Thirty strokes of Kongjue can still resist, fifty strokes of Kongjue can only passively defend, and one hundred strokes of Kongjue is completely suppressed and beaten. It is not an exaggeration (Li Zhao's) to say that he has no power to fight back.

And the fight between the two seems like two people who don't know martial arts are playing ostentatiously, but if they really get involved, even if it is a master of the Wujue level, it may be difficult for them to receive a punch or a palm from the two of them. uncomfortable.

Arhat Fist, Cotton Palm!

This is the most basic and simplest martial art in Shaolin and Wudang, but the power displayed in the hands of different people is completely different, just like Qiao Feng—a set of Taizu Changquan can still sweep the world! -

■〃The fight between the two has far surpassed this level. & Huang Yaoshi's words were full of sighs.

Palm to fist, seemingly plain but hidden murderous intent.

ps: Pepper's new book "My Name of Martial Arts, Wei Zhuang" I hope you will support me a lot. Please don't be polite for collections, flowers, and rewards. Let's kill Pepper! .

Chapter 148: The Vajra Subduing Demon Circle is Present

Chapter 148: The Vajra Subduing Demon Circle is Present

"It's now:

Just after one hundred and seventy-two moves, when Kong Jue was already in danger of being defeated by Su Chu's men, an opportunity for the two of them to withdraw suddenly made Kong Zheng and Kong Jing immediately seize the opportunity, the eyes of the two monks It opened suddenly, and rushed forward like a tiger out of its cage.

?? How can one enemy three? "Su Chu smiled lightly, clasping his hands together, still using the simple Wudang cotton palm, but with the simple Wudang cotton palm, he easily blocked the attacks of the three old monks.

The battle between the four is getting faster and faster. There is obviously no scene that seems to be a vision, but it looks even more terrifying, crazier and weirder, and the speed is also faster, even a little faster. To horror or fear.

"How is this possible?" Du Kong swallowed unnaturally. As the abbot of Shaolin, he is the clearest about what kind of kam there is in Shaolin. The three old monks in front of him are also very Respect, it is precisely because of respect that he is very aware of the strength of the three of them, which is extremely terrifying, even terrifying to the extreme.

Except for any old senior in the entire Shaolin, no matter who the rest of the people are, they are not the opponents of the three seniors, and even the 570 two seniors at the master level are not the opponents of the three old monks. The old monk didn't use the Vajra Fumo circle, but he was pressed and beaten by Su Chu. To Dukong, it was like a joke, but this joke happened for real.

"Agitated" took a deep mouthful of saliva, Du Kong even endured

I can't help but close my eyes, he has already seen Unbeaten.

I don't know what will happen if I lose this time. Shaolin's background is indeed strong and top-notch. There is such an old senior and old monster level, and the remaining two masters and three old monks are quite good together. For a master, even beyond a master, the rest of Dukong's generation has seven masters of the five-level level, plus three hundred and sixty-five monks.

But this kind of strength was lost too much in Su Chu's hands today, even Du Kong felt a little scared, even if he defeated Su Chu, what should Shaolin do if he lost so much?

A faction does not mean that only the high-level strength is enough, the middle-level is also very important, so Su Chu will subdue Zhou Botong and Lin Chaoying, and this is the reason why the Yin-Yang family was established. Some things are very difficult to do by one person. What is more difficult is that it is even more difficult for a person to be a security guard for hundreds or even thousands of people.

"That girl, can you see the danger on the battlefield?" Huang Chang suddenly looked at Lin Chaoying and asked lightly.

The people present were all slightly surprised. According to common sense, Huang Shang had nothing to do with Lin Chaoying, but it seemed that Huang Shang valued Lin Chaoying Yixiang very much.

But it is true that the battle on the field is too weird. Even the experts of Wujue level present can't understand the battle of the three people. It seems that only Huang Shang, Du Kong and Lin Chaoying are really qualified to see clearly. , the rest of the people thought that the four of them were ordinary people who didn't know martial arts at all, but in fact they were in a very terrible danger, that's what they could see.

"Yes, the cultivation of the four people present is stronger than mine. Even if it is one-on-one, I will definitely lose." Lin Chaoying did not hesitate at all. Seeking truth from facts, there is no need to hide whether it is an opponent or not.

"Not bad!" Huang Chang praised Lin Chaoying more and more.

In fact, Huang Chang also wanted to find a successor, and Huang Chang had no choice but to do so. Whether it was ascending in the future or dying of old age, his own martial arts should be passed on. Originally, the most suitable person should be Huang Yaoshi (cfbd ), in fact, it can be seen that Huang Yaoshi's self-created martial arts can reach this step, and it is indeed highly qualified.

But Huang Yaoshi was troubled by love all his life, unable to reach the realm of Taoism, and Huang Yaoshi was a very stubborn person, so he had no choice but to give up, so Huang Chang needed to find another successor, but at this time Lin Chaoying was imprinted in his eyes .

But after all, Huang Chang is an old man and can see many things. First of all, the relationship between Lin Chaoying and Su Chu is not that simple. To put it bluntly, Lin Chaoying is controlled by Su Chu.

Of course, Huang Chang doesn't care, there are more things that people who are old and smart can see, and many things are light, not to mention that Huang Chang has never been a good person but the kind of person who is like a devil, so naturally he doesn't care about these things, so we need What I did was to get Su Chu to agree that only in this way would Huang Chang teach Lin Chaoying. After all, what is more important, a future is also half of the Huang family. As for Lin Chaoying fighting with his future family after becoming his apprentice, it is not a lie Calf?

Everyone can see the seriousness. Of course, Huang Chang doesn't suggest to guide Lin Chaoying. It's not a big problem!

"But what I'm more curious about is the martial arts used by Su Chu?" Lin Chaoying looked at Su Chu that looked like steel but not steel, soft but not soft, but he can be sure that the power of hitting people is absolutely terrifying. Lin Chaoying is very curious.

"Taoist martial arts! Use softness to overcome rigidity, the way of Tai Chi!" Huang Chang laughed and said, but after pondering for a moment, he said: "This martial art was not created by Su Chu.

This sentence made everyone stunned. Wasn't it created by Su Chu? But if such a martial art appeared in the rivers and lakes, it would be impossible without a trace?

"Su Chu's talent is indeed astonishing. He has already displayed the power of a master in the middle stage just after entering the grand master, but this is a kind of accumulation and foundation. Now Su Chu is still at the level of accumulation, and there is still a long way to go to reach the level of foundation. Let's go, this martial art was created by another great Taoist master." Huang Chang said a lot of things in a few words.


Pooh! ?

The three old monks roared angrily, and at the same time, the finished characters surrounded Su Chu, and a black light emerged from the palm of his hand.

ps: Pepper's new book "My Name of Martial Arts, Wei Zhuang" I hope you will support me greatly. Please don't be polite for collections, flowers, and rewards. Let's kill Pepper! "

Chapter 149: Fierce Battle

Chapter 149: Fierce Battle


The three extremely long black ropes had been thrown out from the sleeves of the three old monks at some point, and when they swept slightly in the air, they made a sound of breaking through the air, and even said that there was a sound exceeding the speed of sound.

"Where's Heisuo Suchu...?" He muttered.

Kong Jue raised one hand and said softly: "Amitabha!"Su benefactor, the poor monk and the three brothers are going to attack with all their strength, and there is no intention of showing mercy in this battle, please be careful, Su benefactor, if you really accidentally die in this battle, the poor monk and the three brothers are willing to fight for you Su benefactor chanting scriptures - chanting Buddha for thirty days. &


Su Chu snorted coldly, but with a faint smile on her face, she said with a smile: "Master Kongjue, what you think is too simple, I have never been someone who will die so easily, let alone the three of you Even if you beat me, Su Chu, is it really possible to live another [-] days? As soon as these words came out, the three old monks fell silent. Indeed, if they can't break through the master in this battle, it will be their last battle. After the end of this battle, the three of them will survive for three to five days, and they will live for another seven days.

"Say no words, benefactor Su's subordinates have seen the real chapter." Suddenly, Kongzheng, who was all taciturn, spoke, and the black rope in his hand shook, and it roared in an instant.

In the air, Heisuo even turned into a black light, like a black arrow, like a black whip, it looks like it has changed thousands of times, but the only thing that is the same is that there is a touch of golden light on Heisuo's black figure, which looks like Unusually beautiful.

"Golden in the black? Su Chu murmured in a low voice, and his figure moved lightly and indistinctly.

Although Kongzheng's Heisuo attacked violently, like a violent storm, Su Chu was like a boat in the sea, although it was teetering, but never sailed.

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