"I didn't expect that you didn't even want the dignity of the king, did you take out your deviant sword when you meet?" Wuming sighed, "You don't have any confidence in dealing with Faker like me."

"This is just respect for him, not for you, Faker! Don't get it wrong!"

Wuming shrugged and turned to look at Rin.

"Tohsaka, I need to use more of your magic power."

"Knowing about Archer, I will try my best to provide you with the most magical assistance." Rin said confidently.

The battle with Lancer has fully proved that her Archer is indeed one of the top heroic spirits in this Holy Grail War.

Under the double attack of Gaebolg and Spiral Sword, even Lancer can only rely on the protection of arrow avoidance and continue fighting to escape. Archer's strength is indeed very strong.

It's just that the master himself may not be so qualified.

But at least, he should help his archer as much as possible, otherwise, he would not be worthy of this top heroic spirit.


Even if it is the golden sword of victory, it is not easy to deal with EA, but Wu Ming never thought of blocking EA.

He just wants to weaken EA's attack.

"Seven Rings of Blazing Heaven! (LawAias)"

"Be careful, Rin, just stand behind me."

Rin, who was blinded by the wind pressure, hid behind Wuming. His tall figure resisted Gilgamesh's strongest attack.

She suddenly felt a little bit moved.

Quickly shaking his head, Rin felt that he must be crazy, this guy is so stupid, so stupid!

With her cranky thoughts, EA stopped attacking.

To Rin's surprise, only four of the seven petals of Blazing Heaven's Sevenfold Ring were broken.

"My seven petals can withstand even the sun disc. EA, whose attack has been weakened by the Golden Victory Sword, can't penetrate my defense. You are so weak, Gilgamesh."

While talking and taunting her, Wuming rushed to Gilgamesh.

He is very familiar with Gilgamesh's routines, and even knows Gilgamesh's martial arts level.

It's not bad, but it's not considered brilliant among the heroic spirits. Most of the weapons in the treasury can only wield and release their real names, and they don't master the real skills at all.

Then his choice is very simple.

The two knives were projected in his hands, and Wuming roared angrily: "Now, repay the anger of Saber and me who were knocked down by you at that time! Gilgamesh!"

The king's treasure house immediately opened countless doors, aiming at Archer, but Archer had already rushed in front of her.

Although very unwilling, Gilgamesh is not prepared to be as stupid as before in such a disadvantaged situation.

Invisibility hat.

Archer was taken aback, this person disappeared?


Shirou fell heavily on the ground, his body was already a little weak, and he even lost consciousness directly after being out of danger.

"Shirou's body seems to be seriously worn out." Illya checked and said.

"But who can treat him, right now." Saber said awkwardly.

Illya put her hand on Shirou's chest, a little green light appeared.

"My magic power should be relatively sufficient. If this is the case, it will probably be fine. The treatment is over. So as a reward, I will kiss Shirou first."

"Is he your brother?" Saber asked uncertainly.

"Hmm." Illya thought for a while, "So what?"

Saber didn't say anything, at her time, such things were quite normal.

Let alone righteous brothers and sisters, there are many people who directly marry brothers and sisters.

Later, there were indeed fewer, and they were basically eliminated on the road of evolution.

A crack suddenly appeared in front of them, and Angelica walked out from it.

"Can displacement magic be able to do this?" Illya exclaimed, "Are you the Angelica that Shirou said?"

"That's right, then let me carry Master Shirou."

Elijah glanced at her, but nodded helplessly.

Author's message:

3/34.. . .I can still code!

Chapter 34 Crown Brother

Don't die, brother!

It was a voice that Shirou could hear across the world.

I will definitely not die!

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