"Actually, I don't have confidence in Emiya Shirou, but I know Emiya Kiritsugu very well. His son will undoubtedly be able to do what Emiya Kiritsugu can do." Qi Qi Li shrugged.

"Like?" Rin frowned.

"For example, how about killing me in front of the King of Heroes and escaping smoothly? But don't be surprised, I'm still alive for a special reason. All you have to do is just follow what Wei Gongshirou asked before. Just do it."

Killed Kotomine Kirei in front of Gilgamesh?

If Rin remembered correctly, Kirei claimed that the servant summoned in the last battle was Gilgamesh.

Forcibly kill the Master in front of the servants?

"And Emiya Shirou, at least not weaker than Emiya Kiritsugu, are you still worried that he won't survive?"

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

"I'll pick it up."

Rin said, stood up, and took this opportunity to adjust his state.

But at this time, who will call?

Rin who was in the corridor thought, and walked to the phone.

"12345" was written on the phone impressively.

Feeling that there must be something wrong with her eyes, Rin rubbed them.

It is indeed 12345, no problem, her eyes are not blind.

Rin, who is extremely rich in brain comprehension ability, can imagine the situation in an instant.

It must be what it says on the last TV - a phone scam.

Telephone scams are becoming more and more rampant these days.

He didn't even do some pretense, and just used 12345 as the dialed number.

Are these scammers playing Miss Lin as a fool?

Thinking of this, Rin looked maliciously at the ringing phone, but didn't answer the connection, just waiting.

"Who made you scammers meet this lady when she was in a bad mood? I just want to hang you up for so long, and then make you make fewer calls at this time. In this way, you will cheat a few people less, right? "

With a weird smile on his face, Rin was waiting in front of the phone.

"Rin, who is calling?" Saber felt worried when she heard the phone kept ringing, and walked over.

"Maybe a scammer." Rin shrugged.

But the scammer was patient enough to wait.

And now it's calling again, and the phone is ringing again.

"Rin, you'd better listen." Saber stretched out her hand to get the phone, and Rin slowly stopped Saber.

"Saber, this is a scammer, don't worry about her."

"But what if there is something urgent? I heard from Shirou that there is usually nothing wrong with making a phone call. Maybe there is no use in listening?" Saber insisted on picking up the phone.

"Okay, Saber, your experience in modern society is not enough, so you don't understand this kind of situation. But I have experienced many battles. If you are not at ease, then I will demonstrate it to you."

Rin answered the phone confidently.


"Is it Tohsaka? You finally answered the phone! Why didn't you answer the phone just now!"

"This, this..." Tohsaka scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

Shirou understood, it probably wasn't Rin who didn't notice the phone rang, or didn't pick it up, but it was intentional.



"I'm your ancestor!"


It's on the shelves, and I'm a little nervous.

Speaking of which, this is the first time, after all, he is a newcomer.

Thanks to this theme, it is barely a million bucks.

For the author, it is quite exhausting to open the book, collect it, and then put it on the shelf.

Opening a new book and staring at the collection, basically I can read it twice within ten minutes.

Seeing that there are few complaints, I feel flustered, thinking that my writing is not good.

I won’t say much, it will be on the shelves at ten o’clock tomorrow anyway, and Shuke doesn’t pirate, so I don’t need to say anything, thank you for your collection, and I hope you can subscribe more.

In fact, my god, I panicked a lot, and everyone saw it and squeaked, so that I could have a bottom line in my heart!

Chapter 66 Good luck, eat chicken at night

Rin's face turned red like it was on fire.

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