??It seems that your consumption was not in vain. & Huang Chang said lightly!

"Indeed!" Monk Dou also laughed, at that moment he used his inner strength to integrate the Supreme Buddha Seal to shock everyone's minds, and it was precisely because of this that everyone was able to wake up and allow Du Kong to break through the Grandmaster ...

Chapter 255: The Buddha said the past, present and future

Chapter 255: The Buddha said past, present and future

No one knows whether it was in vain or not. At this moment, Jiujiu Seng and Huang Chang are almost exhausted. The difference between the two of them now is the final blow. The end of this blow will officially end the battle. The curtain has come to an end, and it seems irrational for the wine monk to consume so much at this moment, but in fact, why is it not a kind of reason?

Today's result is victory or defeat?Fighting wine monk didn't know that although he had enough self-confidence, he made a more rational decision. With his powerful cultivation, he directly awakened Du Kong's mind that was blocked by the desire for power.

In terms of aptitude alone, Du Kong doesn't need to be present. These geniuses are much weaker, but now Du Kong's mind is exaggerated, exaggerated by the desire for power, and now he is exaggerated by the desire for power. What is controlled, not the controller's desire for power, seems to have been let go, but it is actually forced and helpless.

So Jiujiu woke him up, and directly woke up Dukong, so that Dukong came to his senses. Many things, what should be done in many cases, and why he did this, he woke up!

Dou Jiuseng understands that his brand of martial arts has fallen into Su Chu's hands, and Su Chu will not attack the entire Shaolin Temple. In this case, a master-level head of Shaolin Temple is very important. As long as the head is a master, even if there is only one— Shaolin will not decline if it is the master, at worst it will be 380 years of forbearance!

It was because of this consideration that Wine Monk made the seemingly irrational but in fact rational move. Who has the right to deny it?

"If you have any other means, come up with it." Huang Chang looked at the fighting wine monk and said lightly: "You must have expected that the golden bell cover of the eleven levels might not be able to kill the old man. You should prepare your back and come to pe let Old Daoist, look at what's behind you.&


& Isn't the method just now their strongest attack?

"How is that possible? b

All the people in the rivers and lakes were shocked, and everyone was confused. The angry-eyed King Kong just now, and the ノv-clawed Dragon King just now, could it be that the means that are already like gods are not the real means of the two of them?If this is the case, how strong are the two people's real means?How terrible is it?

Just thinking about it makes people shudder!

"Hehe, under the suspicious eyes of everyone, the wine monk smiled lightly, and said softly: "Indeed! But just like what you said, the poor monk has hidden means, and the real Huang Chang, you don't do the same." Is it? Taoism has never been such a simple and desperate person.&

&yes? "Huang Chang asked back, but didn't answer directly, but smiled mysteriously.

But this mysterious smile made people more confused and aroused greater interest in people's hearts. It made people feel that Huang Chang definitely had a secret and it was an extremely deep secret. That feeling was like being hung up on his stomach same as getting up.

"Brother Su, do grandpa and that great monk really have the strength to fight?" Huang Rong asked worriedly looking at the two of them.

"Yes!" Su Chu nodded, looked directly at the figures of the two, and said solemnly: "It should be said that only the strength of the last blow is left. After the first blow, you must die. No matter who lives or dies in today's battle." Whoever loses the rivers and lakes will create a new myth, and it is a myth that can be passed down for thousands of years. "

"Brother Su, who do you think is likely to win?" Huang Rong asked nervously as smart as she was, how could she not understand, what is going on at this time and this situation? The final result of the competition is the perseverance of the two, and the person with strong perseverance In the end, you can win, and the competition has already surpassed the limitations of Buddhism and Taoism.

"Hey!" Su Chu sighed softly, and said softly: "I'm sorry, Rong'er, I can't help you. Even I can't predict the outcome of this battle, or no one can predict it." It is expected that no one can intervene, otherwise it would be an insult to the martial arts of the two.

"I know!" Huang Rong shook her little fist, and finally sighed softly, how could she not know.

She just wanted to get comfort from Su Chu, but Su Chu told the truth and hugged the beautiful woman tightly in her arms. Huang Rong was helpless, but she couldn't. Su Chu couldn't lie in this battle, otherwise no matter what How the result is all a kind of insult for two people.

And Su Chu's self-esteem does not allow Su Chu to lie.

"Don't worry, Brother Su! Rong'er, I'm not such a fragile person." Huang Rong said so, but her delicate and delicate body was very real squeezed into Su Chu's arms, and gently rubbed against her. , closed his eyes weakly.

Gently comforting the beautiful woman in her arms, Su Chu doesn't need to say much, just quietly giving her a sense of security, no matter how strange she is, no matter how wise she is, she will It's just a girl, isn't it normal to need comfort?

"Why do you look at Husband and Rong;! I always feel like father and daughter?" Mu Nianci and Li Qi stood aside, tilted their heads curiously, and said interestingly.

Li Qi almost bit his own tongue. He looked at Huang Yaoshi, who was not paying attention, and then at Mu Nianci, who looked very confused, and said helplessly: "Nianci, you must not let Rong'er say this." I heard it, otherwise Rong'er's petty temper will punish you again. "

"It's okay!" Mu Nianci smiled mysteriously, the bright light almost blinded Li Qi's eyes, making people really wonder what kind of handle Mu Nianci had on Li Qiong?Has such self-confidence unexpectedly.

"Sister Mu & Huang Rong opened her eyes and stared at Mu Nianci. Of course she heard what she said just now, but she just didn't care. She even glanced at Su Chu secretly, thinking in her heart: "Father and daughter


However, what she cares most is whether Mu Nianci will tell the story. If she does, it will be really embarrassing. Seeing Huang Rong's expression, Mu Nianci turned his eyes away as if changing the subject. on the body of the two.

u Please enlighten me by the real Huang Chang! &

Maybe it's almost time to reply, maybe it's time, the strong and terrifying true energy burst out from the wine fighting monk again, and finally sang softly: "Buddha said: Buddha is the past, present and future?"Why are the three Buddhas.

Chapter 261: The Great Master of the Limits of Heaven and Man

Chapter 261: The Great Master of the Limits of Heaven and Man

Floating down from the sky, Huang Chang's face was indifferent, his body was ethereal, and he could no longer see any impact from the battle just now, so he set his eyes on Dukong and said calmly and gently: "Take the wine monk down, A person like him shouldn't be left dead in the wilderness, let's have a decent burial! ° "Thank you, Huangshang! At this moment, all the Shaolin monks know that Shaolin is over, but no matter what they are not qualified to resist, they can only move the body of the fighting wine monk like a puppet under the command of Dukong , They want to abandon this person who fought for Shaolin but lost, but they can't do it. The wine monk has given everything for Shaolin, even his own life in the end. All martial arts have surpassed the limits of human beings. I don't know that I am not strong, but the opponent is too strong. Thinking about it this way, everyone will not blame the wine monk so much. After all, Huang Chang is too terrifying!

Huang Chang glanced at the few people and already knew what these monks were thinking. Although the wine fighting monk died in his own hands, he was absolutely not allowed to be insulted after death. At the peak, a generous burial is inevitable, and this is the rule that everyone must follow.Readers Fiction Network

"Grandfather won?" Huang Rong blinked her eyes in surprise. From the last old Taoist priest's sudden display of power to the present, Huang Rong was completely in a state of confusion. She scratched her head in confusion, and turned her head to look at Su Chu in surprise. Said: "Brother Su, grandpa is losing weight now? &

"Haven't I already said that? The ending has long been doomed. Even if the wine monk blew himself up to death at the last moment, he is no longer the opponent of real Huang Chang." Su Chu also felt bursts of sighs, That's right, until the last moment, it was a life-and-death battle between you and me. In the end, Huang Chang actually took a step. If someone else stood in the position of the fighting monk, I'm afraid they would go crazy~ wouldn't they?

At that moment, the psychological pressure she endured at that time was too terrifying. Su Chu was even sure that if she stood in the same position, she would be able to bear it.

Flying up, Huang Chang was extremely natural at this moment, without any sign of weakness, just like that, he fell beside everyone, looked at the surprised people and smiled funnyly: "Could it be that I have won the old way?"Are you surprised-? &

"Grandpa, grandpa, please tell us what's going on? Why did you win so easily in the end? Grandpa, you shouldn't have fought to the death with that great monk, and ended up with a single move. And defeated him in a dangerous way, and he was also seriously injured, what if he died after a long period of time?" Huang Rong muttered, but it made people feel black lines.

Huang Chang's confident and elegant smile was hardened. If it wasn't for the great-granddaughter whom he had always loved very much standing in front of him, Huang Chang would have never hesitated. I will give you a slap when I go up, let him know how to respect the elders, but facing Huang Rong, Huang Chang still gave up, forget it!

In fact, Huang Chang also knew that Huang Rong didn't just talk nonsense. After all, in the end, everyone was gambling with each other. He and the wine monk were indeed close friends. It would be like what Huang Rong said, and even said that it might be that she fell to the ground now.

It's a pity that the warrior's battlefield is changing rapidly, and no one can guarantee the result. The wine monk lost in this battle, not Huang Chang's defeat. Huang Chang won. Winning is enough, as long as it is winning, everything is enough up.

"Go and ask your dear brother!" Even though he couldn't scold Huang Chang, it didn't mean that Huang Chang wasn't angry, and immediately put Huang Rong, a helpless little girl, aside.

"Cut! If you don't say it, don't talk about it, people don't ask." Huang Rong pouted proudly, knowing that what she said was a bit too much, but when she turned around, Huang Rong immediately ran up to Su Chu. , glanced at Huang Chang, snorted coquettishly, and said coquettishly: "Brother Su, can you tell others?"

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