Su Chu's eyes were full of respect, and no one could disrespect such a person. Loyal minister, Su Chu has always kept these words firmly in his heart!

"Longing for fifty years is not as good as a vigorous battle. Maybe this battle can give the three poor monks and brothers a life span of more than two hundred years." The old monk laughed freely.

"Really? M Su Chu asked back, and suddenly smiled softly: "Three, you three are indeed good at cultivation, but it's a pity that I may not be able to do anything to me with the vajra subduing demon circle."


The eyes suddenly opened, and for a moment everyone only felt their hearts sank. Except for Su Chu and Huang Chang, everyone including Du Kong felt this feeling. It was a kind of elite, It was as if a lion king who had recharged his batteries suddenly opened his eyes, facing a lion cub who challenged him!

Ask for flowers-…

'It seems that Su benefactor really knows a lot about my Buddha, even the vajra demon circle that my Buddha has not been born for more than three hundred years. &The old monk gently moved his long beard and said lightly.

Su Chu smiled gently.

It is true that Shaolin's polarization is too serious. Many people can learn Wudang martial arts, but Shaolin's low and high are too weird. One hundred and eight arhats can be learned by individuals. , but the requirements of the Vajra Subduing Demon Circle are really too difficult.

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