Gae Bolg.

The gun that pierces the death thorn can reverse the cause and effect and pierce the enemy's heart.

Gritting her teeth, Miyu closed her eyes, knowing that she was bound to die.

"Brother... I'm sorry."

Just hear a bang.

That sound is so gorgeous, but the collision of steel cannot be gorgeous.

What really makes people feel gorgeous is people.

"MMP, I heard that there is no lancer. MMP, go to hell! If you dare to hit my sister, I, Emiya Shirou, will hack you to death right now!"

Chapter 12 Finding the Lost Miyu

Ilya sat nervously in front of the TV, her mouth puffed up like a frog.Taking out all the three bags of snacks that Liz had treasured for a long time in the refrigerator, together with the bubbling dark drink—Coca-Cola, Ilya was already immersed in the drama and couldn't extricate herself.

"I didn't expect Meiyan, who seemed so indifferent, to do so many things." Ilya accidentally bit off the potato chips, and more than half of the potato chips fell on the ground, but she didn't care at all. Instead, he continued to immerse himself in the plot and couldn't extricate himself.

Magical girl, is it really this good?

For his companion, he went through countless times, countless times, countless times of reincarnation, just to save his companion, that hateful Cupid, the evil Cupid, actually tore such a cute girl and friendship to pieces!

go to hell!

The old thief Qiubi lost his conscience, Madoka and I will live and die together!

"Shameless! Shameless!" Ilya waved her hands angrily.

Shirou covered his face.

Why did he buy such a strange film for Illya?

It must be that I checked BD on Amazon at that time, and when I saw the magical girl, I subconsciously clicked the button for online shopping.


Just seeing that the sales volume of BD is frighteningly high, it was the sales hegemony of the year, but he didn't realize that this series is an adult-oriented late-night animation of r18.

Although, although this animation is indeed easy to see explosions, although Illya's real psychological age is nineteen years old and a little older than him, this magical girl animation is really not suitable for cultivating a girl's heart!

At least when Chubby flew over, Illya would definitely open her mouth to scold the shameless old thief.


Shirou suddenly discovered a serious problem. If Chubby really appeared and Illya was very vigilant not to become a magical girl, it would actually be pretty good?

It doesn't matter what the magical girl is, as long as Illya is safe, healthy, and happy, he should be satisfied now as the older brother and the former younger brother.

"It's already eleven o'clock, Illya. Go to rest early, and I'll watch with you tomorrow, okay?" Shirou patted Illya's head.

Elijah hesitated.

"Is Shirou going to find his sister again?"

"Well, after all, she's alone, so I don't worry about it. Sera and Lizlit, you let the magic go and let them sleep well, right?"

"Well then, Shirou, I hope you can find it today."

"Thank you for your good words."


The parchment suddenly burst into flames, but what was strange was that the flames did not engulf the parchment, only leaving black marks.

The black traces are criss-crossed like veins, but in fact, these are the veins of the earth.

Occasionally, some squares that have not been swallowed by the darkness can be seen among these traces.

After yawning, Shirou, who first went to Sakura's for dinner, and then watched anime with Illya for a long time, is now very sleepy, but he still needs to pull himself together.

I used some of the little magic tricks that Illya taught before, and cheered up a bit.

Adjust your state, and you will have to fight later.

"What's the situation?" Shirou looked at Bazzett's current operation curiously. He basically didn't know anything about magic except projection and strengthening. He knew some small magic, and he had never learned the theory.

He only has full projection and enhanced skills.

"There are about six cards left." Bazzett pointed to these small squares. "These black ones are the leylines, and these squares are the cards that have absorbed the magic power of the leylines. After absorbing the magic power, these cards will become more and more powerful." We are getting stronger, so we should act early if we can."

"I want to ask a small question, is there any competition between these cards for absorbing the magic power of the leylines?"

"Yes. This means that the later we recover, the faster the enemy's strength will increase, and the increase in enemy strength is not linear." Bazzett replied, pointing to a small part of the map, "From The closest thing we have is this card."

Take out the map and compare it. It looks like the card is in Xindu.

"Anjelica, can you teleport us there?" Shirou asked.

It was already twelve o'clock, and Angelica didn't feel sleepy, so she took out the crystal ball projected by Shirou.

Crystal Ball naturally claimed to have made it herself.

If Bazzett discovered Shirou's projection magic, he always felt that there would be a lot of trouble.

After all, projection is basic magic, and people don't use it much. For this reason, projection magic sword is easy to do, and it can be thrown into the designated list of seals.

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