"Is the situation better?" Saber opened the door and walked in.

Shirou nodded.

"Saber, you've been listening. Thank you for your concern."

"It's right to care about Shirou." Saber sat down, holding a thick anthology.

"Then I'd like to ask a few questions. There's something in it that I don't quite understand."

Shirou touched his head and found that he was completely self-indulgent.

This King Arthur came to seek guidance purely because he encountered theoretical problems.

Although he is not good at learning, at least he has a soul in his body that has studied socialism on the other side for so many years.

"Then I asked. Why must Sickle and Hammer Doctrine be realized?"

"Because the working class holds the advanced productive forces, they can achieve socialism first."

"Huh?" Saber couldn't understand at all.

Sakura looked at the two of them suspiciously, this kind of conversation was really amazing.

"Don't understand? Well, it seems that the theoretical foundation of Saber is not good enough, so there is no way to do it. Even now, this kind of education is only available in the country on the other side. Let me tell you, it is because of the advanced productive forces To control the political power, but to control the political power does not necessarily control the advanced productive forces. This unit is a class, understand?”

Saber half understood.

"Think about it more, if you haven't lived in this kind of narrative environment, you don't understand."

"Then, in the past, the king was in power because the king also mastered advanced productive forces?" Saber asked.

"There is progress, but as I said, it is based on class. So it should be regarded as the noble class." Shirou explained.

Saber nodded.

"In this case, I probably understand. But both you and Wuming have expressed their yearning for the country on the other side. Sure enough, they are very similar."

Because Sakura didn't listen to the discussion they had.Saying that Shirou and Archer are the same person in front of her, Saber still knows something.

"Well, at least the country on the other side seems to be a rising sun. Oh, by the way, why did Wu Ming say that he yearns for that place?"

Saber thought for a while, and said: "It seems to say that, if all the governments in the world could deal with the self-igniting believers running over with their tanks like that government, the world would have been quiet for a long time."

"It sounds so violent." Sakura sighed.

"Use heavy codes in troubled times." Saber agreed with her point of view, "Wuming is right about this, and that kind of thing should be snuffed out as soon as possible. Shirou, how are you?"

Touching his forehead, he was probably all right.

With so much free time left today, wouldn't it be great to spend time with Sakura and Illya.

Author's message:

Today is even later. . .Apologize to everyone. . . .

There will be one more chapter tomorrow, everyone will act as if nothing happened

Chapter 51 The Caster and the Holy Grail

After deploying the magic field, Caster sat in the courtyard and basked in the sun for a while.

"Caster, are you done?" Shirou asked.

"Yes, the position has been deployed, and it is basically impossible for the enemy to invade." Caster replied.

With the ability of the caster and Angelica's terrifying displacement magic, Shirou is very confident in the position deployed.

But accidents often happen in such a stable situation, especially after the caster sets the flag.

"Stop talking like this. Then, Caster, there is one thing you need to do next."

This matter naturally refers to the Holy Grail.

Replace the polluted Holy Grail with an untainted Holy Grail.

This is Shirou's purpose.

"Can you analyze the Holy Grail? Then, you can analyze the Holy Grail and replace the spell on this cup." Shirou gave an order.

"Is this a deal?" Caster said unconsciously, or it was a bargain.

This is something only she can do.

"It's not a transaction, but an order. If you want to know if this is an order, I can call Illya over and discuss it with you."

"It's really irritable." Caster smiled lightly, "If you decide to cooperate with me, you have to bear the possibility of being betrayed at any time. Only a strong bond of interest can make me willingly act like a horse."

"People have to do what they can, otherwise the gains will not be worth the loss." Shirou projected two knives.

"I don't understand what you have to discuss in front of me. I'll kill you at worst."

"It's so heartless." Caster shook his head, "I just hope that my wish can come true, and that I can resurrect Master Soichiro. Could it be that your teacher-student relationship is just for me to hear?"

"The Holy Grail can only be used once, right?" Shirou frowned.

"That's the norm. If something like the Holy Grail is simply used as a wish-granting machine instead of other things, then as long as it has magic power, wishes can be fulfilled. There is enough magic power, and even all the wishes you want can be fulfilled."

Upon hearing this, Shirou sensed danger.

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