Archer patted Lancer on the shoulder, and couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic to Wang Jiang.

However, he didn't know what to say, because he couldn't speak to animals either.

"Then let's set off quickly, so as not to cause trouble." Rider finished speaking, and jumped to the opposite side of the crack.

Rin also quickly jumped over.

It was clearly a gap of almost three meters, but he was able to jump so far by taking off from the spot.

Is this really not a Servant but a human?

Devilish muscles.

"Shirou Emiya, what are you waiting for? Come here quickly!" Rin shouted.

After brewing for a while, Shirou realized that he had to strengthen his legs to come faster, and suddenly jumped over.

Caster happily flew over with Illya.

"As expected, witch is the abbreviation of magical girl?" Shirou exclaimed.

"That's right." Lancer agreed.

"Wang Jiang..." Shirou had just opened his mouth when he suddenly realized that Lancer, a scheming boy, was trying to say something, "Wang Jiang, don't bark, be quiet."

Lancer found out that his plot had been seen through, and cut out in disappointment.

"Why did you split the house like this with the mountain-cutting sword? It won't break the clothes of the sky, right?"

After Archer finished speaking, the audience fell silent.

"Ah...archer, how lucky is it for you?" Shirou asked hurriedly, a little panicked.

Emiya, who is a heroic spirit, can give Shirou a reference on the lucky value.

And the man named Emiya Shiro has been scared by his own luck, so don't do it again!

"Only E."

Only E?

Shirou felt that Tianzhiyi might have an accident.

At least——Shirou's premonition is getting stronger and stronger!

"Let's hurry up, hurry up and get it!"

"Shirou Emiya, wait!" Lancer said hastily.

"Lancer, I'm not free right now—Sombra?"

The light suddenly disappeared, and the castle darkened.

Black shadows kept coming in like a tide, surrounding Shirou and the others.

Wrapped into a circle!

Shirou finally understood where his ominous premonition came from.

"It seems that our movements are still too slow." Shirou sighed, and immediately ordered, "Saber, put on the treasure!"

Saber nodded, the Wind King barrier was immediately removed, and the golden sword shone brightly.


The black shadows receded a lot immediately, but soon, the rest of the black shadows made up for it.

With the knife cut off the water, the water flows even more, these black shadows are like flowing water, no matter how you beat them, you can't finish them.

Rin looked around, and threw a few gems out distressedly, but the black shadow didn't make any waves at all.

"Weimiya, what should we do? Archer, support and shoot!"

Archer, who had already pulled out the Akahara Hound, nodded, and the arrow flew past, scattering the shadows behind him.

"What else can I do? Thirty-six strategies are the best strategy. Only Qianye has always been a thief, how can a thousand days guard against thieves? At worst, come again next time—"

Shirou's words stopped.

A person stood up from the shadow.

This is the person Shirou is most familiar with, the person who desperately wants to save.

The simplest call to Shirou couldn't be done, because Sakura is standing here now.

The meaning of appearing here itself is already very obvious.

Sakura's current state is likely to be completely different from what Shirou saw before.

Become bloodthirsty, become terrifying.

Sakura's white hair looks strange now.

"Let's go!" Taking a deep breath, Shirou shouted, "Caster, open the door, let's run!"

"You go now, and I will let the children use Fuyuki City as a hunting ground."

Sakura's voice didn't have any ups and downs, but it made Shirou feel a bone-chilling coldness.

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