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They don't know what Su Chu is going to do, but they can be sure that Su Chu will never be able to do it, otherwise the final result will definitely not be what they are willing to bear. They don't know why they feel this way, but they are sure of their own Feel.

It feels very important to reach the level of the three old monks. I have survived countless times because I was saved in the feeling.

"Benefactor Su Kongjue spit out three words slowly, stepping on the ground, the whole person is like crossing the river, fishing for the moon in the sea, rushing towards him like a sharp arrow, this top-level lightness kung fu is exactly the top-level lightness kung fu of Shaolin. Pen across the river!

"Come on! Try to see if you can stop me in this weakest moment of mine."

Su Chu raised one hand and smiled lightly...

Chapter 152: The Best Chance, Swordsmanship

Chapter 152: The Best Chance, Swordsmanship

"What is benefactor Su doing?" Although Kongjue was asking, he did not hesitate to strike. As expected of the real Vajra Subduing Demon Circle, there is no such thing as the so-called not good at melee combat. Kongjue soared into the air alone, Su Chu even felt that the power displayed was no less than that of a grandmaster who had just stepped into the grandmaster and hadn't stabilized yet.

It's a pity that although such a state is good, the threat to oneself is still a little smaller.

"Forging swords, does Master Kongjue want to see it?" Su Chu laughed!

Raise one hand, palm to finger, but just as soon as he put his hand together, Kongjue's expression changed, because of Su Chu's strength!It's really too soft, but this kind of soft force reminds Kongjue again of Su Chuna's palm technique of using softness to overcome rigidity, which makes Kongjue very annoyed.

To put it bluntly, Shaolin is all fierce martial arts, and Zhang Sanfeng combined Shaolin, Buddhism and Taoism to create Taoist Taiyi. Although Zhang Sanfeng is a master of martial arts in name and doesn't care so much, how can people not have anger and resentment? Therefore, these vague martial arts created by Zhang Sanfeng are all about restraining Shaolin martial arts.

In fact, this point is relative, just as Su Chu once said, Zhang Sanfeng’s aptitude is really terrible, even Su Chu, who has a golden finger aptitude that can be called against the sky, can’t guarantee that he can truly surpass Zhang Sanfeng. Combining that talent with Shaolin's millennium heritage will create a myth of Jianghu, and even a myth that may surpass Zhang Sanfeng's current achievements.

If it is possible, Zhang Sanfeng may even become a Buddha instantly!

But Zhang Sanfeng left Shaolin, because of Shaolin's judgment, he left Shaolin, and set up two enemies for himself, Wudang and Emei!

The stronger the achievements of the two factions, Shaolin is being beaten in the face, so to put it bluntly, Shaolin and Wudang are not as beautiful as they look in the arena.

"I don't want it anymore. Benefactor Su's sword is fused with so many magic weapons. I'm afraid it will be a magic weapon when it is born. It's better not to forge it.々. Although Kong Jue was very temperless when he was beaten by Su Chuna's soft palm, but However, he still made up his mind to stop Su Chu from casting swords, but it was not an obvious stop. Su Chu was casting swords, and Kongjue could clearly feel that Su Chu's current cultivation level had definitely dropped a lot. A little weakening is not normal.

"Damn it!" Kongjue cursed secretly, his eyes widened suddenly, although it was difficult to be careful to resist this kind of aura, but in the end he managed to barely block this terrifying force, but his face turned red, and a mouthful of blood had already It squirted out violently.

Among the three old monks, Kongjue is indeed the strongest!

However, Kong Jing and Kong Zheng are only slightly weaker than Kong Jue, and even have only a first line. The attack of the two of them this time was originally using [-]% of their own skills, and with the help of Taijiquan, they willカs has more than doubled, and this force s is extremely objective even on Su Chu's body, let alone emptiness.


Kongzheng and Kongjing rushed to meet him immediately, carefully helped Kongjue up, and looked at Kongjue nervously.

Kong Jue shook his head slightly, looked at Su Chu who was standing still, and vaguely understood something.

Now Su Chu can't move, the sword casting has already consumed Su Chu's energy, otherwise Su Chu would not use Tai Chi, a martial art that uses softness to overcome rigidity and can use strength to fight against the enemy, to be able to passively defend Su Chu has actually resorted to it With all his strength, there is no possibility of taking the initiative to attack-


Taking a deep breath, Kongzheng and Kongjing supported Kongjue to barely stand up, Kongjue looked at Su Chu solemnly and said lightly: "Using softness to overcome rigidity, using strength to fight strength, I never thought that benefactor Su would be like this martial arts.&

"It's very similar to Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, right?" Su Chu asked suddenly and interestingly. The three old monks were stunned and looked at Su Chu solemnly.

Su Chu smiled lightly, and it turned out that this matter was similar to what she had thought.

The three old monks stopped moving, and Su Chu didn't move. An hour was wasted like this.

Although they know that if the sword casting is successful, Su Chu will become stronger, but they have no choice. Su Chu is too strong, unless the three of them can defeat (Li Zhaohao) Su Chu with the Vajra Subduing Demon Circle. However, due to the carelessness of the three of them, Kongjue was injured, and it took time to stabilize the injury.

So this time, which was supposed to be successful, failed. No one thought that things would take such a dramatic change.

A burst of violent flames rose into the sky, and all the magic weapons had been split into two layers, one was extremely dark and dirty, and the other was beautiful and crystal-like.

With a hook of Su Chu's palm, the crystal slowly condensed into a solid, and was gradually enveloped by the smoke.

Su Chu can't forge a sword, but Su Chu knows swordsmanship!

And the most important thing is that Su Chu casually put an unknown object into the liquid, and time froze at this moment*0

Chapter 153: Ten thousand swords return to the sect, Gao Wu is not afraid

Chapter 153: Ten thousand swords return to the sect, Gao Wu is not afraid


Bursts of violent smoke rose from the object, and soon everything dissipated, and a very strange sword emerged. Su Chu hooked the long sword with his palm as if he felt something, and landed on Su Chu. In front of Chu, quietly floating in front of Su Chu.

It is said that it is a sword, it is indeed a sword, the blade is clear at a glance, but it is not a sword because it does not even have a hilt, only one blade, but the length of this blade is even longer than that of a normal sword. , so it seems unusually strange.


Su Chu frowned slightly, and a wound emerged from the wound with a hook in the palm of his hand. Fresh blood dripped on the long sword. In an instant, the long sword shone with a dazzling light, and a blood flower formed on the long sword. , which is the most central position of the long sword.


As soon as Su Chu shook his hand, a piece of blood-colored silk floated out and wrapped around the long sword, forming a simple hilt, which made people surprised, "It's strange?" Su Chu grabbed the long sword with one hand and looked at the three The old monk smiled.

It is indeed strange, the sharpness of the long sword can be seen from the sound of piercing the air 573, but this silk can be wrapped around it without being cut off, killing people without blood, and blowing short hair is absolutely no problem.

"This is called blood silk. The hardness and sharpness of blood silk are comparable to black iron. Although it is not as good as a sword, it will not be cut off by the sword even with the addition of my true energy." Su Chu smiled faintly, looking The three old monks stood up and continued: "It seems that you, Master Kongjue, have almost recovered." **

"Thanks to benefactor Su for accepting the concession." Kongjue sighed secretly.

The opportunity just now is completely my best opportunity. If I can wait for a while, as soon as the two juniors recover, I can easily defeat Su Chu by relying on the diamond subduing magic circle, but I am too excited. Thinking of being injured by Su Chu unexpectedly, it is precisely because of this that this best opportunity was wasted in vain.

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