"Who on earth gave you this feeling?" Su Chu looked at the arrogant Kong Kong as if he had seen his own victory, and said coldly.

Liao Kong's face suddenly sank, and the next moment his palm was already caught between two fingers.

"You seem to have forgotten, now you are no longer the person with endless true energy and terrifying star shift, but a useless person with exhausted true energy, a useless person with a limitless realm." Su Chu said lightly. The voice took time to react suddenly.

I was too careless, the joy of revenge suddenly occupied Sora's heart.

He even let himself forget that Su Chu is not a lamb to be slaughtered by him, but a master in the late stage of the master who is on par with him, and that endless means and terrifying swordsmanship are the most impressive to the amazed.

U really makes people feel humble! &

Su Chu looked at the sky as if he was looking at a dead person, and opened his fingers lightly. A purple sword energy was already brewing between his fingers, but it was not a normal gathering of energy to form a blade, but it represented Dugu in the return of thousands of swords. The sword of the nine swords.

Immediately afterwards, a surprising scene appeared. Liao Kong was completely beaten by a sword condensed with a sword. There were many wounds.

He said lightly: "I won't bother you about the affairs of the Yin Yang family." &

"Really? The liar really doesn't want to be exposed?" Kong Kong smiled coldly.

"Is the master a liar? Why don't I know? &.

Chapter 191: If you are well, I will be happy

Chapter 191: If you are well, I will be happy


Liaokong smiled cruelly, and slightly glanced at Su Chuna's gaze that was almost completely focused on Li Qi, the cruel smile became more vigorous, and he took a step back slightly, the whole person disappeared for a moment, and all the eyes in the air All that was left was the purple brilliance and a cruel sneer.


Liao Kong had already come to Su Chu in an instant, and there was a smile on Su Chu's face. I don't know whether it was indifferent or ignorant, and the whole person was taken away by the finger that pierced the world in an instant, which should be more vigorous. In life, only one bloody rose is left to bloom.

"That's all." He patted Huang Rong's jade back in his arms, and before the others could react, Li Qi had already smiled coldly.

Isn't this kind of fighting style my master's favorite thing? Giving the enemy absolute despair amidst the absolute hope, this is exactly what my master is best at playing, and what I am most familiar with is as Li Qi breaks through the master, The true qi in the body has been greatly improved, and the illusion has also been greatly improved.

Li Qi could feel the fluctuations that he couldn't feel at all in the past. Although it was not obvious, he could still clearly feel the flashing illusion and unreal feeling on Su Chu's body.

"What are they looking at?" Huang Rong scratched her head strangely, it was very strange.

&yes?Why did Master Liaokong suddenly burst into laughter?" Mu Nianci walked to Huang Rong's side with gentle steps, and asked strangely.

Lin Chaoying's face froze, the corners of her mouth that had slipped slightly stopped abruptly, her true energy circulated, her eyes blurred for a while, and she suddenly recovered, everything returned to the real scene.

"Rong'er, do you know what is the most basic, most basic thing for the disciples of the Yin-Yang family?" Li Qi gently moved his fingers and asked gently. "Illusion?" &

Li Qi shook his head gently, he didn't care about the thoughts of everyone around stealing his teacher, needless to say Zhou Botong, Huang Yaoshi looked sideways slightly, Du Kong and the old monk also secretly listened to Li Qi's next words.

"Yin-Yang School is born out of Taoism, Taiji Yin-Yang, Five Elements and Eight Diagrams are the foundation of the foundation, which is also the most basic study of Yin-Yang School, and then further Yin-Yang School is born out of Taoism, but it is detached from Taoism, creating its own sun and moon Three Stars, Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth and Five Elements Revolving



As Li Qi moved his fingers, the illusory realm of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth emerged in the air, and the five elements interacted with each other, and slowly dissipated, leaving only a wisp of green smoke in the end. Isn't it the same wisp of green smoke in the end?

"But I think Brother Su uses illusion the most. It has nothing to do with the Five Elements at all?"

At this moment, Huang Rong became unusually stupid, leaning against Li Qi's arms, muttering strangely.

"You girl丨When I taught you some time ago, you didn't listen very well. Do you remember Nianci?" His eyes fell on Mu Nianci.


Mu Nianci nodded gently, and said: "My husband's Buddhist scripture pavilion has all these records. After my sister told you that day, I took a look." &


Sighing softly and helplessly, both Li Qi and Lin Chaoying knew that Huang Rong would be much better than Mu Nianci if she really picked herself up.

But now the cultivation base of the two people is that Mu Nianci has already surpassed Huang Rong, and they have opened up a long distance. Although the martial artist's aptitude is important, what is more important is the heart and hard work. Mu Nianci will work hard. I don't know how to study, but Huang Rong has a playful personality, but K likes to play and just play like this. In troubled times, there are Minmin and Yingying, the capable ministers who rule the world, the peerless general who conquers the world has Phoenix sister, Wu Yao Qiankun has Me, Senior Sister, Dongfang Sister and many others, it is enough for you to maintain your innocence, presumably the master will agree with my statement. "

Ask for flowers-…

Li Qi gently stroked Huang Rong's little head, full of sigh-like thoughts.

There is a watershed between the master and the peerless world, a huge watershed. After reaching the realm of the master, Li Qiming has realized a lot. Isn't what he is fighting for at the same time pushing the one he loves to others?There is no need to be like this at all. Facing these sisters who get along day and night, I am not really a person who is very cruel to my own people, so how could I be able to do something tricky!

Since you can't do it, then just accept it, isn't the cute little sister also cute?

The clumsy Yilin, the eccentric Qu Feiyan, the gentle and elegant Xiao Zhao, the always jealous Yue Lingshan, and the pair of Wu Qingying and Zhu Jiuzhen who always want to surpass each other, plus this lovely girl in her arms Rong'er, aren't these children the ones I need to protect?

With the protection of myself and my sisters, as long as they continue to live innocently like this, it will be fine.

Listening to Li Qi's exclamation, everyone heard a lot of information from it, but more of it was a kind of admiration for Li Qi, even Su Chu couldn't help casting his eyes over it, no wonder It seems that Su Chu fell into doubt just now.

It is true that the current Li Qi is very different from the past. In the past, it would not be an exaggeration to say that Li Qi was a poisonous scorpion, but now Li Qi gives people a kind of gentleness like Dongfang Bai, gentle and tolerant, although it is not obvious , but it is also conspicuous.

"Dai, master, are you right about me?" Li Qi suddenly turned to his side and winked mischievously.

"I didn't expect that you, a little girl, would change so much." Su Chu's figure slowly appeared beside her, and Mu Nianci leaned on her without thinking.

Su Chu gently rubbed Mu Nianci's beautiful hair, and said with a light smile: "Rong'er, if you don't want to think about it, you don't need to think about it. You can do whatever you like. As long as I'm still alive, I won't think about it." Have anyone force you to do anything you don't like to do. &

"If you are well, I will be happy."

Chapter 192: The Basics

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