She had already discovered her identity in the beginning, when Shirou saw URK.

Gilgamesh, the oldest hero-king.

Through the card, she read some memories of the King of Heroes. The hat-wearing URK in front of her is not so much the tyrant, but the wise king after meeting Enkidu.

Otherwise, the moment he sees her, he should be ready to pierce her with a thousand swords.

"Very well, while I'm in a good mood, if you, a fake, come to your door, I might as well tell you some answers." Gilgamesh supported his forehead, completely ignoring his arm injury.

The all-knowing and all-powerful star.

An omniscient and omnipotent skill that knows the past and present, and can reach the future.

After being slightly taken aback, Gilgamesh suddenly laughed: "I see, I see, my clairvoyance, hehe. Angelica, let me tell you, your answer is not here, but in Emiya Shirou There, the impossible becomes possible."

"The original world would not be like this, because once the observation is made, the interference is determined, and the future is already fixed if the interference is made, but it cannot be observed." Gilgamesh waved his hand, "Originally, I planned to tell you the answer I will kill you, but your question made me see something interesting, so be happy, you can go back alive under my hands."

"You can't see it either?" Angelica asked after hesitating.

"That's right, my clairvoyance has been blocked by a more powerful person. This makes me want to take a closer look at how Emiya Shirou will realize his ideals and justice. Haha, hahahaha..."

Author's message:

First update. . .Another chapter is owed. . Chapter 35!

Chapter 35 Emiya Album

"A little over thirty-seven degrees, it's not considered a fever. Why are you so dizzy?" Shirou muttered, putting the thermometer aside.

Sakura's face was flushed, not because she was shy, but because she was sick.

"I'll just watch Sakura until I fall asleep. In this case, Sakura should be able to fall asleep with peace of mind, right?" Shirou stroked Sakura's hair, "Sakura just sleep obediently, I will accompany you Around."

"Ah?" Sakura was stunned, and retracted into the bed, "This is not very good, it will be senior Tohsaka and the others..."

"What's wrong, Sakura is my family, family members should be taken care of, well, go to bed with peace of mind. Could it be that Sakura wants me to sing some lullabies?" Shirou joked.

"Speaking of which, I haven't heard senior sing before, how about senior sing one for me?" Sakura couldn't help asking.

"Huh?" Shirou felt rather embarrassed, "It's not impossible, but the songs I like are all high-pitched or sad. It seems that there are not many lullabies."

"Then don't bother senior." Sakura said with some disappointment, but at this moment Shirou held her hand.

"If it's Sakura, I'll try my best to sing. But Sakura, don't dislike me."

If she sings some inappropriate songs at such a time, it will make Sakura sleep unsteadily.

Looking through the songs in my mind, maybe this is the only one I can sing.

Shirou sang this song slowly, looking at the way Sakura squinted her eyes, she really has a cuteness that is different from Illya, and that kind of quiet and well-behaved look really makes people like it from the bottom of my heart.

"I didn't expect senior to like this song. If I remember correctly, the original song was sung by a female singer, right?" Sakura squinted her eyes and smiled softly.

"Well, I let you see another side of me. But it's a side that only Sakura can see."

After saying that, Sakura looked at Shirou with wide eyes, and nodded vigorously.

"Well, senior. I will definitely, keep it in my heart..."

After speaking, Sakura fell into a deep sleep.

That being the case, Shirou turned off the light, he still had a lot of work to do.

The room was quiet, but suddenly a black shadow passed by.

"Rider, should you follow?" Sakura suddenly opened her eyes and asked.

Rider nodded, but found that it was pitch black and Sakura couldn't see, so he replied: "Yes, I followed Sakura's instructions and went to see Emiya Shirou almost died... an accident almost happened, but then I took out the previous mask The shield against Gilgamesh disappeared in an instant."

"Senior, the situation was very dangerous at the time, wasn't it?" Sakura asked, closing her eyes.

"Yes, very dangerous." Rider nodded, "I almost thought he was going to die."

"Understood, you step back, rider."


"I asked you to discuss it because the Holy Grail has been polluted."

Shiro said so.

It was beyond his expectation that the Holy Grail would be polluted.The wish came to mind, but the Holy Grail couldn't be used.

But Archer and Rin nodded calmly.

"What's your reaction?" Shirou looked at the two of them in surprise, "Could it be that you already knew?"

"Of course, otherwise why did I say to give up the Holy Grail and form an alliance with you?" Rin shrugged.

"When did you know?" Shirou scratched his head, now he didn't know how to continue the conversation, he thought he was the only one who knew.

"From the very beginning." Rin said trying to be calm.

But the smile on the corner of her mouth completely exposed her, which must not be the result of her own deduction.Then, apparently, only one person knows—

"Archer told you, right?" Shirou pointed at the red archer, Archer who was calmly drinking tea.

"Huh? Let's talk about Emiya Shirou, why don't you have black tea here? You really are a vulgar person. You don't have the self-cultivation of a nobleman." Archer talked about him from left to right.

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