& is it my illusion? 1 Su Chu muttered in her heart, but then shook her head, not caring so much anymore.

"This is?&

Suddenly Su Chu only felt that the book named Buddha and Demon in his mind was tumbling suddenly, and the next moment Su Chu couldn't help being surprised, whether it was his Wanjian Guizong or his martial arts that was still in fusion, Whether it's other martial arts or not, all of them have emerged in the following exercises.

But the most important thing is that these skills can be learned anywhere, and they are absolutely correct, but the biggest difference is that they are all evil spirits, and to put it bluntly, they are all magic skills.

"It's interesting

Su Chu was not as defenseless as Xiao Yuanshan when he was young, nor was he obsessed with revenge later on. Su Chu now understands a lot of things. He slightly rubs his eyes and thinks carefully about the characteristics of this skill.

"The system reminds the host that it is best not to try to practice this kind of exercise, otherwise the final result is that the host will definitely go mad and die."

The system's prompt sounded at the right time, and Su Chu said with a smile: "Of course I know!"I'm not Xiao Yuanshan, whose eyes have been blurred by others.

"But Su Chu frowned again.

It's very strange, although Su Chu doesn't know what kind of martial arts the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic is, but Su Chu owns one-tenth of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic. If it is really necessary to divide it, it should be the Hundred Flowers Chapter. How the fan is made, and the martial arts of yin and yang cooperation.

It can be regarded as a dual-cultivation martial art, but it is definitely not an evil martial art. However, this part of the Huangdi Neijing is completely a demonic martial art. This kind of martial art is too weird in Su Chu's view.

"It's very strange." Su Chu squinted her eyes, thinking about the situation carefully.

If the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic is really a martial art of good and evil, then Su Chu really doesn't care, but it is obviously wrong, and even said that this evil martial art is too weird, and the martial arts of Buddha and Demon are very evil Buddhist martial arts, even very weird demon martial arts.

It’s not that Su Chu looks down on Demon’s martial arts. He even said that Su Chu himself is also a practitioner of Demon’s martial arts. The holy fire order martial arts is also Demon’s martial arts in itself, even a very weird and extreme demonic martial arts. But this kind of martial arts is fundamentally Say or t! It's majestic, although it's weird, but that kind of magic martial arts is indeed majestic martial arts.

And this martial art should be said to be the real magic martial art. It is evil, weird, and even Su Chu can feel this weird situation just by looking at it lightly. If he practices it forcefully, even his own mind will be shocked Go crazy and die.



Suddenly, with a muffled snort, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of Su Chu's mouth, as if his mind exploded, Su Chu gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "Damn it, what's going on?

Resisting the feeling of explosion 360, Su Chu squinted his eyes slightly, completely immersed his consciousness in his mind, and fell into a complete silence. Su Chu's mind seemed to be like a myth, and it turned upside down. The original Buddha and demon It has already begun to struggle violently, and at the same time twisted crazily.

But what is more important is that the pieces of golden text that emerged behind the Buddha and Demon are the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic that Su Chu got from Ouyang Ke.

"This has surpassed the limit of martial arts, right?" Su Chu couldn't help complaining.

"The host doesn't need to be surprised. When martial arts are cultivated to the extreme, they will surpass the limits of martial arts, and they are not even weaker than immortal cultivators. As for the reason why martial artists' luck is so rare, the host needs to find out by himself. This system has nothing to say. &

"It really makes people feel helpless." Su Chu smiled helplessly.

However, there was no evenly matched battle in Su Chu's mind. Instead, it was a completely overwhelming victory. The golden words turned into a huge net that instantly enveloped the Buddha and demons.厣愉风路鸡鸡阳虹椤餤?/p>

Soon the golden text was also revealed.

Art of War! .

Chapter 214: The Terror of the Art of War

Chapter 214: The Terror of the Art of War

"damn it!"

Su Chu feels that her consciousness is very weak, and it’s no wonder that Su Chu is so. Consciousness itself is a place where everyone is extremely weak. Even if Su Chu is very strong, it is obviously not strong enough to ignore this point. The battle in is still over very quickly.Otherwise, under the impact of this force, Su Chu may even become an idiot. Of course, it is not without benefits. Although Su Chu almost lost consciousness under the severe pain, it is undeniable that Su Chu's consciousness will become stronger when she recovers.

And now the two golden texts are slowly repairing Su Chu's mind.

"It's really dangerous!" Su Chu said with a sigh: "However, if this happens every time you get the fragments of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, then it is really bad luck. &

Su Chu is very helpless but also helpless, after all, her own strength is still too weak now, there is no way to grasp the strength of this consciousness, she can only bear it passively and has no way to actively resist.

"This system reminds the host that the Art of War is the most important chapter in the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, please study it carefully."

& is identified as the most important chapter by the system? !Su Chumo rubbed his chin, thinking carefully, but obviously other movements were faster, and soon Su Chu put his consciousness into the chapter of military art, Su Chu felt the surrounding scenery instantly changed.

"Boyue! You have to remember that soldiers are tricky. After I die, you must assist the new emperor to complete the benevolent and righteous life of the previous emperor." But the old man can see the youth's handsomeness, the feather fan and the scarf are the best. world.

"Wei remember it!" The man knelt down on one knee and respectfully sent off his teacher.

Su Chu silently looked at all of the following, maybe anyone who knows the story of the Three Kingdoms would understand that these two people are Zhuge Kongming, the most famous feather fan and scarf in the world, and Jiang Wei, the unicorn son of Qilinya!These two people supported the great cause of the Shu Kingdom one by one, even if they failed in the end, the two of them definitely contributed a lot.

??En. "?" Zhuge Kongming raised his head slightly, as if seeing the illusory Su Chu, and nodded with a slight smile.

"Om! &

After a violent rotation, Su Chu found that his figure had disappeared again. The overlord stood proudly, with the same feather fan and scarf, the man was as handsome as a beautiful woman, looking gently at the King S who was standing holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, and said gently: "Shao Yu, you still have to lose today.

"I, the overlord of Western Chu, have no fear of the world! ** With a roar, the overlord brought forth a terror that shook the world. It was an aura that exploded the world. Su Chu didn't even dare to look directly at that terrifying power. Go beyond your own power.

"Really??? With a loud laugh, another man rushed out with a sword in his hand!

"Is this the struggle for hegemony between Chu and Han?" Su Chu murmured softly, her consciousness blurred again and disappeared in place.

In this short moment, Su Chu saw all the battles and famous battles in ancient and modern China and abroad, tens of thousands of years ago, Su Chu felt that his brain was completely filled.

In ancient battles, the terrifying generals waved their hands and the earth cracked, and the ground cracked when they raised their feet. They were the ancient strongmen. In today's war, there are countless weapons and bullets. That is the current war!

But whether it is ancient times or modern times, what will never change is the endless strategy. Even a seemingly invincible force will be defeated by the seemingly vulnerable strategy. For a moment, Su Chu seemed to have experienced the vicissitudes of the world.

At this moment, Su Chu seemed to feel something, the change of the world, the change of the world.

The change of the world lies in the battle. No matter how powerful the warrior, how powerful the technology, the strategy can never be abandoned. No one would have thought that the invincible Overlord of Western Chu would be defeated in a tragic song. Down.

No one thought that Guan Yu, who was entangled with a green dragon, with a beast under his crotch, and full of dragon spirit, would be defeated in Maicheng in the end!

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