"Husband, it's okay!" Mu Nianci said softly on behalf of the two girls

But Li Qi walked in front of Su Chu gracefully under the eyes of the two women, bowed slightly and said respectfully in a palace manner: "I have seen the master." &

"When did you become so polite, girl?" Su Chu patted Li Qi's head, and said gently but jokingly.

Li Qi smiled and shook his head, looked at Kong's corpse and said lightly: "Master, is such a person qualified to die under the Six Souls Curse?"In my opinion, for such a mad dog swallowed by the ****, it would be cheap for him to die in the hands of anyone, let alone die under the forbidden curse of my Yin Yang family-

Six Soul Dread Curse!

The method to kill Kong is naturally not poison or poisonous needles. Although Su Chu also has such things, Su Chu is not going to use this method. Of course, it is not that Su Chu disdains to use poison or the like. Su Chu is not the kind of person who looks like an old antique.

Su Chu is a very stable person, so even though Su Chu has prepared many means to deal with various accidents, what Su Chu trusts most is still her own strength, because if her strength is not enough, then The final result of facing anyone is bound to be a dead end, this is the most important point.

Su Chu was prepared for all things such as tricks, elixirs, poisons, and hidden weapons, and Huang Rong was the one who really saw them, and it was only by accident, and it was precisely because of this that Huang Rong revealed Su Chu's background The horror of Su Chu will make people understand how terrifying Su Chu is.

But owning it does not mean that Su Chu is willing to use it. Although Su Chu does not resist her own foreign power, she prefers to rely on her own strength.

And this time it is more unfair to die in vain. If it is possible, Su Chu is more willing to defeat the opponent with his own strength, rather than killing the opponent with the Six Souls Curse of Terror. It is undeniable that the Six Souls of Terror The forbidden curse of the Yin Yang family is indeed very terrifying.

The Six Souls Fear Curse is one of the forbidden spells of the Yin-Yang Curse Seal of the Yin-Yang family. It belongs to the "Yin Vessel Eight Redundancy 1?". The biggest side effect of this curse seal is that it cannot be released directly, otherwise it will bring special effects It is directly noticed by others, so long-term contact is required. After secretly planting on the opponent's body, the Six Souls Curse will lurk on the enemy's body. With the mobilization of the opponent's true energy, the final result will be as empty , and the most important thing is that the longer the forbidden curse is in contact with, the greater the torment will be caused at that time. According to theory, only the Mohist's mental method can be used to restrain the Six Souls Curse. The realm of love can be restrained.

But the crux of the problem came out. Even a world is not a world, so how can it be restrained.

That's why the Scary Six Souls Curse is called an extremely terrifying curse seal. Su Chu didn't want to use it at first, but at such a dangerous moment, Su Chu had no choice but to plant the Scary Six Souls Curse for Kong. Did you know it was going to be like this?

Su Chu smiled and said: "Qi'er, you have to learn to respect everyone, this is the respect for the strong, remember this! &

Su Chu taught Li Qi softly. Of course, he could listen to what he liked, and he didn’t force Su Chu to listen to him if he didn’t like it. After all, because a dead man came to reprimand his apprentice, Su Chu was not that kind of person, let alone the kind of person who cared about other people’s eyes. Su Chu cared more about her woman's eyes, but perhaps it was because of this that Li Qi nodded slightly, and her eyes were already 1.3 different.

No matter if he is empty-handed, or if he is vicious, he is always a master. Even if he is a former master, he is still a master master. You can despise his character and everything, but you can never deny his strength. , any master is worthy of people's respect.

Because being able to make it this far already predestined him to have a fortitude that ordinary people absolutely don't have, otherwise he wouldn't be able to make it to today's step.

"I see.?* Li Qi nodded gently, but at the next moment, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he took a slight step back, giving way to the position in front of Su Chu. At the same time, Huang Rong and Mu Nian also retreated. Ci, both of them retreated behind Li Qi, quietly looking directly at the person coming.

"Su Chu, hello! &.

Chapter 197: Thank You

Chapter 197: Thank You

Su Chu took a step forward, her figure changed between illusions, and she had already quietly arrived in front of the old monk. Although she was very calm, she still stood in front of her woman without leaving any trace, smiling lightly, gentle He looked at the old monk in front of him.

To be honest, Su Chu appreciates the aura of this old monk very much, of course it doesn't mean that he likes it, but compared to Kong Kong's heroic aura, what Su Chu admires more is the old monk who looks like a big man in front of him. Wild and uninhibited atmosphere.

In fact, neither the old monk nor the empty one looks like a member of the Shaolin Temple at all, but these two people have become the trump cards of the Shaolin Temple, and they are one of the most important trump cards. It is even said that these two people Some people's families were ruined, some people lost everything they had, all of which were caused by Shaolin, but even so they couldn't resist, maybe the result of things is just such a fate!


Su Chu walked two steps slowly again, stood in front of the old monk, with a faint smile on his face, and said softly.

Li Qi's follower, Su Chu, stood behind 25 Qi. At this moment, Huang Rong and Mu Nianci really saw that the standing position of the elder and younger was about half a step behind Li Qilai, while Zhou Botong and Yinggu He even directly expressed his position, and as for the standing position, it was more than a step behind Huang Rong and the other two.

Sometimes a standing position is the best way to show one's identity and one's position. After all, no one likes one's own subordinates to always aim high and show one's position very high.

Su Chu may not care about so many things, but he will never like this situation, and Zhou Botong also has his own plans, he must find his own position, and the most suitable position for him is Su Chu, others People are also not suitable.

If it was me, Kong Ran, everything is easy to say, the world is so big, I can go, but now that Ying Gu is by my side, I have to give Ying Gu a belonging, and this belonging, the most suitable one is probably the Yinyang family Definitely the best fit.

Su Chu has already demonstrated her absolute strength, so she doesn't need to think so much. Sometimes it's not a good thing to take a good position too late.

"Lin Mu Nianci looked at Lin Chaoying. At this moment, even the gentle and elegant she understood what it represented. She wanted to speak, but after she was full of thoughts, Lin Chaoying shook her head lightly. In this situation, anyone can understand Not qualified to speak.

Unless it's Su Chu himself!

"Hey..." Sighing softly, Lin Chaoying finally stood behind Su Chu, half a step forward compared to Zhou Botong, and half a step backward compared to Huang Rong, which is considered a comparable position.

"Very good!" Mu Su Chu smiled lightly.

All these movements were unfolded in front of the old monk, and the old monk also watched Su Chu's movements with great interest. Although he was not particularly clear about politics, he was also the chief coach of the three armies of the Daliao Liao Dynasty back then. Still very clear.

What's more, after spending a long time in Shaolin, a seemingly bright, great and correct place, even an ordinary person can understand these tricks, not to mention that people with higher martial arts are less idiots. How could he not understand just now? In the end what happened.

"The housework made you laugh. Su Chu smiled softly.

The old monk shook his head and said: With your methods and eyes like yours, I really can't think of any sect in the world that can cultivate a disciple like you. Maybe others think you are the descendant of the Yin Yang family, but The aura of the royal family on your body is definitely not fake, and the aura of the royal family on your body is even stronger than that of the emperor. ■"Haha Su Chu laughed and said: "It's really interesting, I have rarely seen people who can see through me with their eyesight.

"In that case, are you willing to say it?" The old monk continued to ask.

However, Su Chu shook her head, appreciating it. She is not that kind of idiot. She has not yet reached the level of casually telling others. She vetoed: "Sorry, my matter is too secretive, it is not good to be Say it clearly. &

"It's normal, I'm so straightforward, don't take it to heart." The old monk shook his head and smiled.

"No problem!" Su Chu waved his hands.

After a moment of silence, Su Chu continued: "Do you just want to say a few words to me?" &

&no! "The old monk was silent for a long time before he quietly said: "Actually, I want to thank you, although you and I are destined to be enemies, but

But I still want to thank you, thank you for helping me avenge my vengeance, but it is a pity that Shaolin has taught me all these years, I cannot be ungrateful, so this battle must continue. &

What the old monk said moved people, obviously they were hostile identities, and obviously they were high-level positions on both sides, but the old monk thanked Su Chu bluntly.


In fact, it is precisely because of this that Su Chu will appreciate people like the old monk, because he is very real, he will not play with you so much, but this kind of person's heart is absolutely most horrible.

It is said that the human heart is better than ghosts and gods!

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