Chapter 223: The Final Exit of the Sutra Pavilion

Chapter 223: The Final Exit of the Sutra Pavilion

Seeing Huang Rong's raised face, asking herself to explain, Su Chu couldn't help laughing.


Gently flicking Huang Rong's little head with his fingers, he smiled softly and said, "Do you think I'll lie to you, little girl?"I just want to tell you that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. Many times, don’t think so simple. Is Da Song very powerful?Shang, Zhou, Xia, Qin, Sui, and Tang were no more powerful than the Song Dynasty, but didn't they all perish in the end?So the little girl should never feel that she is ready. &

??People always have to learn to make progress, and only when they learn can they feel their own insignificance. & Su Chu said very calmly.

"Of course they know, they really said a lot of truth, so annoying!" Huang Rong pouted, rubbed her forehead, and said reluctantly.

Of course, only Huang Rong knows whether she has listened to Su Chu’s words or not. Maybe she has listened to it, maybe she hasn’t, but these are not particularly important things. Alright." Su Chu patted Huang Rong's head again, smiling all over her eyes.

"Really!" Huang Rong shook her head complainingly, but this time Su Chu didn't speak, but slowly raised her eyes and landed on the Shaolin, her eyes were full of dignity.

"Brother Su

Huang Rong is a sensible person. She has never been the kind of reckless little girl who just obeys her orders without looking at other people's faces. Looking at Su Chu's appearance, she knew that something small might have happened. He closed his mouth obediently, took a step back, and retreated to Mu Nianci's side.

"Under the erosion of time, how much cultivation do you have left?" Su Chu looked at the Buddhist scriptures pavilion in Shaolin.

Even if it is to block the thousands of mountains and rivers, even if it is to block the dangerous mountains, it cannot block Su Chu's eyes. His eyes have already seen everything.

"Qi'er is at ease, I never do things that I'm not sure about. The era of desperate efforts has long passed, let alone facing such a master, I will not be careless." "Su Chu stopped Li Qi's words, and her soft voice seemed to turn into a spring breeze to moisten one's heart.

heart o

"This feeling Huang Rong and Mu Nianci looked at each other, closed their eyes quietly, and held their two little hands tightly, they vaguely understood something.

Shaolin, the Sutra Pavilion!

The Cangjing Pavilion has always been the place where Shaolin collects classics, pills, and martial arts. Few people live here, and those who can live here are masters who are honored by Shaolin as seniors. For example, they are quietly standing in front of a portrait. meditating monk with closed eyes.

The monk doesn't look very old, just like a young man, but his eyes are slightly closed, but the sacredness exudes a strange aura.

Compassion, inaction, and persistence are three completely different auras that even represent three completely different paths emanating from the monk's body. Eyes, quietly silent, dare not say a word in front of such a monk.

"Senior brother! He finally found him! I don't know if I am qualified to fight with him today!"

The monk's words were full of exclamations, and there was a quiet chuckle in his eyes when he looked at the portrait. There was also a monk in the portrait. He looked like a monk in his seventies and eighties. He was dressed in a plain white monk robe, showing no trace of nobility. With an elegant atmosphere, the long and worn-out broom in his hand slowly cleaned the dust on the ground.

Although it is very gentle, everyone can see that the painter is definitely a master among them. The indifference of the old monk and the inaction of the old monk can be clearly seen in this painting, and it even gives people a feeling of being alive. It's hard to paint on the face of the face. It's hard to change the color of the boat.

"Brother, you lamented that Shaolin closed the temple a hundred years ago. For the sake of Shaolin's prosperity after a hundred years, you accepted Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo with a strong cultivation base, and made them submit to Shaolin willingly. Talking to himself, maybe he was talking to the old monk who never existed.

"Thirty years ago, I was accepted as a disciple by your senior brother on behalf of the teacher. I wandered half my life and was arrogant and unruly. No one has ever treated me so well. Senior brother, you may have selfish intentions, but I never care about them, because senior brother I am good, and I have never been so kind to me since I was born to this day."

"But fifteen years ago, brother 367, you said that you had realized the way of heaven. You left Shaolin, and you didn't know where you were going. Since then, there has been no news. Five years ago, brother, I felt severe heart-wrenching pain. That feeling is like At that time, the younger brother lost the blessings of his parents and elders."

"But the difference is that I didn't feel grief, but a kind of joy. I know that you have succeeded, you have found your own path, and you have successfully taken that step. You have truly seen through the shackles of warriors and walked out Which step did you take.&

The monk closed his eyes quietly like this, and his voice after sentence after sentence was very flat and gentle, as if he was facing an elder who was always taking care of him, telling his own experience, he did not need the elder to reply, as long as he quietly Just listen to your own words.

After a long time, maybe it was enough, maybe it was almost done, the monk slowly opened his eyes, knelt on the ground respectfully, and kowtowed three times in a row!

The sound shook the entire Buddhist scriptures pavilion.

The monk said calmly: "Senior brother, my feelings for Shaolin are not as good as yours, but you taught me to repay my kindness. I would not be able to get to where I am today without Shaolin for so many years. It is time for me to repay you." it's time. &

After saying these words, the monk stood up lightly and walked out of the Sutra Pavilion!

Chapter 224: The Godly Monk Fighting Wine

Chapter 224: The Godly Monk Fighting Wine

"Brother, I don't know if I can win today's battle, but I will do my best for Shaolin. This is my promise as a man!"

The monk stood at the door of the Sutra-Depository Pavilion, and suddenly hooked his palm, and a wine gourd floated out from nowhere and landed in the monk's hand. The monk drank the wine without feeling anything, and the wine gourd flew out as soon as he used it.

It landed right in front of that portrait, as if tasting wine to his senior brother, and making a toast for the last time.

The monk laughed and said, "Senior brother!"You used to always tell me that monks should not drink alcohol, but I have never heard of you, maybe you will never have the chance to say anything about me, maybe this is the last time I drink, if I can survive this battle, brother you I'm having a good drink, this time you can't refuse! &


The monk completely stepped out of the Sutra-Depository Pavilion, and the door of the Sutra-Depository Pavilion was slammed shut. Suddenly, the world changed color, and an invisible sense of pressure completely enveloped the entire Shaolin Temple. Everyone, no matter who they were, could feel this pressure. Terrible coercion, when the king comes out of the mountain, it will inevitably bring about another bloody storm!


Almost in an instant, all the people spurted out a mouthful of blood, Huang Yaoshi and Zhou Botong were no exception. The only ones present were Su Chu, Huang Chang, and Li Qi. Even Huang Rong and Mu Nianci had Su Chu Chu and Li Qi's joint protection is also pale.

Even Lin Chaoying and Du Kong were no exception, but compared to the others, the two with advanced cultivation only had a trace of blood spilling from the corners of their mouths, and they seemed to be fine.

& It's terrible!Is this the Grand Master? "Li Qi's complexion is also unnaturally pale. Unlike Su Chu and Huang Chang's advanced cultivation, Li Qi is a new master after all, and it is absolutely impossible to resist this wave of Wia without a hair.

If it is said that the gap between a master and a peerless person surpasses that of human beings, then the gap between a great master and a master is the gap between a human being and a god.

It is precisely because of this that everyone is surprised by Su Chu's organs Bainiao and Peacock Ling. After all, it is too difficult to threaten the Grand Master with external force, and it can even be said to be difficult, but it is also Only in this way will people feel surprised.

The great master's god-like strength can be threatened by external forces.

But today Li Tang clearly felt the terror of the great masters. After all, the great masters are too difficult to find. Su Chu has traveled through four worlds and so far only met three great masters.

Zhang Sanfeng is one of them, but he cultivates himself on Wudang Mountain all the year round, so he doesn't go down the mountain to wander around when he has nothing to do!

In the whole arena, only Su Chu had fought against Zhang Sanfeng who had broken through the Great Master, and it was in this way that Su Chu understood the strength of the Great Master.

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