The strong impact immediately permeated it. It seems that Su Chu's blow from the front and the bloody handprint of the skeleton are almost certain to die for ordinary people, but for Liao Kong, he survived, and he survived 25 years without any damage. down.

"Is that all?&

The ground was cracked inch by inch, and powerful force was poured into the ground from Kong's body. If someone could see it, they would find that Kong was surrounded by stars to form a special network layer by layer. Although all the power of gong towards oneself began to split and cover the whole body rapidly, it was finally dispersed.

Just like an egg, a perfect shell can protect against great, or even all, luck.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Yi really deserves its reputation!" Su Chu smiled and praised, dozing off the invisible but clearly felt breath wrapped around Kong's body, secretly admiring all the martial arts that can be used to fight It's all a miracle!

No matter whether it is Tai Chi, Universe Shifting, or Star Shifting, although the three martial arts are quite different from each other in appearance, the actual effect is the same.

It's just that the great shift of the universe is the treasure of Mingjiao's township religion. Mingjiao originated in Persia, so it is not well-known, while Taiji was created after Zhang Sanfeng was a hundred years old. Although it is more famous, it obviously cannot affect this era. Dragon City was actually built

"The stars are shifting?&

"I remember that Fighting and Star Shifting was the martial arts of the Murong family back then! u

"Could it be that this Laokong is from the Murong family?"

Although Jianghu is a place of forgetfulness, some people will not become history, they are destined to only become a myth. Murong Longcheng and Duan Siping are such people, and Murong Longcheng's reputation is even more widespread Unlike Duan Siping who fled to Buddhism to become a monk after founding the country, Murong Longcheng fought through the martial arts step by step and got such a position.

"You talk too much nonsense.

Liao Kong's face sank. He intended to hide his identity, but unexpectedly, he was directly pointed out by the four words of Su Chu. Infinite killing intent came out of the cold voice, and he jumped into the air directly. rise.

&Use your death to shut you up! &

Liaokong descended from the sky, the Buddha seal bloomed in the palm, and the Vajra was strong, the palm of the hand was already glowing with golden light, and it came straight to the center of Su Chu's eyebrows

"Such a flawless palm technique also wants my life?"

Su Chu sneered disdainfully, raised his left hand lightly, and the red light that bloomed again met Kong's palm print unbiasedly, the two forces collided and made crackling sounds, and the scattered true energy scattered Infuriating enough to kill is formed around

"Humph!" With a cold snort, Kou raised his other palm, the palm was also flooded with golden light, the Buddha seal bloomed, and the palm fell again.

"Are you the only one with two hands?"

Su Chu tilted his head, emerald green light emerged from Su Chu's palm, the beautiful leaves converged into a touch of emerald green rope tightly locked the wrist of Kong's other hand, looking at the golden The ray of light is only a finger away from the center of a person's eyebrows.

Some people breathed a sigh of relief, some people were unwilling, but more people were attracted by the battle between the two, and they would never lose again. But it's all huge progress!

&break! & Kong Kong's complexion sank and he suddenly whispered lightly.

In an instant, a powerful force S suddenly burst out, and the four forces M that collided with each other were guided to Kong's body at some point, and three different forces of red, green, and gold fell on Kong's body Surrounding and converging on him, the カs that should have collided with life and death unexpectedly formed a strange balance on Kong's body.

Raise a palm slowly, this palm is very slow, even slow to the extreme, but it is such a palm that gathers three forces, and the target is Su Chu.


A faint voice appeared in Kong's ear, and that faint smile disappeared immediately. I didn't know when Su Chu in front of me had disappeared, and the only thing left was that afterimage. Not far away, Su Chu's 583's figure emerged, looking at him shaking his head slightly, that feeling was like looking at a mentally handicapped person.

Shaking his head and whispering, Su Chu was full of helplessness: First, if people practice Buddhism for a long time, their heads will degenerate, and there are three kinds of カf gathered together!The palm of his hand is indeed powerful, but it's a pity that it's useless if it can't hit anyone! He opened his mouth, and found himself speechless, yes!Just like what Su Chu said, she is not an idiot, not to mention that your palm is not like an indifferent sword that locks all your aura. There is no other possible move except hard resistance. Don’t mention Su Chu’s slow move. Such a person who is proficient in illusion can be sure that he will never be hit even if he is empty.

"Isn't it really a Buddhist cultivator?" Liao Kong couldn't be sure, and couldn't help asking his own question in his heart.

Because what I did just now was really not much different from an idiot, and even felt even more idiotic.

"Hey!" Su Chu sighed lightly, but his voice was filled with a kind of sadness: "Everything about the elders is really thrown away on your face, Murong Bo, you still have the right to call yourself Murong's family the person? &

"Are you still qualified to bear the surname of Gusu Murong in the Canhe Villa back then?%

Chapter 175: What happened back then, shut up

Chapter 175: What happened back then, shut up

"Shut up! Shut up! u

A tearing roar like a beast came out of Kong's mouth, and he raised his hands to pick up the flower with two fingers. The two fingers had already flashed in the air, but how could such an attack full of anger cause harm to Su Chu? Turning her head slightly, she avoided these two attacks, and seeing Kong's appearance, Su Chu smiled lightly.

"Shut up?" Su Chu looked at Kong with a smile, and said coldly: "Since you dared to do what you did back then, why dare you not admit it?u

"What happened back then, Huang Rong looked at Li Kong who was completely crazy, and couldn't help scratching her head, even if she was smart, she couldn't help it if she didn't know about it!

However, Du Kong and an old monk were the only ones present who knew about it. Both of them closed their eyes slightly when they mentioned this matter. It is better not to get involved casually in this matter. Things that people can't do anything about.

"I told you to shut up! & Liaokong let out a wild roar again.

The person has disappeared in the same place, Su Chu smiled at the corner of his mouth, and the palm of his hand was light. You come and I fight very fiercely. Unfortunately, this kind of fierceness can be seen by everyone. Su Chu is calm and calm, while Liaokong is like a raging beast. Exuding a ferocious breath, he was angry, really angry, what happened back then was like a barb pierced into Kong's heart, causing his heart to ache, but he had no way to refute, no Way to do it.

He could only watch helplessly as his son and his beloved daughter-in-law died in front of him, and died in front of him in an extremely miserable manner.

"Hahaha 1 Following the battle, as the events of that year were revealed by Su Chu one by one, the bloody truth made Kong let out wild roars and tragic laughter.

The strength in his hand was getting weaker and weaker. Su Chu just shifted his body slightly to avoid Kongna's fatal attack from ordinary people. He floated back gently and said softly: "It seems that the piece from back then This matter still caused great harm to your mind. 々! u

"Daddy, grandpa, do you know what happened back then?" Huang Rong finally couldn't help asking.

In addition to eating, drinking and sleeping, the fourth instinct of a person is to gossip, especially girls who seem to turn this instinct into the first instinct, and Huang Rong is obviously no exception, the same is true, and finally couldn't help it Thinking of myself, the two elders here asked.

In fact, it wasn't just Huang Rong, Mu Nianci, Lin Chaoying, Zhou Botong, and Ying Gu all pricked up their ears at the same time after hearing Huang Rong's question, looking at the two of them curiously.

Huang Yaoshi shook his head, looked helplessly at Huang Rong and said with a smile: "Rong'er, you think highly of your father too much. That matter was hidden back then, let alone your father and my father a hundred years ago. born. "

"Che & Huang Rong curled her lips in disdain and looked at Huang Chang

Huang Chang just shook his head and said calmly: At that time, I was just an ordinary official in the imperial court. I only knew a little about these too secret things, and I didn't know too much. &

"Tell me quickly, tell me quickly! Huang Rong doesn't care how much she knows, she knows a little bit.

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