Huang Rong smiled helplessly, but this kind of concern made her heart extremely warm, and said gently: "Sister Mu, you and Brother Su are really worried too much!"Am I the kind of person who has no regard for safety?The world is big and I want to see more!I don't want ー to accidentally die on this, don't worry! &

Seeing Huang Rong's smile, Mu Nianci also smiled gently. This is the end of the topic. Li Mochou and Xiaolongnv can't intervene, but they can't hide their concern. Rong'er is so weird that no one will reject him. Bar?

Although the conversation between the girls seemed extremely long, it actually didn't take long. The collision between Lin Chaoying and Li Qi was even more intense, and even all the voices were directly disintegrated by the vibration of the two girls' true energy, and it was impossible for them to pass through. Within the scope of the woman, the two women never heard any conversation at all.

Otherwise, if you really heard such a conversation, I am afraid that this battle will end here. The two women, Lin Chaoying and Li Qi, as elders, will definitely have a good talk with Huang Rong and tell this little girl that she is fine and don't always play with fire !That's killing me! -

& Is this not enough? & Lin Chaoying looked at Li Qi mockingly, although his tone was flat, it was full of sarcasm, and at the same time, a more terrifying true energy had gathered on the palm of his hand, which even made Lin Chaoying's palm glow with a light blue light, extremely amazing.

"Really?" Li Qi smiled lightly, frowning! I didn't care about Lin Chaoying's ridicule. At her level, if she is still so simple to be attracted by others, then it is a real failure, but it also increases her true energy With the transmission, the terrifying true energy poured directly into Li Qi's two fingers, and the emerald green light exuded an extremely dazzling brilliance.

The true energy of emerald green and light (good) green is coming and going, although it is only between the palm and the finger, but there is an extremely fierce battle, and the two women dare not relax in the slightest. A lack of relaxation is the beginning of failure.

Gradually, the tension between the two women became bigger and bigger, and the surge of true energy became more and more terrifying. The backs of the two women have been gradually rendered into two colors of light blue and emerald green, extremely dazzling, but full of danger Extremely, the two girls now are powder kegs that are about to explode, and if they are not careful, they will be blown to pieces!


Suddenly the two women suddenly pulled out the other palm, and they shot at the same time. Li Qi was the palm and Lin Chaoying was the finger. They collided again like this, and a more intense impact swept directly. Su Chu shot suddenly at this moment, a layer of invisible The barrier blocked in front of the girls!

Chapter 318: Still Too Weak

Chapter 318: Still Too Weak

Qing. Papa j

The violent air waves hit Su Chu's barrier and made a crackling sound. The powerful impact even caused little ripples on this invisible barrier, as if the little ripples caused by a stone breaking through the water surface It is extremely beautiful, but it is different from the ripples on the water surface, which is a symbol of danger. If there is no Su Chu's care, I am afraid that thinking of the consequences, whether it is Li Mochou or Huang Rong, they can't help but shudder. At this time, the two women It was only then that I realized how terrible it is for a real master to fight. Just this simple aftermath has already formed such a terrible impact, but then Huang Rong became slightly puzzled, "Brother Su?" Huang Rong couldn't help but whispered Asking Tao (Wuxia: Evil Taoist Chapter 318).

Su Chu tilted her head slightly, looked at Huang Rong, and asked, "What's wrong with Rong'er?" u

"Whether you fought against Liaokong or Xiao Yuanshan back then, you have already surpassed ordinary grandmasters. Although I can feel the horror of the world changing color, but there is absolutely no impact like today. Why?" Huang Rong Asked curiously, Su Chu couldn't help but laugh out loud with the full spirit of asking if he didn't understand.

"You little idiot!" Su Chu rubbed Huang Rong's little head. She didn't know whether Huang Rong did it on purpose or not. Such a smart girl can easily master even the extremely difficult astrology and divination. The long life extension known as the forbidden technique, even fighting for life with the sky, can be clearly understood, but in this simplest place, I am confused.

Huang Rong pouted unwillingly, threw Su Chu's big hand down, and looked at Su Chu viciously: "Say it quickly, or I will be rude to you!" ?

Yo! Seeing Huang Rong's unruly princess appearance, Su Chu whistled like an extravagant child, looked at Huang Rong amusedly, raised Huang Rong's chin with a smile, and said amusedly: "Little girl , have you almost recovered recently? &

"Damn big pervert, you know how to think about such embarrassing things. Huang Rong secretly complained in her heart, but she didn't dare to say it out of her mouth. Who knows how Su Chu will deal with herself at that time, she is a little sheep If you don't want to be eaten up by the big bad wolf and play with it casually, then you should be obedient.


Mu Nianci and Li Mochou couldn't help laughing at Huang Rong's appearance that I was convinced. The two girls who covered their mouths and smiled coquettishly ignored Huang Rong's resentful look. With a smile, he shook his head in an interesting way, but compared to the two girls, Xiaolongnv only slightly raised the corners of her mouth.

"Really, you guys" Huang Rong shook her head helplessly, then

That is to say, he turned his head and looked at Su Chu suspiciously: Brother Su, you actually changed the subject, wouldn't you say that you don't know?Or is it that Sister Li and Sister Lin's current cultivation has surpassed that of you back then? &

,Snapped! ,

Hurtingly gave Huang Rong a thunderstorm, Su Chu looked at Huang Rong's look that you just couldn't do it, and was a little angry besides being funny, man!

How could it be possible for a woman to say that she is not good enough? If a woman dares to say that, she will commit suicide, okay?Anyway, Su Chu felt that she couldn't bear it, so she immediately pulled Huang Rong into her arms, and said fiercely: "Little girl, please remember, Chaoying and Qi jl's ability to control their true energy is still too weak, otherwise they wouldn't be able to control it at all." This happens. &

"Oh! Although Huang Rong agreed, Su Chu still felt annoyed by her skeptical look.

"Perhaps Huang Rong is a born pistachio!" Su Chu smiled secretly, and shook her head helplessly, feeling like she was like a child.

It's not that Su Chu doesn't want this, everyone wants to live a simple life, cry and laugh when he wants to cry, but he can't do it, or he can't do it. Behind him is Dongfang Bai, Zhou Zhiruo, and Yang Qian Waiting for his own woman, in front of him there is an endless Dao of warriors, and beside him even if he doesn't care about it, there is also the behemoth Daxuan Empire.

Su Chu felt that he was also a person with a conscience. The Daxuan Empire provided him with endless resources, and what he wanted to do was to let it develop even more majestic and terrifying. This is what he should do. , otherwise what is the difference between that and a useless person?

ask for flowers

Knowing how to repay a favor has nothing to do with good or evil, it is a matter of a person's heart, unscrupulous, random abandonment of promises, in Su Chu's view, he is not even a person, but a waste!


Su Chu's body seemed to explode violently, and thousands of stars suddenly emitted a beautiful halo. At this moment, the endless Zhoutian stars seemed to emit beautiful light, and the terrifying mist-like infuriating energy was scattered in all directions. Yin and Yang are divided into two, the way of righteousness and evil, and the difference between Buddhism and Taoism, but these various zhenqi form a perfect existence in Su Chu's body.

Each star represents a kind of martial arts. Such a martial art has never existed since ancient times, or it has never been seen since ancient times. This is the martial art created by Su Chu, called the martial arts of the stars in the sky!

And on one of the stars, there is an extremely terrifying sword intent, and there are countless precious swords on it, which is another trump card of Su Chu, Wan Jian Guizong, and Su Chu has fused these two martial arts together. At this moment, Su Chu has really stepped out of her own way!

And following Huang Rong's words, maybe it was the blessing of the spirit, maybe it was the realm, Su Chu broke through naturally, the realm that has troubled Su Chu for thirteen years just broke through, at this moment Su Chu has reached After reaching Grandmaster Niangfeng, there is only one step away from the Great Grandmaster. With the perfection of Su Chu's skills, this step is only too early or late.

"Brother Su, you seem to have a different feeling?" Huang Rong looked at Su Chu strangely, not only Huang Rong, Mu Nianci, Li Mochou, and Xiao Longnv felt the change in Su Chu at the same time.

"Change? Maybe that's it! w Su Chu looked at Huang Rong with a smile, making people feel like a spring breeze, and said lightly; "If you want to talk about the reason for Rong'er's question, it is that Chaoying and Qiong'er are still too weak Bar!&.

Chapter 319 Come!

Chapter 319: Come on!

"Too weak

For a moment Huang Rong had the feeling of being a dog, was she mocking herself?Absolutely?This is completely mocking myself, right? But looking at Su Chu's spring-like smile, I can't see the slightest meaning at all. It's very plain, and it seems to be expounding a fact (Wuxia: Evil Taoist Chapter 319).

"Husband, what do you mean by being too weak? Mu Nianci also felt very embarrassed. What is the situation? Lin Chaoying and Li Qi are two masters at the master level, but Su Chu said it out of the mouth. It's like a child who is too weak to fight.

"Literally, Chaoying and Qi'er are too weak. It's not that they are weak in realm, but they are weak in accumulation. Their accumulation is still too weak. Su Chu's indifferent words made the three girls feel weak. The three breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

After all, if it is said that Lin Chaoying and Li Qi are too weak, it would be too shocking. If the master is weak, then are we still alive? Li Mochou immediately asked: "Mr. What does accumulate mean?

Su Chu looked at Li Mochou and replied with a smile: "It's not brought about by the realm, but the accumulation of time. Whether it's the empty space or Xiao Yuanshan, they all have a hundred years of accumulation, and my accumulation is also not weak. We During the battle, Zhenqi didn't have the slightest external assistance, so it seemed that it was not as fierce as the battle between Qi'er and Chaoying Zhiwen, but in fact, the power of each of our blows was compressed to the extreme, which was even more amazing .

None of the people present were idiots, and Su Chu's words were easy to understand. In fact, it was very simple. The same energy was released like covering the sky and covering the earth. Although the aura seemed amazing, it definitely dispersed the power of the trick.

And if such moves are ordinary, or even condensed like embroidery needles, then the same moves, the same true energy, will definitely have different powers, let alone when they are facing the same person.

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