Standing up to Huang Rong, she said cautiously: "Sister Lin, don't be angry, please sit down and let's talk slowly, okay?" Huang Rong also put the chair behind Lin Chaoying, and then she stood obediently. One side, it means to let it be disposed of

"Are you just playing with Long'er?" Lin Chaoying's eyes were extremely penetrating, and he even said with a broken smile: "Then let my sister and you have fun too, okay?"


Lin Chaoying made a move all of a sudden, a pair of sharp claws turned out to be Destructive Claws, but it could be seen that although Lin Chaoying was angry, the Destructive Claws were not attacking but capturing, obviously after capturing Huang Rong Tell me more.

"Ah! Destroyer God's Claw, sister Lin, please spare me!" It's a pity that facing Huang Rong, who had been prepared for a long time, she didn't make any achievements.

Huang Rong rubbed her legs with oil, and she left the door of the room in an instant, and immediately rushed out to the distance. After searching for a few steps, there was no shadow left.

And Lin Chaoying sneered, and ran away in front of me, little girl, you really underestimate me, don't you?Not in a hurry to chase after Huang Rong, Lin Chaoying turned her head to look at Su Chu: "Mr., please coax Rong'er well, otherwise r

Seeing Lin Chao 407 Ying who was completely in a state of collapse, Su Chu had no choice but to nod her head and said: "Let's go!"Go ahead, but be gentle, don't spoil Rong'er, but this girl really needs to be educated. &

"Don't worry! I will let Rong'er experience the feeling of heaven, she will be very comfortable!" Lin Chaoying smiled charmingly, and the tip of her toes has disappeared without a trace.

"Okay, Long'er, Rong'er and Chaoying have already left, don't pretend anymore." Seeing the two girls leave, Su Chu lowered her head and looked at Xiao Longnv helplessly.

Xiao Longnv raised her head cautiously, looked around, there were no tears in the corners of her eyes, only an invisible smile, she rubbed against Su Chu's arms and said cutely: "When did Su Lang see it?" &

"I've seen it from the very beginning. According to Longer's personality, let alone Ronger on the bed, even if it's a different man, what you have to do is to kill him with a sword, and then commit suicide. How could you die? I need to live.” Su Chu patted Xiaolongnv’s little head, she had studied the character of little dragonnv very thoroughly.

This is a very direct woman, killing people is as simple as chopping vegetables, how could she cry! .

Chapter 307: The Hunted Huang Rong

Chapter 307: The Hunted Huang Rong

Xiaolongnv's character is like this, you stab me once, I'll give you two back, and if you don't die, I'll give you another blow (Martial Arts: Evil Taoist Chapter 307)!

So this time, Huang Rong was cheated by Xiaolongnu. Xiaolongnu actually took advantage of the trend. Now that Huang Rong has brought the topic to a certain place, Xiaolongnu continued to develop. In fact, Xiaolongnu's acting skills are very fake. , at least Su Chu can tell it at a glance, but it's a pity that Su Chu can see it is not important, it is mainly Lin Chaoying who can see it.

If Lin Chaoying couldn't see it, let alone see it, since she dared to bully Xiao Longnv, Lin Chaoying would definitely not be stingy to clean up Huang Rong, and Su Chu, this belly, is not merciful? Of course not. If it wasn't for Su Chu secretly pushing behind, I'm afraid Huang Rong wouldn't be in such a miserable situation now. "Okay, okay, don't play like this next time, you know? Saying so, but comforting Xiao Longnu's expression, she almost said it, well done!

"Understood." Xiao Longnu nodded obediently, and began to put on her clothes. After all, it was getting late, so she had to get up early.

But on the other side, Xiaolongnv has recovered, but on the other hand, Huang Rong doesn't know how to describe her mood at the moment?cry!He couldn't even cry, he was going crazy, the cold aura that emerged from behind him told Huang Rong that the people behind him were approaching.

Looking back at the news, Huang Rong immediately turned her head. Lin Chaoying's wicked smile was too permeating. At this moment, Huang Rong couldn't imagine what she would suffer if she was caught by Lin Chaoying. The punishment, and according to Su Chu's character, will definitely be embellished.

"This man and woman, don't let me seize the opportunity."! Huang Rong growled viciously in her heart, but she didn't think that if she hadn't done too much, would Su Chu and Xiao Longnv bully herself?

In fact, of course Huang Rong understood this truth. If she didn't want to bully Xiao Longnv this time, Su Chu wouldn't have been able to secretly bully herself. Of course knowing it is one thing, but admitting it is another, Huang Rong wouldn't do it. He admitted his mistakes, so the necessary punishment is very necessary, otherwise if Huang Rong is always disobedient, the family will not be in chaos.

"Rong'er, what are you running for?" Lin Chaoying's chasing voice was getting closer and closer, scaring Huang Rong so much that her hairs stood on end.

It feels like the pores are going to be completely opened, and if one is not careful at that time, something will really happen, and it is even very likely that someone will be crippled directly!

"Sister Lin, I just suddenly thought of something that needs to be done. I really can't do it." Huang Rong forcefully forced a smile, but unfortunately this smile is uglier than crying.

Lin Chaoying's smile became even more sinister, and she said amusedly, "Really? Since Rong'er is so busy, as a sister, I should be reasonable and not bother you!"

"That's right, no germanium!" Huang Rong couldn't help but nodded in her heart. Although she knew it was impossible, she still couldn't help but expect a miracle in her heart.

"But Lin Chaoying changed the subject.

Huang Rong was about to cry again, but Lin Chaoying said even more evilly: "But this time, my sister is really looking for Rong) l has something to do, I hope Rong'er can help my sister!"

"I don't want it!" Finally unable to bear Lin Chaoying's weird tone, Huang Rong roared angrily and ran out directly.

Lin Chaoying sneered, and said coldly: "If you want Mu Rong'er, you will be offended!" u

The pursuit of the two women was naturally seen by many disciples, and many disciples were already familiar with it, but more disciples lowered their heads and looked cold, with strong sarcasm in their eyes: "Arrogance!"You can only take advantage of your arrogance now, and soon, soon you will live worse than death. Zhao Zhijing naturally discovered the appearance of the two women. Zhao Zhijing, who was in a state of complete struggle in his heart, looked at the two women with cold mouths. With the cold smile and the confidence shining in Huang Rong's eyes, she vaguely understood something.

Yesterday Zhao Zhijing clearly remembered that he could report the news to Mu Nianci, but don't say whether Su Chu is out or not, Mu Nianci and Huang Rong are both smart people, what should be done at this time is the most important thing. It's clear, but Yiyi, on the contrary, the two girls did nothing, or Su Chu didn't do anything, just let this matter go. The attitude of letting you do whatever you want makes Zhao Zhijing completely confused about Su Chu et al.

"&〃Could it be said that Zhao Zhijing is a smart person, he has already vaguely realized something.

At this moment, there are two roads in front of him. If one accidentally chooses the wrong one, what will happen to the final result? I don't need anyone to tell Zhao Zhijing to know that it will be an abyss, and it is An abyss that can never be climbed up.

Zhao Zhijing let out a long breath for a long time, he thought a lot and guessed a lot.

What kind of person is Su Chu? Zhao) look at Su Chu people, then death is not enough to describe your consequences!

?? It seems that it is time to make a choice. "Zhao Zhijing already knew what choice he should make.

Zhao Zhijing's thoughts, Huang Rong and other women didn't know, Huang Rong just felt disdain for those disciples, and she found that she really couldn't get rid of Lin Chaoying.

Lin Chaoying's martial arts are much better than Huang Rong's. If it weren't for Huang Rong's lightness kung fu, she would have been caught by Lin Chaoying at this moment, and then she would have to endure a hellish life. Therefore, if you want to get rid of Lin Chaoying, you must Huang Rong Thinking of this, he suddenly turned around sharply, his shadowy figure left several afterimages in the air, and ran directly to the back mountain.

u Little girl want to run? & Lin Chaoying's smile is even more evil

Chapter 308: Things are getting worse

Chapter 308: Things are getting worse

"What happened?" Mu Nianci was standing in the bamboo forest in the back mountain, studying something. After all, although Su Chu said that everything was certain, Mu Nianci still had a lot of things. What needs to be prepared, whether it is from the formation or magic wood, everything must be prepared. After all, you have to plan for the worst situation. If you fail, you must have a way out in the end (Martial Arts: Evil Taoist Chapter 308) .

And the most important thing is that there is no one who can be trusted in the current Yin Yang family. Apart from these more than a dozen genuinely cultivated maids, Mu Nianci has no one who can be trusted. This is just outside the ancient tomb. Nian Ci led them to carefully study the position and core of the formation, just to arrange it well and leave a way out. It's good if you can't use it, but if you have problems when you use it, you will cry without tears Woolen cloth!

But just halfway through the work, Mu Nianci raised his head suspiciously, only to see Huang Rong dodge and run directly behind him, hugging his shoulders and staring nervously into the distance, as if being caught by a flower picker The little girl who was chasing Yixiang made Mu Nianci confused for a moment.

It can be said that the current Yin-Yang family has built Zhongnan Mountain like a single piece of iron. If they want to enter the back mountain of Zhongnan Mountain, there is no other way to enter the location of the ancient tomb except from the main entrance. As for the other 407 passages , It was solved the moment Su Chu took control of the ancient tomb. Su Chu didn't want to leave a back door for himself, and let someone break in at that time.

Therefore, Huang Rong's appearance is extremely surprising. Let alone whether those formations can break through, it is impossible for people to really come to the back of the mountain with Su Chu and Huang Chang sitting alone. Ah! This is simply extremely unscientific, wrong or even impossible.

"What happened to Rong'er?" Mu Nianci asked strangely as he looked at Huang Rong who was obviously terrified.

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