Everyone has learned that Su Chu has another apprentice, although his identity is not ordinary, but the original reason is because Wanyan Honglie wanted to play a game of robbing women, and finally invited Quanzhen Sect Qiu Chuji Help, the result - cheating, screwed up.

Su Chu almost abolished Wanyan Honglie. Of course, considering the special action of the Song Dynasty now, and thinking of Li Qi's going out, if there is no necessary connection, it is pure nonsense, but it is the reason of such nonsense, which made it happen now. The Jin Dynasty was suppressed everywhere.

The most important thing is that even the Quanzhen Sect was destroyed by Su Chu. It can be seen that Su Chu's original idea was to play the world of mortals, but he fought back when he was disturbed by others. The more critical point is that Huang Yaoshi and Huang Yaoshi Shang is very satisfied with Su Chu's actions.

They are all people who have lost their loved ones. What they fancy in a man may not be other things, or even other things are not important. In the eyes of the two of them, golden saws, treasures, peerless martial arts, and unparalleled rights can be used by both of them. It's in hand.

This is indeed Huang Chang's cultivation, even an idiot can teach you clearly, not to mention Huang Yaoshi's intelligence, Huang Chang knows it best, if you become an official in the court, becoming a prime minister will definitely not be a problem , That is, gold and silver treasures are even more a joke.

So the two of them regard Huang Rong, the only descendant, as their treasure, and even more so as their lifeline. They are not afraid of anything else, as long as you protect the short-term captain: that's fine. Although Su Chu draws the line, the aspect of protecting the short-term is completely Made it to the extreme.

In order for Li Qi to destroy Wanyan Honglie, Quanzhen Sect, and even the Jin Dynasty, this kind of heart can definitely be called responsible for women, at least it is much better than those who talk about flamboyance.

"Hey!" Zhou Botong scratched his head, looked at Ying Gu who was so angry and angry, and hurriedly comforted him: "Ying Gu, don't worry, if anyone wants to bully you from today onwards, they will definitely step on my Zhou Botong's corpse." past o&

Zhou Botong patted Yue. Xiongluo made sure that Qigu smiled slightly, and Su Chu also smiled faintly, and threw out a bottle of elixir.

"Who is the head? & Ying Gu can be regarded as doing as the Romans do.

"It's Zhuyan Dan, after taking the pill, your appearance will return to about twenty-five or sixteen years old." "Su Chu is very indifferent. This kind of elixir is a special kind of elixir researched by Yilin through Su Chu's training.

The elixir that has no other effect is to make women stay beautiful.

To be honest, a group of Su Chu’s subordinates have already died, but the most important Su Chu used special means to prolong their lives. Of course, if you take the initiative to die, Su Chu will never disagree. , This is a kind of respect for people.

For example, because his wife was completely controlled by Su Chu, Tie Zhongtang has now become the great general of the empire, fighting south and north!

"Thank you Master, thank you Master! & Ying Gu even shed tears, appearance is the most important thing for a woman, very important thing.

Su Chu just shook his head with a smile, and didn't say much. Although Zhou Botong didn't say much, many people felt that Zhou Botong's attitude towards Su Chu had changed, very obviously.

"The way of the emperor!" Huang Chang sighed lightly.

Huang Yaoshi also nodded, now Zhou Botong knew everything about the past, although it seemed that he didn't want to think so much, but actually for Su Chu it was just because Su Chu defeated him, so it felt like finding a backer, really It was Ying Gu who gave his heart a home.

?…ask for flowers-…

Now that Ying Gu is in Su Chu's hands, Zhou Botong knows what will happen without even thinking about it.


Seeing this, Huang Rong, Mu Nianci, and even Lin Chaoying all looked at Su Chu at the same time.

"Brother Su, is he okay?" Huang Rong approached Su Chu in a dejected tone, Huang Rong was shameless for the sake of her appearance.

Huang Yaoshi just shook his head with a smile, and turned his gaze to the side. This kind of temptation is absolutely incomparable to women. Of course, Huang Yaoshi, who is mature and mature, knows best. He didn't see Ying Gu seeing Lin Chaoying coming over. Has the gaze shrunk carefully behind Zhou Botong?

"Relax, reassure! You are still too young, it is not a good thing to eat something too early." Su Chu shook her finger and said with a smile.

Hearing what Su Chu said, the two girls nodded and didn't say anything more.


I don't know if it's an illusion, but Du Kong, who was about to step out of the gate of Shaolin Temple just now, felt that his heart had been broken.

"Sect Master, Nephew, are you okay? ** The two old master monks looked at Du Kong and hurriedly comforted Du Kong, but their expressions were also extremely ugly, even very ugly.

The two of them obviously didn't expect to force Su Chu to the opposite side of themselves and others. It turned out to be such a simple matter. The grumpy old monk might understand the importance of family members, but the old monk with a heroic figure seemed to him Come to women, just like clothes, if you don't want it, you don't want it.

But what is cheating is that Shaolin got into trouble with such a powerful enemy because of a so-called robbery of civilian girls. Now the three of them really have the idea of ​​killing Wanyan Honglie by a thousand swords. This is not fucking cheating. what?

Well, no matter what, Dukong felt that he should go out, otherwise he would definitely be pissed off after a while! .

Chapter 168: Crossing the sky and coming again, two masters

Chapter 168: Crossing the sky and coming again, two masters

pop, pop, pop

The crisp sound of footsteps came from the Shaolin Temple. The sound of footsteps was not hidden, and everyone immediately shut up. Maybe they knew about the behind-the-scenes discussion, but the behind-the-scenes must not be brought to the light, otherwise it would be Really looking for something again.

"Master Dukong!" Seeing Dukong walk out slowly, Su Chu said with a faint smile.

Dukong also stepped forward, walked in front of Su Chu, bowed slightly again, folded his hands together and said gently: "Amitabha!

Su benefactor, it is a great blessing for me in Shaolin that the three seniors passed away today and condensed the relics, but I also thank Su benefactor for his help. &

"No problem! I promised the three old fellows to do them a favor. It is one of my virtues to do what I say!" Although Su Chu was smiling, it seemed that "[-]" was talking to Dukong, but in reality His upper gaze fell on the two old monks behind Du Kong.

"Benefactor Su" Du Kong stood up slightly and stood in front of Su Chu, just blocking Su Chu's sight.

Although he doesn't care, Su Chu is not the kind of person who can't tear his face, but since Du Kong wants to play, he will play with you. He raised his head and looked at Du Kong with a smile, and asked with a smile: "Du Kong Master, is there anything else?

"I don't know if this contest will continue?" Du Kong's faint voice spread throughout the audience.

In a blink of an eye, I asked everyone. I should say that everyone, even the Shaolin monks, looked at Su Chu. They also wanted to see whether Su Chu would accept him as soon as he was good or kill him all. After all, this is Shaolin’s trump card. , if you play too much, it may not be particularly good for everyone.

"Of course, as long as Dukong Master wants to continue, Su Chu will naturally follow your interests. *? Su Chu smiled very naturally, very calmly, and even said very gently, but for some reason, everyone heard a little bit from it. A sarcastic flavor.

"The bastard gritted his teeth slightly, but Du Kong's expression remained unchanged. It's the easiest way for a person like him to maintain his own mentality.

"Master Su, is this the rhythm of Shaolin Temple's death?"

nonsense!If you let people make trouble like this, you have the strength of the head of Su, and you are just facing the front, Shaolin is also sick, it is not good for the people present to trouble anyone, they must trouble the most important person. &

"That's true! h

Su Chu could hear what these people were talking about, and Du Kong could naturally hear it too, but the expressions of both of them remained unchanged, and they even did what they said they should do, with no change in their expressions, as if they hadn't heard anything. The two foxes, one big and one small, are also interesting.

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