"Well, Su Chu nodded little Huang Rong's head with a smile, and said gently: &Q'er, do you know what is actually the most difficult thing to predict?"

"It should be an accident, right?" After thinking about it, Rong Q said strangely. Among the three masters, two are at the same level as me, and the other is probably not weaker than Huang Chang. "

"Not bad!" Q Chang nodded.

"Brother Su

"But if they are all dead, then Shaolin may accidentally catch fire and the entire Sutra Pavilion will be burned down, and maybe Bodhidharma's relics will be accidentally lost." Chu interrupted Huang Rong's words and continued with a smile said...


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Chapter 163: Never mess with him, talk about accepting apprentices (fourth update, please subscribe)

Chapter 163: Never mess with him, talk about accepting apprentices (fourth update, please subscribe)

"Eh... everyone shuddered, of course it was only limited to those who heard it. The few people present were all surprised when they looked at Su Chu, especially Lin Chaoying might have remembered what Su Chu had done to her. Things, couldn't help shrinking back.

"Going back to play? Suddenly raised her head and looked at Su Chuchong grinning to herself. The gentle smile coupled with the slight mouth shape made Lin Chaoying's face turn red slightly, and at the same time her whole body was shocked, and she shrank carefully to the remote side Location.

In the eyes of others, Su Chu's gentle smile has completely turned into the chant of evil spirits in Lin Chaoying's eyes.

"Hahaha. Little lady, come on and let me take good care of you! Well, although Lin Chaoying is cold, she is a woman after all. I don't know what to think about at [-] for a while, The head has completely gone astray.

If he didn't want to think about it, his little face turned red. Fortunately, the special effects of the Jade Heart Sutra were better, and he quickly recovered his calm, otherwise it would be really cheating.

Others may not have noticed, but how could Su Chu not have noticed Lin Chaoying's specialness, the corner of his mouth curled up and continued to look at Lin Chaoying with a smile, until Lin Chaoying turned his eyes away and stopped looking at Su Chu, it was a day of urgency.

The sharp-eyed Huang Rong noticed the interaction between the two, secretly pinched Su Chu viciously, looked at Su Chuluo's eyes like her own, curled her lips and said softly in spoken words: "You big pervert, you will die sooner or later." On a woman's belly! "

"Really?" Su Chu looked at Huang Rong with a smile, and said faintly: "I really want to die on Rong jl's belly. Do you want to try it after the Shaolin incident is over?"

Huang Rong's cheeks blushed immediately: "You big pervert, you're dead, you even said such a shameful thing." ■"Haha & Zhou Botong are indeed the most active contestants,

While the two were chatting and joking, Zhou Botong finally got rid of Ying Gu's anger and ran over curiously: "Master, are you going to burn Shaolin's Buddhist scriptures pavilion directly by doing this?" &

"For such a fun thing, you must remember to call me, otherwise it will be too boring, and I will go to play, it is really fun." Zhou Botong was completely excited.

"Don't worry, don't worry! I think the three old monks are dead now, and there are only two master-level masters left in Shaolin. Senior Huang Chang hopes you can help me stop that person. "The second half of Su Chu's sentence fell on Huang Chang.

"Since I promised, the old man will naturally not turn against Mei!" Huang Chang stood proudly, it was a kind of self-confidence, unparalleled self-confidence in the world.

Su Chu also laughed, but Huang Rong muttered with a big mouth: "Shaolin is really unlucky. Although he got a relic, he lost his wife and broke the army, and let you steal the original Bodhidharma's relic." , really, shaolin ah r

Regarding Huang Rong's appearance, Su Chu said very naturally: "I can't count it as stealing. I extracted the relic. Although it is indeed a Shaolin relic, it does not belong to Shaolin, and Dukong has not passed through it." If I allow it, I will take it away, then I will naturally need to get back the interest. What I promised the three old monks is that Shaolin’s inheritance will not be destroyed. As for whether he is a thousand-year-old temple or an ordinary sect, no one knows.”

Everyone who listened to Su Chu silently firmed up an idea, absolutely not to provoke Su Chu, otherwise you really don't even know how to die by then!It's really too cheating.

"You are really a big villain." Huang Rong curled her lips and exposed Su Chu's lies: "If you do something bad, just say you did something bad, such a sophistry is not good.

"En, en, En Suchu shook his fingers, and said with a smile: "As an emperor, what I say is the truth, what's the point of other people resisting? &

&Emperor, you always say you are the emperor, so where is your country? Huang Rong once again looked at Su Chu with contempt.

Su Chu didn't say much, just smiled faintly. Although everyone was puzzled, they didn't ask too much. Only Huang Chang glanced at Su Chu, who was full of kingly aura, and smiled lightly. Everyone has secrets Yes, sometimes it’s better not to ask too much. Everyone has their own choices and their own secrets. If you ask too much, maybe even your friends won’t be able to do it, and that’s not good.

"Tch, if you don't say it, don't say it, I don't want to know yet." Huang Rong turned her head away proudly.

But from where to look at Su Chu's eyes secretly, Huang Rong actually didn't think so at all, and seemed to want to say something, but Su Chu ignored Huang Rong, but walked slowly in front of Huang Chang, smiling. Asked: "Senior Huang Chang, you should have something to say to me, right?" ,'

"Indeed!" Huang Chang glanced at Lin Chaoying and nodded.

"About Chaoying?" Su Chu glanced at Lin Chaoying and waved at Lin Chaoying. Although she didn't want to go there, it was a pity that Lin Chaoying's body walked towards Su Chu uncontrollably, as if The angry little daughter-in-law stood behind Su Chu, with her head slightly lowered.

??good! Huang Chang nodded: "Lin Chaoying's aptitude is very good. She has already stepped out of the restrictions of the Jade Heart Sutra, and her aptitude is very suitable for practicing the Nine Yin Sutra. I hope she can pass on my inheritance. Do you agree?"

Lin Chaoying opened her eyes suddenly, of course she was willing, but Lin Chaoying understood that what Huang Chang asked in 1.3 was not herself but Su Chu. It's not a normal relationship at all, if she becomes stronger, how could Su Chu agree.

"Of course there is no problem! Mu Su Chu agreed without thinking about it.

"Hey sighed softly, but Lin Chaoying suddenly raised her head and looked at Su Chu in surprise, not understanding why Su Chu agreed.

Su Chu smiled freely: "I wonder why I agree?

Because even if you become stronger, so what can you do!The Nine Yin Manual can be called a unique skill, but I have learned countless unique skills, and the martial arts depends on the performance of the master! no

Confident, free and easy! .

Chapter 164: So what about being strong, with a firm heart (one more, please subscribe)

Chapter 164: So what about being strong, with a firm heart (one more, please subscribe)

"I saw a very familiar figure on your body. He was similar to you back then, with the same dominance and self-confidence. Unfortunately, he is dead! Huang Chang is smiling, and everyone can feel his smile The endless emotions in the movie, and the last touch of killing thoughts o

"The leader of the Persian religion! Mountain?" Although Su Chu seemed doubtful, he was actually full of affirmation.

"It is indeed him! Huang Chang nodded and looked at Su Chu with interest: "You really know a lot of secrets in the martial arts. I am afraid that the existence of Huo Shan and the Persian Mingjiao are unknown to them."

"It's normal. I've experienced many things." Su Chu smiled and didn't say anything, but Su Chu had a feeling that Huo Shan was definitely not dead, or that he should have been seriously injured by Huang Chang back then, but because of some I survived for a special reason, and I am afraid that I am still alive and well.

Huang Chang glanced at Su Chu and said lightly: 25' I can guess what you are thinking!What can he do if he is alive?Just kill him again! &

"Indeed!" Su Chu nodded with a smile.

Huang Chang also squinted his eyes, thinking about the battle of the year, when Huang Chang personally rushed to the top of the Persian Ming Cult, the Dharma king, the envoy, the protector, and the treasure tree king were all singled out by Huang Chang. He begged for mercy, suffered heavy casualties, and finally fought against Huang Chang on the cliff behind the Mingjiao main altar.

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