"Of course not." Of course Su Chu knew what Xiao Yuanshan was thinking, but he had his own thoughts. After a moment of silence, Su Chu spoke again: "Xiao Yuanshan, I invite you once again to join my empire." , your injury can be treated easily for me. **

"I see!&

Xiao Yuanshan laughed loudly, but shook his head: "I should thank Mr. Su for looking up to me, but I'm already tired. If I met you back then, maybe your real temperament would convince me, but now I just want to to reunite with his wife and children. &


Su Chu murmured softly in her heart, then said with a faint smile: "If that's the case, then I won't say much." &

But he said indifferently in his heart: "Soon, we will meet again!" &.

Chapter 209: If I become a Buddha, there will be no demons in the world!

Chapter 209: If I become a Buddha, there will be no demons in the world!

"You give me a very strange feeling?" Xiao Yuanshan rolled his eyes slightly, and said strangely: This feeling seems to be coming soon, or that I will see you again? Maybe it's a hallucination! After all, I have already You are going to die, how can you meet again when you are a living person.

Regarding Xiao Yuanshan's murmuring feeling, Su Chu secretly sighed in his heart: "What a strong perception ability, if such a person becomes a general of the empire, I'm afraid the army of the empire will be greatly improved, right?m

Perhaps Su Chu is not sure about the others, but there is one thing Su Chu can be sure of. Xiao Yuanshan is definitely a handsome talent. After all, as the head of the Daliao General Forbidden Army, it is a very huge position, and he can even persuade the Daliao King to stop attacking the Daliao Enter the army.

This is a very important military position, otherwise do you think a small soldier is qualified to talk to the emperor?

And the more important thing is that Daliao was absolutely very powerful when Xiao Yuanshan was in office, and no one dared to underestimate it. From this, it can be seen how strong Xiao Yuanshan's commanding army is. It is obviously an extremely terrifying commander of the army. strength.

"Whether you admit it or not, you and I will meet again sooner or later." Su Chu smiled faintly.

Xiao Yuanshan was puzzled and puzzled, but he also laughed freely: "That's as you said, if you and I meet again on the day, I will worship you as my lord, as long as you give me an order, I will definitely not There is the slightest hesitation. "

& A word from a gentleman! h

"A four-horse is hard to follow! u

"Very good!" Su Chu nodded with great satisfaction. After such a long time travelling, Su Chu also understood.

The five worlds of Tianlong Babu, Shooting Condor, Shenli, Yitian, and Xiaoao are absolutely connected. Maybe the times are different, but they can definitely be connected, but there is also a problem that you have to see how to connect, they see It seems to be one, but it is actually independent, and any small change in it is very important.

Let me explain it this way. Each of the five worlds can develop into a world that is proud in the end, but each world is actually independent, which is equivalent to having five worlds. But if someone changes history, then to Everything will change at that time. Many things, such as the current Condor Shooting World, will still be the Condor World in the next stage, but no one knows whether it will be like the Condor God in the original book, because these worlds have been replaced by Su Chu played badly, played thoroughly, and what will be displayed at that time is completely different.

Of course, what Su Chu is looking for is not the Xiao Yuanshan of this world, after all, people cannot be resurrected after death. If Xiao Yuanshan is willing to let Su Chu save him, everything is easy to say, but it is a pity that Xiao Yuanshan is not willing.

What Su Chu wants is Xiao Yuanshan who is sincerely convinced, not a Xiao Yuanshan who wants to die and has the will to die, then it doesn't make any sense, so if he likes to die, he can die!What Su Chu is really looking for is the Xiao Yuanshan from the Tianlong period, and that Xiao Yuanshan is the most suitable one.

That's why Su Chu said that we will meet again in the future. Of course, seeing each other is not the same. Maybe when we meet again, things are different, but Su Chu is never a person who gives up. Since I have taken a fancy to your talent, then you It can only work for me, no matter what time it is.

"Come on!" Xiao Yuanshan put his hands together and shouted angrily.

The zhenqi all over his body completely rioted, but in the real Gao Xiao Yuanshan, his body was completely broken as Su Chu said, and the injuries on his body were almost damaged. The meridians, zhenqi, and flesh and blood in his body followed Seeing that this blow has already started to completely shatter, everything turned into the nourishment of this blow gathered in Xiao Yuanshan's body.


The jet-black true energy has been completely materialized, winding around Xiao Yuanshan like tornadoes, gloomy with Xiao Yuanshan bleeding from all seven orifices, at this moment Xiao Yuanshan is really like an evil spirit who came out of hell, which makes people feel While feeling fear, I also feel fear.

"This is my last punch! Be careful!"

Xiao Yuanshan said with difficulty, taking half a step, this half step represents the pinnacle of Xiao Yuanshan's life, this half step the ground began to crack, and the breath of life on Xiao Yuanshan's body became weaker, but the terrifying black energy was even stronger. powerful and terrifying.

Waves of churning black air gathered in the void. At this moment, thousands of Buddhas seemed to appear. The pitch-black figure had a grinning smile. At this moment, the ghost-like Buddhism gathers in Xiao Yuanshan's body, but no one dares to laugh at it, no one dares to ridicule, this is a feeling.

The Buddha said: If the hell is not empty, you will not become a Buddha!

Then how can hell be empty in the world, and how can there be no evil thoughts in the world, even in Buddhism, darkness exists in this place known as the most merciful place, and endless darkness permeates all kinds of things between heaven and earth. various corners.

At this moment, Xiao Yuanshan condensed this darkness, he is the darkness, the dark, the dark, the dark and the dark.


Ye (Wang Wangzhao) roared from Xiao Yuanshan's mouth, it was a ferocious and terrifying roar, Xiao Yuanshan's body moved half a step again with difficulty, and his right hand was already lifted up with difficulty.

The blood boiled as if it had been corroded, and turned into a little bit of black mist and dissipated in the air. Not even the flesh and blood were left behind, only the paint that had been similarly corroded was left. Lindu Jiangna雄蘧〉Twilight 谖砻zhi Susi Ranunculus invasion  Xi  Hui Huang Min Jian  milk   ya   falcon base?/p>

"If I become a Buddha, there will be no demons in the world!"

Following Xiao Yuanshan's loud roar, all the Buddhas in the sky were shaken, and the next moment they floated towards Xiao Yuanshan uncontrollably, each of them let out ferocious roars with grim expressions.

They are not reconciled, they are not satisfied, they are demons, evil Buddhas!

Chapter 210: If I become a demon, there will be no Buddha in the world

Chapter 210: If I become a demon, there will be no Buddha in the world

"Okay? A punch from the public!" Su Chu didn't lift his hands or move his feet.

It's not that he doesn't want to move, but that he can't move. All parts of his body have been blocked by the pitch-black violent air current. If Su Chu makes a strong move now, it will cause a very chain situation, and it is very likely that he will die in the end. Initiate a collapse of true energy.

Now Xiao Yuanshan has gathered so much zhenqi on his body, it is no longer just his own, as we all know that the zhenqi of martial arts practitioners is to spit out internal energy, after absorbing the zhenqi from traveling between heaven and earth, it is going on in the body A little bit of refinement became his own, Xiang Su Chu relied on the effects of Nine Suns Divine Art and Beiming Divine Art so that his true energy seemed endless and auspicious.

Master's current Xiao Yuanshan is completely different. With a very unique inner strength, Xiao Yuanshan has gathered all the spiritual energy of the entire Shaoshi Mountain. Of course, Xiao Yuanshan did not absorb it, otherwise Xiao Yuanshan would have exploded and died long ago.

And it is precisely because of this that the vision of ten thousand Buddhas in the world can be condensed. Otherwise, in Su Chu's opinion, at least a great master with the limit of heaven and man can do it. For others, forget it!It can only be done by the means of raising hands and feet like a fairy at that level.

667-In this case!I'm just waiting for this punch with you. &

The palm of the hand moved slightly, and the finger touched the mechanism of Peacock Ling. Su Chu's sharp eyes looked at the strange image in front of him lightly, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Yuanshan's move is borrowing all the aura of heaven and earth. If it really detonates, all but a few people present will surely die. Su Chu doesn't want Huang Rong and others to buy the right danger, so be careful Well, after all, of course, Su Chu admired Xiao Yuanshan's punch, very much, but at the same time, he was full of disdain. In Su Chu's view, there is no need for any reference to such a completely desperate attack.

This punch was simply a desperate move, now there is no good place on Xiao Yuanshan's body, all flesh and blood have been corroded by the unrefined Qi of Heaven and Earth, and even pitch-black dry bones can be seen, This is Xiao Yuanshan's strongest strength, he puts all his life into it, and combines the martial arts killing (cfaf) punch he has learned for hundreds of years with Shaolin's seventy-two stunts!

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