If Illya is most satisfied, it is that both Kiritsugu and Ari are still there.Although I travel a lot, I still come back during holidays.

Being able to see his mother, the most important thing is that in this world, Kiritsugu did not choose to continue to practice justice, but chose her.

Sure enough, the world is full of malice towards the partners of justice.

Anyone who dreams of becoming a partner of justice will be punished by heaven.And those who give up can gain everything.

"Goodbye!" At the fork, Ilya waved her hand and ran towards her classmates in a bouncing manner.

"Elementary school students—has the development been so good recently?" Shirou touched his chin, but the development is so good, it is not the type he likes at all.

As a lolicon, if he really wants to say it, he just likes his sister.

"Good morning, senpai!" Sakura showed a subtle smile.

"Morning, good morning!" Shirou turned around when he heard the voice.

Just kidding, if I don't look back, I'm afraid that when I see Sakura lift the hatchet, he will slash at his head.

"It seems that senior is really a pervert."

"What's wrong with men being perverted? Can things about men be called perverts?" Shirou hesitated.

Sakura's expression became more and more wrong, and Shirou understood that if he didn't change the situation, he might be a pill.

"Well, Sakura, why did you avoid me last time?" Shirou stared at Sakura, "I also saw a middle-aged man with white hair."

"This—" Sakura said with some embarrassment, "Isn't it a good feeling to see the parents so soon?"

"Nani? Meet the parents?"

"Your father?" Shirou asked curiously.

Sakura shook her head.

"No, it's Uncle Kariya."

"Caster?" Shirou asked in shock.

"Okay, okay, let's go to school first, or we will be late!" Sakura didn't want to answer this question, so she ran away.

Scratching his head, he looked at the time.

Even if you are late, it will take a long time.

What's the hurry?

Walking slowly, I arrived at the archery department first, and only a few people came, Mizuki, Sakura, and...

"Morning, Emiya!" Shinji quietly appeared from behind Shirou, and took out a CD.

"Let me tell you, it took me a lot of effort to get this disc, you must like it!" Shen Er showed a smile that everyone knew.

"What?" Shirou glanced at the disc.

young girl?

Gentlemen, I am so excited!

But the two of them didn't notice the shadow that enveloped them, and they made dangerous moves at this moment.

"Brother, you're really—perverted! Go to hell!" Sakura kicked Shinji flying.

The next moment, Sakura aimed at the falling disc.

"Give me this filthy thing too, go to hell! H, that's not acceptable!"

But Shirou caught the disc firmly.

"No! Sakura! Anyway, the disc, the disc is innocent!" Shirou diverted Sakura's attention, and analyzed all the attributes of the disc in the next second.

"What?" Sakura narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"Sorry, I'll dispose of it now." Shirou broke the disc in half and threw it in the trash.

"Weimiya—ah! Sakura! I used that thing to bribe Emiya to join my computer club!" Shen Er bent forward in frustration, covering his face with his hands to hide his tears.

"Even if it's like this, it's not allowed." Ying Yizheng said.

Shirou nodded and walked to Shinji's side.

"Sakura is right, bribing me to join the computer club like this, if I don't want to, I won't be happy! If you want me to join, you just say it, isn't that all right? We are friends! "

"Wei Gong..."

Looking at Shirou who is like an angel, Shinji shed tears of emotion.

With friends like this, even if there are fewer discs, it's worth it!

Quietly approaching, Shirou whispered: "Don't worry, that disc is fake, I can make a new one in a second."

Shinji once again showed a smile that everyone knew.

"Hey hey hey."

Chapter 3 Emiya Cikaro

The setting sun shone into the school and into the classrooms.

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