A lot of black mud flowed out, setting the entire Yuanzang Mountain on fire.

The black mud did not devour everything wantonly like the fire in Xindu. Instead, it concentrated everything and rushed towards the archer who was already standing in the center of the spell and was trying to seize it.

"Cut, I miscalculated." Archer casually shot through the black mud twice, and the black mud only stopped slightly.

Rin with the gem sword is also useless.

The enemy facing at this time is not Sakura's black shadow, but a black shadow with output restrictions.

But black mud.

"Hehe, Angola Mainyu, you are indeed a bit more capable than your descendants. At least I didn't have this level of counterattack when I killed the whole of another world."

The golden crack continued to extend from the abdomen to the chest, as if the archer would soon be torn apart.

However, this rift also made him stronger!

The bullet no longer just delays the black mud, but makes the black mud start to retreat.

But this still didn't allow Archer to completely plunder the spell, but instead stalemate with the black mud.

The golden cracks got deeper and had a tendency to continue to extend.

The Holy Grail, which is the source of magic power, did not give Archer enough power, so Archer used more of his own power.

But the more he uses his own power, the more he breaks himself.

The more broken, the more broken.

Illya knows this very well, unless the Holy Grail can collect enough souls, as the true Holy Grail, compete with Archer for the spell and open the hole.

Taking a deep breath, Illya shouted: "Saber, kill yourself!"

Chapter 76 I Want To Eat Shirou's Cooking Again

Saber, kill yourself.

Finally, something that Shirou is unwilling to face is coming.

He looked at Saber with complicated emotions.


Shirou wanted to say something, but the black mud didn't give him time, and suddenly washed Enzang Mountain, except around Archer, most of the area was continuously flooded by the black mud.

"Be careful, Shirou-sama!"

Angelica immediately used displacement magic to pick up Shirou and the others.

"Anjelica? Where were you before?" Shirou asked suspiciously, "And what about Kotomine Kirei?"

"I stayed on the outside, just in case. I used the crystal ball projected by Archer to monitor the central area. Due to the proximity, the crystal ball finally worked, so I took Shirou-sama over. As for Kotomine Kirei—"

Angelica said with a complicated expression: "After the black mud appeared, I threw myself into the black mud, and laughed strangely. It looks very happy."

On this small hill, the black mud absolutely cannot flow up, ensuring the safety of the few of them.

This also allowed Shirou to finally have time to talk to Saber.

"Anjelica, take care of Sakura and see what's going on over there. I want to talk to Saber." Shirou took a deep breath.

But still feel suffocated.

"Saber, I..." Shirou said, but didn't know what to say.

Saber didn't interrupt Shirou, but looked at Shirou patiently as before.

What I want to say, but I can't say it.

Without being able to settle the Servant's knots, what he said at this time would seem empty and meaningless.

"Saber, what is your wish? I will help you realize it." Shirou lowered his head and said.

After finishing speaking, Shirou shook his head, laughing at himself that he really wasn't a qualified master.

Contrary to his expectations, Saber said instead: "There is no more. If there is, it is to save Sakura."

Raising his head, Shirou couldn't believe it, such a deep attachment has disappeared now?

"What do you mean?"

"That's right, there is no wish." Saber repeated her own words.

"No more? Are you not going to save Britain?" Shirou asked incredulously.

Britain is everything to the girl in front of her, the one she is most persistent in saving, and now she suddenly let go?

"I've done my best, but if it's still the case, whether it's destiny or my lack of ability, it's a foregone conclusion." Saber replied.

"That is to say, aren't you going to replace someone else? Are you not thinking about going back to the past and saving Britain?" Shirou still didn't quite believe it, thinking that Saber was lying to him.

Shirou can definitely understand Saber's feelings.

What I saw in my dream was the life that this king who worked hard for Britain experienced but failed in the end.

"I'm not going to change someone else. It's my duty to protect Britain, just like you have to protect Sakura. If I give up this duty, then I'm too willful. As for going back to the past to save Britain, it's like a child failing Is it ridiculous to play another round? Or is it that Shirou, you just treat me like a child?" Saber asked.

Shirou shook his head.

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