"Uncle Liaokong & Dukong didn't expect that in the eyes of the old monk, Liaokong

Kong turned out to be such a person, and as the master of Shaolin, he didn't realize it at all. It was too dereliction of duty. In desperation, he clasped his hands together and said softly: "Amitabha!" &

The old monk shook his head and said: "You don't have to feel self-blame, rights and desires exist in individuals, but he has been completely overwhelmed by these two, and now he is no longer the person he used to be." "

Every word, the old monk was full of sighs.

Although what happened back then was that Liao Kong killed his whole family, but even he had to admit that Liao Kong was indeed a cholera hero, but looking at it today, everything has changed. Liao Kong has disappeared, and what is left is just a waste-like existence.

No matter how strong such a person is, he is not afraid of himself, because he has lost everything he should have, and now all he thinks about in his heart is power, **, anyone can have these, because if there is no one, it is still a normal person. person?

But people can control power and desire, but if power and desire dominate people, then this person is a useless person.

Just like it is empty now.

Not only the old monk thought of this, even Su Chu thought of it, shook his head and said softly: "It's really sad, now you have lost the momentum of the past, you are just a useless person, I would kill you Disdain and kill you. &

"Asshole... r

With a roar from the sky, it rose into the sky, and the whole person has 593 completely become ferocious, and turned into a scorpion. Цfashion refers to tienai Вfashion refers to tiewood г susian lamp neon species of hooksbad Lai Lao vertebrae annoyedLuna word stealing 〖saying a certain amine Cen υ 谇 Kang  Qiao Bian   チ Su Yan  wood ? Which is nothing but waste.

From Su Chu's point of view, the current Liaokong is just a useless person, and it is no longer worth fighting by himself!

The same powerful vajra held in Kong's hands, even though it is extremely powerful, is just an ordinary martial art. In the hands of an eminent monk, even if its power is weak, it is as terrifying as a vajra descending on the mortal world.

"What are you hiding? What are you hiding??*

Liao Kong roared: "Don't hide if you can, come! Come!" *

Su Chu's face was indifferent, and he avoided the attack like a storm. Looking at Kong's expression, his figure suddenly appeared in the distance, and said lightly: "Do you really want me to attack you?" ? u

"What do you mean, you guy? M suddenly turned his head back, his eyes were like a ghost.

"Because you are dead!".

Chapter 194: Tragic Death

Chapter 194: Tragic Death

The light words and the light tone made people feel surprised and fearful, Su Chu looked at Kong as if looking at a dead person, but just glanced at Kong's hideous face lightly, standing with his hands behind his back, without a trace The meaning of wanting to make a move.

"What do you mean, bastard? & Liaokong let out a crazy roar.

"This appearance is really disgusting. Can such a person be considered an eminent monk of Shaolin Temple?" Huang Rong frowned, and waved her hands on the tip of her chest, as if she felt sick just breathing the same air as him.

In fact, everyone has an idea, but it's a pity they don't have the confidence like Huang Rong. After all, although they are not good at martial arts, the people behind them are amazing. I and others are not like that. It's better to shut up and not talk .

"Amitabha! u

Du Kong also closed his eyes, without saying a word, he never thought that his uncle would look like this, fortunately his face is thick enough, otherwise even he would not be able to bear it, so he would have to close his eyes The eyes couldn't help but back away.

593-This idiot, even at the end of his life, is embarrassing. "The old monk curled his lips, closed his eyes, and stopped looking at this trash who had been against him all his life, but until the end, he was ashamed and thrown like this.

Li Qi didn't care so much, he sneered, and said coldly: "Roaring like a mad dog."

"Sister Li, I realized after you said that, what you said is really similar! This guy is really like a mad dog." Huang Rong smiled and covered her mouth.

Li Qi patted Huang Rong's pouch and smiled approvingly, then said coldly: "What a humble man, he didn't even realize that he was going to die, driven by power and lust, no wonder such a person doesn't even have a master Willing to personally grant him death. "

"Sister Li, what do you mean by what you said to your husband?" This time, Mu Nianci asked suspiciously. It is true that both Su Chu and Li Qi have said that Kong is about to die. What does this mean? Could it be that Su Chu Chu has practiced martial arts that can kill people out of thin air?

"Yes! Yes! What does Sister Li mean? Is this idiot poisoned? Huang Rong asked in surprise.

Li Qi smiled and said: "Just watch it carefully, the time is coming soon-"


Although Liao Kong's true energy is not at its peak, it does not mean that Kong is not a weak person. Among the people present at the master level, only Huang Chang surpassed him by one head, and the rest were only Su Chu and the old monk. It's just an equal tone.

The voices of the few people were not hidden, so they were easily heard by Kong Kong. Now that his mind has been completely overwhelmed by power, Kong Kong doesn't want to say so much anymore. All he has to do is kill!kill!kill!

"Bitch, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to let you die in humiliation!" Le Kong let out an ugly beast's roar.


But before he could make a move, he suddenly froze, and the whole person fell to his knees on the ground with a common sound, twitching all over, and roared fiercely with a stiff face: "What's going on?"How is this going? &

"Look, let's start, watch him die of torture!" Li Qi looked at Kong lightly, full of coldness.

Li Qi has never been a good person. She was a woman who could be called a devil back then. In Chu Liuxiang's world, Li Qi once insulted and molested him because of an extravagant child. All the two people had their hand (cfbd) tendons and hamstrings severed that night.

This is not over yet, their limbs were cut off on the second day, but special means were used to keep them alive. Finally, when they were discovered on the third day, their backs were riddled with holes, although they had died a long time ago. You can die again, but everyone can see that those people were violently tortured to death before they died.

Since then, the reputation of the Yin Yang family has become extremely evil, and the reputation of Li Qishi Guanyin has resounded throughout the martial arts world.

But Su Chu doesn't care, his apprentice can play however he likes!If you can't even protect your own apprentice, your own Yin Yang family is really meaningless.

But this time, Li Qi didn't need to make a move, because Li Kong would surely die. Of course, the more important point was that Li Yao also knew that if he really made a move, he might not be the opponent of Li Kong.

Don't look at the current Liao Kong who is driven by power and desire to his heart, but the master is the master, not to mention the later stage of the guru. Even [-]% of a body's cultivation must not be able to show it, but it is easily enough for Li Qi.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on?&

Liao Kong has already fallen to the ground, every time he wants to stand up, a more severe pain rises up in his body, that strange aura is more terrifying than sword aura, even Liao Kong often mobilizes his true qi Searched but found nothing.

What is even more unexpected is that every time I mobilize my true energy, the pain in my body becomes more intense.


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