La la la, plant the sun, la la la, plant the sun!

Rin has hugged Angelica and Sakura tightly, trembling, and has no strength to mock Shirou.

Archer closed his eyes and smiled: "As expected of me in the past, closing the hole is so tasteful."

"Exciting!" Illya shouted excitedly.

"Today is another day of nuclear peace in Fuyuki City!"

Chapter 80 Illya is so awesome!

Shirou took out a cup.

The golden cup is radiant, with spells engraved on it.

After Sakura took the cup away with him, the cup has been hidden by Sakura.

After the shadow was removed, the cup appeared naturally.

"It's time for your wish to come true."

Ilya took the cup, looked at it curiously, and touched it.

"It doesn't feel like anything special." Illya said with some disappointment, "Come on, let's start making wishes."

"Wait!" Rin shouted, looked at Archer complicatedly, and asked, "Can you solve Archer's problem first?"

Shirou lowered his head and shook slightly.


Shirou flatly rejected her.

"What are you talking about?" Rin looked at Shirou in disbelief, almost ignoring that he was still in the air, and rushed forward.

"No." Shirou replied with a heavier heart.

"You guy—are you really ungrateful?" Rin scolded fiercely.

"Then, just treat me as ungrateful." Shirou replied firmly.

Almost Shirou can promise Rin to fulfill any wish, but only the so-called saving archer is not allowed.

"What are you kidding?" Rin frowned, and found that Shirou was really serious, not hypocritical, nor ungrateful, but as if he was seriously thinking about Archer's problems like her.

Archer stopped Rin and shook his head slightly.

"Just like this, don't save me, don't do anything to me, just let me slowly return to the seat of heroes later." Archer raised his head, looked at the sky, and remembered something.

A light flashed across the sky, it was a shooting star.

In the darkness, Archer seemed to see the last smile of a black-haired man.

"I don't understand." Rin asked uncomfortably, "Why?"

"Why?" Archer petted Rin's hair, "Then, what do you mean by saving?"

Rin hesitated for a moment.

"For example, let you stay in this world or something. If this is the case, isn't it good? Live in peace of mind, and don't need to go around and kill people against your will, isn't it?"

"No way." Shirou shook his head.

"I didn't ask you, Shirou Emiya!" Rin turned his head away angrily, "It's fine if you don't want to help."

"Then do you understand him?" Shirou asked, "Do you understand what he wants?"

"The person who knows me best is of course me. Unless you have lived with him for a long time, otherwise, how could you see through him?" Shirou looked at Archer and asked, "I said, right? Archer?"

Archer nodded, and the two quickly reached a consensus.

"I don't understand." Illya bluntly expressed her and Rin's feelings.

Angelica looked at the two curiously, and hugged Sakura by the way.

"Well, how do I explain it?" Shirou scratched his head, his face flushed and hot.

"Then let me explain." Sakura opened her eyes, "I was listening just now."

"Sakura, are you still not in good health?" Rin hurriedly asked concerned.

"It's okay, sister. But, this matter, seniors, anyway? Anyway, I will treat it as a senior. The senior said that my sister doesn't understand him. This is indeed, very correct."

"Why don't I understand?" Rin suddenly became angry.

Sakura smiled lightly: "Then, sister, do you know what senior wants?"

"That guy—how could I know." Rin's voice became smaller and smaller, "But, what Archer wants, I know, at least not to let myself be a restrained cleaner again, that's not it Is it?"

"It is. I don't deny it."

"Then, as long as you stay in this world, don't you need to be a cleaner? That's fine, let's live together properly."

"But, that's just some kind of reverie, just an escape from reality, not what I really want, ideal."

Sakura hugged Shirou, very happy.

"Senior, if this is the case, it will be considered a reality, right? A partner of justice."

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