Gilgamesh's hand froze for a moment, and a "No" appeared on the screen.

But this is not the worst, the worst is yet to come, the next few drumbeats are still not connected, and Gilgamesh's rhythm is in chaos.

Seeing that his first sip of milk has fully taken effect, Shirou decided to make persistent efforts.

"Isn't it just a disconnection? You can't win if you send a wave of Illya, and I won't lose. I'm a professional commentator, and I use it to make judgments. Illya's combo is definitely unsustainable, and Jin Glitter is very It will be reconnected soon, look, it has already hit ten times in a row, eh?"

However, something Shirou didn't expect happened.

Gilgamesh really didn't succeed in the combo, and the rhythm became even more chaotic later on, which basically represented a total collapse.

Touching his chin, Shirou felt that the power of his poisonous milk had gradually taken effect.

To be precise, the skill is at least small.

It's almost reached the point where one sentence can make the other party fall flat.

As for things like Dacheng, Shirou has never expected such a thing. For example, if things like world peace go on, if it is not guaranteed, it will become world nuclear peace in a second.

"Shirou Emiya!" Gilgamesh almost broke his stick, but held back, after all, he still had to play with it later, "Do you still want to fulfill your wish?"

"Of course I want it." Shirou realized that something was going wrong.

In an instant, Gilgamesh had a perfect idea.It's too easy to play Shishirou.

"Kneeling on the taiko drum, you can't be perfect, don't come down today!"

"Huh?" Shirou had a bad feeling.

I saw that Gilgamesh adjusted the difficulty to ghost difficulty, and the track is——

The final ghost girl?

If it was a simpler track, Shirou might still be able to play according to this requirement.

I'm afraid this song is going to be played to death!

It's time to show off your cheating skills.

"Illya, get your drum."

It's time to show off your true skills!

Author's message:

It is said that The Forbidden City 3 is coming out?So, when is the green crutch coming out?

Chapter 40

The fragrant and hot dumplings were served.

This is food carefully prepared by Shirou.

As the saying goes, there is nothing more delicious than dumplings, and nothing more fun——


This thing must be falling roar.

It's just that Gilgamesh doesn't seem to think so.

"Is this pork inside?" Gilgamesh said with disgust, "Is this stuff edible?"

"Why can't I eat it?" Saber's mouth was already stuffed with dumplings, "It's a pity that the shrimp Shirou mentioned is not available for sale now, otherwise I can eat better things."

Ilya's mouth was full of dumplings and she didn't want to speak at all.


Archer was eating mapo tofu. As a guardian, he had seen too many things and needed something spicy and spicy.

However, this mapo tofu gave him a different experience.

It's not purely spicy, but an experience beyond spicy. He who is not good at Chinese cuisine naturally cannot understand this feeling.

That is - hemp.

First there is tofu and then there is heaven, and mapo comes before tofu.

The essence of mapo tofu is not spicy, but spicy, otherwise, why isn't mapo called spicy!

(BGM of Brain Complementing the Little Master of China)

The tofu sublimated instantly in the mouth, and the original softness suddenly shattered, and small pieces slipped into the throat, accompanied by the stimulation of the tip of the tongue.

Archer ate bite by bite, the movements of his hands didn't stop at all, his forehead was covered with dense sweat.Even so, he didn't wipe it off.

Rin couldn't understand what was going on, so she quietly dug a small piece with a spoon and stuffed it into her mouth.

The feeling on the tip of her tongue almost made her not recover.

"Archer, why do you like to eat this kind of food!" Rin stuck out his tongue, "Just like that fake priest."

"As a Heroic Spirit, I'm constantly erasing things. Day after day, I'm always bored and empty. It's good to eat something like this. By the way, Rin, aren't you good at Chinese cuisine? Have you ever tried this?"

Rin shook his head. With so many cuisines, why do you have to choose Sichuan cuisine? Wouldn’t it be more annoying to choose some light Cantonese cuisine?

"There are many categories of Chinese cuisine. Even Chinese cuisine must meet our taste." Rin obediently sandwiched leek and pork dumplings, his face suddenly filled with happiness.

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