"Tao Kongjue praised: "This kind of perception of Tao is indeed

fear. &

Su Chu smiled without saying a word, but continued to raise the sword in her hand, and suddenly said indifferently: "The nameless second sword, Buddha!" "

Wuming swordsmanship, in fact, the swordsmanship does not have a name, so it is called Wuming. The first one is called Dao, which represents Su Chu’s perception of Dao, his experience of Dao, one Qi transforms the three Qings, Shangqing, Taiqing, Yuqing and Su Chu are all in one Qi Transformation into three swords, each sword has the same power, the three old monks survived precisely because of the Vajra subduing the magic circle, otherwise the three of them would surely die. "Buddha?" The three old monks were shocked at the same time.

At this time, the aura on Su Chu's body changed again. The originally indifferent, even ruthless aura completely disappeared. You must know that the Dao is ruthless, and the way of heaven is supreme. A most fundamental path.

But now the aura of Taoism on Su Chu's body is still gone, and what remains is only a thicker, more stable, and more compassionate aura.

Everyone in Buddhism must be familiar with it. It is the breath of Buddhism, which represents the purest breath of Buddhism. Even if it is a breath that people who have practiced Buddhism for decades can't emit, it is rushing now. It emanated from a man who slaughtered Buddha.

"The Dao sword can block it, how about the Buddha sword? Three pu.


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Chapter 155: One Killing Sword, The Third Sword Breaks the Formation (for Subscription)

Chapter 155: One Killing Sword, The Third Sword Breaks the Formation (for Subscription)

"Buddha said Su Chu clasped his hands together and said softly.

? Hum..."

The dazzling light on the long sword became more vigorous. The three monks wanted to strike at the same time, but their bodies seemed out of their control. Suo, unexpectedly gave up such an opportunity.

& Buddha said!You can't move. & Su Chu said with a gentle smile as the long sword between his palms shone brighter.

Instantly asking the three monks felt that irresistible force was getting stronger. Among the three, only Kongjue, who had the strongest cultivation base, was barely able to move, but he was able to move under such terrifying pressure. There is no way.

"The moment the sword is drawn, this breath will definitely disappear!" Kong Jue suddenly said firmly, but unfortunately the sound transmission is not particularly accurate due to restrictions, and outsiders may not be able to hear it, but the one in the center of the three But Su Chu heard it clearly.

"It's really good!" Su Chu nodded with a smile, but the movement of his hand

Zuo did not change, and continued to open 25 mouths quietly: "The Buddha said!The Buddhas are divided into three Buddhas: the past, the present and the future. &

Following Su Chu's words, time, the world, and everything changed. A dazzling golden light suddenly appeared in the sky, which made people feel peaceful. It was a faint light, and the light golden light seemed to cover everything. People's eyes, but everyone can't help but stare at them with wide eyes.

The three Buddhas seemed to appear from the void, with smiles on their faces, raised their palms slightly, and said softly: "Amitabha!" &

The voice was earth-shattering, as if exaggerating people's peace of mind, everyone couldn't help but get lost in this gentleness,?Yang He's voice seemed to be trapped in an illusion.

"This little ghost&pThe person who was hiding in the Sutra Pavilion suddenly sat up, his eyes suddenly widened and stared outside, muttering in a low voice: "What is the origin of this little ghost? Buddha, Taoism Different sources, he was able to use both Buddhist and Taoist martial arts to this level, the most important thing is that he has not exploded to death?

"Uncle! The three are nephews. If you are losing, let the two poor monks go out to deal with this Su Chu." Suddenly a faint but full of heroic voice came slowly.

"Not bad uncle! It must not be difficult to deal with him with the strength of my two senior brothers." Another sullen and Lingran voice also came from the same place.

The hidden man nodded: "Alright, this Su Chu has become my confidant of Shaolin, remember that you must not keep your hands, only his death can wash away all the situation in my Shaolin." &

"Follow me!**

"Hands-on, the three Buddhas raised their palms lightly, and a flash of sword light flashed across their palms. For a moment, the three of them felt that they and others could move at the same time. The three of them looked at each other and nodded abruptly. , was shocked all over, a golden aura that was not easy for outsiders to detect flashed past, and met these three sword auras that contained the power of the Buddha.

Unnamed swordsmanship!The second sword!

The name is: Buddha!

Like the Dao Sword, the Buddha Sword contains Su Chu's perception of the Buddha. In Su Chu's perception, the Buddha is divided into three Buddhas. The past, present, and future are the apex of the Buddha. In this case, if one person uses the three Buddhas How about the kas?Compared with Dao Sword's ruthless way, Buddha Sword has feelings, which are so terrifying that this emotion will suppress all Dao Swords and Buddha Swords. They seem to be group attack skills, but in fact, both sword techniques are single-target attacks. trick!The power of one point three is greatly reduced, and the power of three in one is greatly increased!

"Is it unscathed?" Su Chu showed a slight difference, but also - a touch of nature.

Su Chu is not surprised, the cultivation of the three old monks is indeed very simple to deal with the one-point-three swordsmanship, but Su Chu is surprised that they are unscathed. And hidden head force.

However, the three of them obviously don't want to use this kind of strength. It is very likely that if they can't break through the master, they will die after using this kind of strength, and there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.

People are afraid of death, no matter how nice the words are, how many people can face death calmly at the end, it is natural to live one more day, the three of them have been sinners for a hundred years, They also want to be heroes for a few days.

"It seems that you guys can't be heroes anymore." Su Chu muttered lightly, and set her eyes on Kong Jing.

The three brothers, Kong Jing, were the weakest and the youngest. They looked coldly at Su Chu, and couldn't help but clenched the Heisuo in their palms.

& the third sword!Please! "The corner of Su Chu's mouth twitched, and before the three of them took the initiative to attack, he raised his long sword again.

Picking up the palm of the other hand, the sword energy that filled the sky blocked the pace of Kongjue and Kongzheng. If you can't advance or retreat, you two just stand obediently. The next s hair is harmless or Su Chu wants to make his s hair harmless.

"Junior brother, run!" Kong Jue shouted at Kong Jing as black cables fluttered around him.

Su Chu stopped two of them with one against three, so it is self-evident that Su Chu's purpose is to deal with the third person, and he is the weakest of the three, Kong Jing.

The relationship between the three is like brothers. The youngest Kong Jing has always been taken care of by Kong Jue and Kong Zheng as younger brothers. , but the actions of his subordinates were even stronger by five points.

"It's a pity that you are too late." Seeing the firm look in the eyes of the two of them at the same time, Su Chu would not give them that chance, and the long sword in the palm of his hand had already been stabbed out.

"The nameless third sword! It's called killing!"

Su Chu's voice crossed the void, crossed time and space, and passed into Kong Jing's ears.

"Can't move anymore? Move for me! Move! You move for me!" Kong Jing trembled and wanted to move, but in front of the murderous and bloody aura that completely enveloped him, Kong Jing I found myself completely unable to move, not even a single finger.


A sword pierces the heart, King Kong breaks the magic circle!

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