?? It's really a horrible light work. "

The wine monk gave a sigh of admiration, Sis didn't move, but his whole body was shaken, the red flame-like zhenqi on his body overflowed in all directions, and the majestic zhenqi roared around the wine monk, like a loyal guard, protecting the wine monk's body Safety.

The Nine Yin Scriptures are all-encompassing, and any martial arts in the world, such as internal martial arts, light martial arts, and hidden weapons, can find their own part in it.

Since Nine Suns Divine Kung Fu is considered comparable to Nine Yin Scriptures by Doujiu Monk, it naturally has its own foundation. .

But the only thing that Jiuyang Shengong has never mastered is lightness kung fu. However, the world's martial arts is enough to cover the entire flaw.


Su Chu narrowed her eyes, and suddenly realized something was wrong!Although the Nine Suns Divine Art has been mastered, the world's martial arts can be made by hand, but it will never achieve such an effect, unless "Sure enough, Shaolin and Mingjiao have a special deal." Su Chu was secretly amazed, and at the same time glanced at Dukong.

He secretly said in his heart: "Shaolin's preparations are indeed sufficient. If it is not for the good fortune to trick people, Shaolin may even subvert the whole world in an instant." ?

Regarding the layout of the world, the Quanzhen Sect, the Ming Sect, the Kingdom of Jin, and Mongolia can be said to be all in Shaolin's calculations, but it is a pity that Su Chu's birth disrupted everything, and in the original history, Zhang Sanfeng also turned out to fight Cut everything off.

〃It's so sad! ''Su Chu secretly thought again, and glanced at Du Kong.

Dukong was also surprised, what happened to Su Chuna's slightly compassionate eyes?Dukong couldn't think of what Su Chu was thinking, otherwise he would definitely have the urge to vomit blood.

In an instant, Huang Chang's question appeared in front of Fighting Wine Monk like an illusion, and he pointed out slowly but quickly with his two fingers together. what happened.

"This method & the wine monk was also surprised.

The red flame qi on his body churned even more, and the huge barrier instantly blocked the front of the wine monk, and the terrifying finger was blocked, but the wine monk couldn't help but tremble all over for a moment, even through a special The method (good Zhao's) has taken off a lot of strength on his body, but he still feels extremely heavy pressure.

"This feeling? The familiar feeling made Huang Chang frown slightly, thinking about the source of this breath.

"Reciprocity, real Huang Chang punched me!"

Wine Fighting Monk laughed out loud, raised his iron fist again, the iron fist was like a red sun, golden crows were in the sky, surrounded by nine suns, and he punched out.


Lightly tap your fingers, stroke your sleeves, and the majestic and terrifying energy immediately dissipates without a trace. It is the origin of the technique recorded in the Nine Yin Scriptures to defuse any attack into invisible exhaustion. !

Seeing that things can't be done, Huang Chang escaped and left, but the terrifying power contained in the iron fist that followed was gently crushed by Huang Chang again.

He landed softly, and said solemnly: "The Great Shift of the Universe!"

Chapter 235: Huang Chang's past, Mingjiao's past

Chapter 235: Huang Chang's past, Mingjiao's past

"Sure enough, I noticed it! u

Jiujiu Monk didn't deny it either, but smiled confidently and generously, and said with a faint smile: "I never thought that I could hide this martial art from you, Master Huang. In today's world, except for the contemporary Mingjiao leader, Su Shizhu and poor monk In addition, I am afraid that the person who knows this martial art best is you, Huang Changzheng! &

Although he used doubtful words, but Wine Monk was right but very confident.

And as expected, Huang Chang also nodded, indeed, the person who knows you best may not be your relatives or friends, but may be your enemy instead, and Huang Chang, who has a blood feud with Mingjiao, understands the greatness of Huo Shan back then. What a powerful martial arts move is.

Huo Shan is indeed very terrifying, or a terrifying man. His strength has reached a very strong, even terrifying state. The great teleportation of the universe has been deduced to the extreme by S Shan, and almost nothing is indestructible. Back then, Huang Chang and S Shan was at the top of the Persian General Altar, fought thousands of moves, and finally managed to kill Huo Shan under a flaw, and finally left in the air.

Originally, seeing the great shift of the universe on Su Chu's body, Huang Chang was also extremely surprised.

But thinking that everyone has their own opportunities, it is not surprising that they have their own opportunities, but the current situation of 370 is very strange, Shaolin actually has this kind of martial arts?Based on Huang Chang's understanding of the drinking monk, or the understanding between the enemies.

Huang Chang can be sure that since Doujiu Monk has learned the Great Teleportation of the Universe, Shaolin must also have the Great Teleportation of the Universe. After all, the realm of two people is no longer the realm of seclusion. The two never care about others learning their own martial arts .

And it's best to learn, and create, create a completely different path, let yourself learn from it, don't be ashamed to ask, maybe it's about the relationship between two people) brother o

b Shaolin and Mingjiao! "Huang Chang pondered for a while and then said again; "The old man really never thought that the two of you would have a connection

"Who can really know what's going to happen in the future?&

The wine monk said calmly: "Even if it's you and me, aren't we advancing step by step in this torrent called the world, trying to get out of this torrent and create our own moment?" &

"Indeed!" Huang Chang nodded in agreement.

Out of interest, Doujiu Seng sighed and said: "When I first came out of the rivers and lakes, all I thought about was happiness and enmity, but due to fate, I understood a lot in the rivers and lakes, and I also realized a lot. Ever since I peeped into your Jiuyin In the scriptures, I had ambitions, and I was unwilling to lag behind others, so I confined myself to the Sutra Pavilion, and after much deliberation, I finally broke through the Nine Suns Divine Art. &

"Isn't this just a change? Who knows what my future will be like!" The wine monk laughed and said, "When I first came out of the rivers and lakes, I'm afraid even if it made me want to break my head, I would never have thought that I would have today."

"That's true. Back then, I never thought that I would come to this point today." Huang Chang also sighed.

But the two seem to be sighing, but the question in their eyes is patrolling each other's flaws, if at this moment they really sigh and reveal that f!If there are any flaws, then what awaits you is the desperate situation of real death, almost a situation of certain death.

"Brother Su, what is going on with the Mingjiao? Huang Rong was also very confused when she heard the conversation between the two. Huang Rong, who couldn't figure it out, immediately turned her gaze to Su Chu.

Su Chu also asked with some doubts: "Hasn't Master Huang ever told you?" &

"Grandpa, you said the matter is over, so you don't tell me." Huang Rong pouted cutely, and gave Huang Chang a look, as if complaining that Huang Chang didn't tell those things.

Su Chu couldn't help laughing: "If that's the case, then I (bsp;h) have nothing to say. I can only say that I know a little about what happened back then, but I can't say much." &

"Say it! Say it!" Huang Rong immediately started acting coquettishly, looking at Su Chu, who didn't like oil and salt, and finally pressed it to Su Chu's ear in desperation, her cheeks were blushing and she didn't know what she was talking about.

"If that's the case, I'll tell you about it, and Master Huang probably won't mind."

Regarding Su Chu's great changes, Li Yao shook her head helplessly, Mu Nianci covered her mouth and chuckled, as for Lin Chaoying, she directly responded with a look of contempt, and as for the others, she was completely ready to listen, after all What does the flirting and scolding of the younger generation have anything to do with me? "Back then, Master Huang was an official in the Cangshu Pavilion of the Song Dynasty. This is why I said that Master Huang was an unborn genius. Zhong actually sorted out the prototype of the Nine Yin Scriptures, and cultivated an incomparably thick inner strength, which can be called invincible in the world! "

Su Chu's words stunned everyone immediately, what the hell?This is not a joke, is it?

But he didn't interrupt, Su Chu continued: "Some things can't be hidden, Huang Zhenren went out with the army later, defeated Mingjiao's Xiaoyao Ershi, Four Great Kings and other masters, and established the victory. &

"But Mingjiao is a sect that can't be certified by pure good and evil. They killed all of Huang Zhenren's nine clans during Huang Zhenren's retreat. Only you and your father's line survived, and it is also a single line." Su Chu continued to explain.

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