All that's left to do is—

"Leader, bring it!"

Suddenly jumped up from the ground, sprinted forward, and a huge sword appeared in his hand.

As lightning flashed across Archer's body, Shirou knew that the victory in this battle belonged to him.

A puff of black smoke rose from Archer's neck, and that brief contact had already caused Shirou to chop off his head.

Starting from the neck area, the black swallowed Archer and turned into a card. On the card was a soldier with a bow ready to shoot, that is, Archer.

"Card?" Bazzett stepped forward and looked at it curiously, "Why does it feel like something like the Holy Grail War?"

"Holy Grail War?" Shirou looked at the card and couldn't help sighing, "Why is it a bronze card with one star? Archer, you are too miserable, right?"

After all, it should be a gold card, right?Otherwise, how could a certain Jin Shining, who was almost cut off at the elbow, feel so embarrassed?

"Do you know something about the Holy Grail War?" Bazzett pondered for a while, with a surprised expression on his face, especially when Shirou mentioned the class of Archer.

"I'm also Fuyuki's magician anyway, and I know something about this kind of war, but didn't it disappear a long time ago? Why, did it appear again?"

"The meaning expressed by this card is very similar to the Holy Grail War, especially these cards and patterns are tailor-made for the Holy Grail War." Bazzett shook his head, "To be honest, I really don't understand this What's the matter, I have to report it to the Magic Association."

At this moment, Shirou's heart skipped a beat.

He exposed a lot of things just now. If this is the case, wouldn't he be thrown into the seal designation list?

don't!Give his dick a break!He still doesn't want to live in peace.

"Also, are you interested in joining the Magic Association?" Bazet asked eagerly. If a powerful figure is brought in, then she will still have certain benefits.

Even if it is a pyramid scheme, it can make money by attracting people, let alone the Magic Association?

"No." Shirou denied the proposal after heaving a sigh of relief. After all, the possibility of being discovered after being pulled in has greatly increased, and there are many troubles.

He just wants to be a righteous partner out of interest.

"That's really a pity." Bazzett sighed, "But thank you anyway, without your help, I will definitely not be able to win the opponent. And the rest of the enemies also ask you to deal with me together .Archer is so powerful, I am really not sure about other enemies."

"Also, Mr. Shiro, do you have a place in your house for me to live in?"

"The location, of course there is. You and Angeli will be stuck together later. If I say it, I have to go to another place. When are you going to deal with the next enemy?"

"I may have to search for two days." Bazzett thought for a while, "I'll call you tomorrow if it's quick. Without you, I can't deal with those enemies. I'm really ashamed to say that it's clearly designated by the seal. But there was no way to complete the task.”

Shirou took out his mobile phone and wrote down Bazzett's phone number, hesitating for a moment whether he should say something.

"Actually, Bazzett, it's just a coincidence that you can't beat Archer. It's because Archer is too powerful, not because you are not good. You can definitely win other enemies. And it's a very smart way to seek foreign aid." Shirou said comfortingly.

There is no doubt, after all, this is his card, of course it is the strongest!

With the advent of cards, this space began to fade away.

Shirou and Bazzett left here quickly.

But what they didn't realize was that a black figure quietly appeared, and then quickly left the space.

Author's message:

Muramasa Shiro is out!And it is the person who is not possessed!

I really want to write it, are you interested in reading it?

Chapter 7 I'll break anyone who dares to pick on my sister

"Senior? Senior?" Sakura looked at the drowsy Shirou and couldn't help asking, "Did you look for someone yesterday? Haven't found it yet?"

Yawning, Shirou facing the rising sun looked lazy like an old man.

"Obviously." Shirou nodded helplessly.

It was tiring to get it at three o'clock, not to mention helping others find cards, Shirou was even more tired.

Although it is said that finding his sister is the most important thing, there is no doubt that Shirou recognized these cards as things that should appear in his world at a glance.

It is his duty to deal with these card servants.

"Senior, it's really hard work." Sakura suddenly stopped, looking at Shirou, "Let's relax a little bit today, I won't go to clubs after school, and I won't go looking for it, come to my house to rest for a while and then have a meal, why? Sample?"

"Huh?" Shirou didn't quite understand what Sakura was trying to do.

Sakura's face became flushed, and the breeze blew, and her purple hair fluttered.

Lowering her head, Sakura fixed her hair again, but the wind blew harder.

Shirou walked up to her and brushed her hair, but found that Sakura was staring at him blankly at this moment, and quickly turned his head away.

"Ex, senior, Uncle Kariya wants to see you." Sakura mustered up her courage and said.

Kariya wants to see him?

Shirou scratched his cheek, Kariya is Sakura and Shinji's guardian now, right?

The guardian wants to see him, so if he knows that Sakura has a certain relationship with him, does it mean that he wants to meet the parents?

"Meet the parents?" Shirou blurted out.

Facing Shirou's bold statement, Sakura suddenly raised her head.

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