If Shirou remembers correctly, Sakura should have been stunned at the time, and seemed to be very hurt.

From the comparison before and after, although it is very rough, the person who caused her change——

Is it yourself?

In Schrödinger's cherry state, as long as it passes Shirou's observation, the wave function can be collapsed and a specific state can be observed.

Her own reactions will affect Sakura, allowing Sakura to occasionally regain her sanity.

This somewhat crude inference is the only judgment Shirou can make so far.

And his intuition strongly told him that this was the right thing to do.

That's right for now.

If the inference is correct, even if Shirou gives a few more seconds to put on a red dress for a certain elementary school student wearing glasses, he will be very happy.

After all, this is related to whether Sakura can be saved.

After walking for a while, Shirou and the others finally came to Illya's room.

In front of you is Illya's room.

The clothes of heaven are inside.

"Then let me go in and get it." Illya said, but the shadow immediately stopped her.

"No, let Senior Tohsaka get it." Sakura said forcefully.

Ilya brushed her hair back carelessly, half-closed her eyes and sighed, "Sakura, didn't that old fellow Zorgen tell you? Only artificial humans or babies can touch the Heavenly Clothes. If you let Rin touch it, she will turn into gold directly, understand?"

"Gold?" Rin exclaimed, but her tone was inexplicably excited.

Even the eyes are golden.

Archer couldn't help covering his face, his master, the goddess whom he had dreamed of for so long, secretly turned out to be such a money fanatic, and at this time he still lost the chain.

"Ahem." Rin squinted in embarrassment, "Then Illya, hurry up and get the clothes of the sky."

Shirou quietly looked at Caster and the others.

The servants who are ready to escape are indeed heroes of all ages.

When it comes to escaping, he must be top-notch, even better than Wallace.

Otherwise, how could they have become famous heroes of all ages?

After all, the hero has to survive first.

When Illya came out with the clothes of the sky, Shirou felt reassured.

The purpose has been achieved.

"Sakura, actually I have to tell you something." Shirou started his own deception.

"Oh? Are seniors going to give up the lives of the people of Fuyuki City?" Sakura threatened, sticking out her tongue and licking her lips, as if a little excited.

"It seems that Illya and I are worth more than the lives of the residents of Fuyuki City. You can give up your desires for me. But what I want to tell you is that there is actually more than one Holy Grail." Shirou marveled. road.

"Are you referring to me?" Sakura frowned and pointed at herself, "So, do seniors want me? But that will have to wait a while, until I take away another, the real Holy Grail."

Sakura, who walked up to Shirou, put her hand on Shirou's chest, and slowly moved her hand up to her cheek.

The sexual arousal in Sakura's eyes that caressed Shirou's cheek was clearly revealed, and she even began to pant.

However, Shirou's words are not implying this, it is entirely because Sakura is thinking too much.

The person Shirou is really hinting at is the caster.

Let her drop the grail and run.

"The Holy Grail? If I give you the Holy Grail, you won't take Miss Illya away?" Caster immediately understood Shirou's intentions, and took out a golden cup.

"That's right. It's better to say that it's better not to bring her. In this way, the senior is mine."

As soon as Sakura finished speaking, the black shadow suddenly moved.

"The Holy Grail is also available, so you can go to die."

The sudden attack took everyone by surprise.

Caster regretted her recklessness, maybe she shouldn't follow Shirou's instruction just now.

At this moment, she couldn't even rely on displacement magic to open the portal and send everyone away.


But Shirou made an even more unexpected move.

Tight, tight hug Sakura.

The shadow stopped.

Sakura felt the warmth emanating from Shirou's body in disbelief.

"Senior?" Sakura murmured, recovering a little clarity.

"Run, you guys! What are you waiting for! Illya, Saber will be entrusted to you!"

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