Chapter 348: The Vanguard


"What's the matter?"

Su Chu looked at the woman in white who suddenly spoke and asked interestingly, for so many years, they have always completed all their tasks for themselves silently, and never asked too much about a single word, but at this time they suddenly Having doubts, Su Chu was also very curious about what was wrong with them.

"Master, please forgive me. I really have a question in my heart and want to ask."

"Tell me!" Su Chu didn't care, she was never a tyrant, and she was always extremely tolerant towards her own people.

The woman in white was obviously relieved, they don't care about anyone's life, they can even kill the newborn child without hesitation, but Su Chu's words and deeds are the imperial decree in their hearts, they are Su Chu's The most personal bodyguard is also the strongest bodyguard!

"Master, Qu Xia is very curious. Obviously the whole world knows about this matter, but only the Yin-Yang family doesn't know, so how sure are they to force the Yin-Yang family to admit it?" This matter has actually troubled the woman in white for a long time.

They are very cold, very cold-blooded, but there are some things they are not particularly clear about. This matter looks very simple, but it is actually very difficult. Indeed, as the saying goes, people are scary, but Su Chu is a very scary person. The Yin Yang family is not a bug, if they just refuse to admit it, then when the time comes, won't everyone be helpless?

"Little idiot! Su Chu shook her head with a smile, and said interestingly: "Little girl, do you think it would be useful if a hundred people said at the same time that one person stole money as a thief but the thief's rebuttal at this time?"

"Master! What if this thief is a master? The woman in white asked her biggest doubt.

"This question is indeed a very important question, but you guys have never considered it! Now it is not a hundred people, but a thousand people, ten thousand people, and even your own family members are saying that you are Thief, do you think what you say is useful at this time? Even if you kill everyone, you are still a thief, but it further confirms the fact that you are a thief."

Su Chu's words silenced the woman in white. She nodded quietly and said respectfully: u I'm sorry master!It's because the subordinates didn't think carefully,

Then asked such a simple question.

"Okay, don't blame yourself too much. People have special skills and specialties. It's normal for you to not think about some things. You don't need too much self-blame. No one knows everything! Su Chu looked at the self-blame man in white." The woman smiled and shook her head, not paying too much attention.

"Thank you master! k

"This subordinate will leave first! The woman in white retreated respectfully, and quickly disappeared into the room.

The woman in white left, while Su Chu turned her head, looked at Huang Rong, and asked interestingly, "Rong'er, what are you thinking?"

"Think about a very interesting thing. Huang Rong was awakened from contemplation, and she showed a funny look. No matter how you look at it, she looks like a fox who steals fish. She succeeded in stealing fish, and she is snickering there, which is really impressive. Helpless face.

"Tell me? **Su Chu also looked at Huang Rong interestingly, wondering what Huang Rong was thinking.

"Brother Su! You said that the various sects have indeed gathered, who is this vanguard?" Huang Rong curled her lips, seeming to be very interested in this question, and this question also made Su Chu slightly stunned, and she also revealed Gave a funny look.

The smiles of Su Chu and Huang Rong are not meaningless smiles!

It’s a very funny smile. Everyone knows that this time the Mingyang family can be said to be facing the entire martial arts world. In their eyes, the Yinyang family is almost certain to lose, but the problem has arisen, even if the Yinyang family is inevitable. Undoubtedly defeated, but a skinny camel is bigger than a horse!

The injured tiger is even more terrifying, even though all of them know that the Yin Yang family is in the final struggle at this moment, but the tiger's initial attack is definitely different from the final attack, and everyone wants to do the simplest attack But the person who ate the most piece of meat, so at this time, everyone became dignified. After all, if they make a sudden move at this time, then the biggest possibility is that they will be directly wiped out by the Yin Yang family, which will increase the number of people who will come later. Adding a brilliance, I'm afraid this is not very good!

No one wants to stand out in front of someone who is a bird of prey!

"This is indeed an interesting thing. Rong'er, who do you think will take the lead this time? Su Chu asked Huang Rong interestingly.

This time, Su Chu couldn't guess either.

After all, it is impossible for the various sects to procrastinate like this all the time. The biggest possibility is to fight together, but once this happens, there will be problems in the final distribution of benefits, so there will definitely be a sequence, but it is very particular about who comes first. And it is very important.

After all, the one who made the first move must have been weakened by their images, but it was still the terrifying tiger who came at him fiercely, and the one who made the last move was almost reaping the benefits of the fisherman.

Su Chu is not a wise man, so she can't figure out such a situation.

But looking at Huang Rong's confident smile, Su Chu knew that Huang Rong must have guessed what the result would be. After all, Huang Rong can be said to understand me best about this kind of thing, and Su Chu also knows what Huang Rong, a little girl, wants to do. Naturally, the idea of ​​showing off (Li's) will not be stopped! -


Huang Rong snorted very cutely, she looked so helpless, I just need you to hurry up and beg me, beg me, beg me!Straight out.

Huang Rong immediately froze, looked at Su Chu, blinked cutely, looked at the dangerous gaze in Su Chu's eyes, and cursed secretly in her heart: "Damn brother Su! You don't play cards according to common sense, shouldn't you play cards at this time?" Did I tell you after coaxing me?

It's a pity that Huang Rong miscalculated. After considering the strength gap between the enemy and us, as well as Su Chu's horror, Huang Rong silently gave up! .

Chapter 349: A knife on Sezi's head

"Okay, okay! Brother Su, I was wrong, I was wrong, I said that's it. Huang Rong immediately lay on Su Chu's body obediently, and began to beg gently. Seeing Su Chu's expression of enjoyment, it was also Couldn't help shaking her head helplessly, obviously her husband is also a world-class hero, but in the end he is always fussing over such small things, but such a husband is what makes people like it even more! Huang Rong couldn't help but feel sweet in her heart smile.

The woman in white has already stepped back, she knows Huang Rong's awesomeness, if Zhao Min is Wu Zetian who is comparable to the beauty emperor, then Huang Rong is a wise man who is comparable to Zhuge Kongming, a wise man who is extremely terrifying.

The moment such a person opened his mouth again, he might have already guessed everything. Of course, he didn't need to say much, he just had to leave obediently. The woman in white left.

Under the darkness of night, countless white figures have already occupied an important position in the entire Yin-Yang family. Everything, every move, even the Huang Chang of the great master is in their eyes, everything is like that A clear view.

"Such an elite, it's no wonder that Su Chu is always ignorant of fear." Huang Chang stroked his beard slightly. These years, his age has reached 500 and he has the appearance of an old man, but his understanding of martial arts is getting more and more terrifying. It's getting stronger!

He had already guessed that behind Su Chu's emperor's aura must be a terrible force, but he never thought that the strength of these hundreds of peerless masters and those master masters would be extremely terrifying in the whole world Yes, Huang Changming understood.

"Okay, Rong'er, stop making trouble, and I'm not really angry. She embraced Huang Rong with both hands, and Su Chu said softly.

"I knew Brother Su was the best! Huang Rong curled up in Su Chu's arms as cutely as a kitten, and even gently rubbed against her. I can't help feeling sorry for her!

"Tell me about it!

Su Chu dragged Huang Rong along, and didn't care about Huang Rong's small movements. Although this cute and intelligent girl seemed to be irritating, she was actually the one who could please her the most. Every time I was depressed, it was this little girl. Make yourself happy.

Su Chu is not a saint, so naturally there will be times when he is depressed. For thirteen years, he has not improved his martial arts at all, and even if he is in a stalemate, Su Chu will also have times when he is depressed. At this time, Huang Rong, who is usually tricky and eccentric, will show his strength every time. Feel different, let yourself feel at ease, let yourself relax comfortably.

This is Huang Rong. Su Chu's liking for Huang Rong is not just because of Huang Rong's appearance, of course, appearance accounts for a large part!

Su Chu said that she is indeed a member of the Appearance Association, as for those spiritual beauty, let's forget it, and her women are all beautiful women, so it is more comfortable to look at.

Su Chu is convinced of this point, but Su Chu doesn't believe that anyone who marries a daughter-in-law who is as beautiful as a flower can feel good no matter how good her personality is, is it impossible?Isn't everyone a member of the Appearance Association! This is normal, and Su Chu doesn't think it's abnormal. As long as I protect my women, let them feel at ease and don't need to worry, let them do what they want. Ok?

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