Although it is said that Meiyu is a top student, from head to toe, every pore is Chicco's aura, but is it difficult to understand this at such a young age?

"I see." Meiyu breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought my brother did something bad."


"I heard a lot of people talking about you in school. You have dozens of girlfriends." Meiyou described.

"Here, you don't believe it?" Shirou wondered if he should transfer schools. How could this rumor be so outrageous?I'm not that attractive in other world lines, right?

"Miyu, you can rest assured about this, because I'm here." Sakura laughed and made a scissors gesture, "If senior does something bad, I will - castrate!"

Shirou covered the bottom, feeling a tightness in a certain place.

It's terrible!Where did that gentle, kind and considerate Sakura go?Why are you so sick now!This unscientific!

Miyu was blushed: "This is not good, is it? I would rather my brother have dozens of girlfriends, compared to that. No, let's not talk about it. I went to find Illya, and she still Take a rest, I'll go take a look."

This is a good sister!

Shirou was moved.

But, he really doesn't have so many girlfriends!He was only Sakura from the beginning to the end, and he had never even slept in bed, and he was still a pure virgin!

That fellow Shinji thought he was going to do something with Sakura, but he didn't have the guts to do such a thing in front of his two younger sisters.

He is not this kind of H person.

"Shirou-sama, have you and Miyu-san come back?" Angelica walked over and frowned, "Sakura is here too, I only prepared meals for two people, so there will be four people."

"Illya is here too." Shirou reminded, "Hey, where's Bazzett?"

"Miss Bazzett left and took the card with her. She said she was going to hand over the mission and that someone would be sent to take over the card after a while."

"In this way, we will be short of food for the three of us." Like a housewife, Angelica was thinking about the problem that made her very embarrassed.

"Leave this problem to me." Shirou stood up and walked to the kitchen.

There has never been anything that cannot be solved by projection.

Anyway, there is Ilya behind her, she has enough magic power, and the root is also projected for you, let alone these dishes?


"It's so easy." Angelica sighed.

Of course, there is no doubt that projection is a good civilization.

"Ah! Illya—"

There was a scream from next door, Shirou heard it and rushed over immediately.

Nothing will happen!No way?

As soon as the door was opened, Illya threw Miyu to the ground in excitement.


clock tower

"Jewel Man." Wei Bo bowed slightly to express his respect for the old man.

"Wei Bo, are you here?" Gemstone smiled.

"Did you find anything good again?" Weber asked curiously.

Gem Weng nodded, a very interesting thing did happen, it happened in a parallel world, it was quite interesting, and it was as if he was traveling through various world lines, these people also shuttled through the world lines in this way .

One of them is still a magician who possesses the third magic.

Ying blows Si Ting.

The other is Tohsaka Rin who is ready to accept as a disciple, but he still wants to accept it later.

With the help of some people, Tohsaka Rin got the gem sword.

At that time, he gave Tohsaka Yongren a design drawing casually. It is incredible that his descendants could complete this sword for the least talented disciple.

Although it is a clever use of the projection used by the person whose origin is the sword, but no matter what, if you make it, you make it, and it doesn't matter if you accept it as a disciple.

The most important thing is the card.

He is also very interested in that magic technique.

"Call Tohsaka Rin and Luvia over here." Gem Weng said lightly.

But such an understatement was undoubtedly a shock to Weber.

The meaning of this sentence is obvious, that is, they are going to accept the two of them as disciples.

"Huh? Am I not clear enough?"

Wei Bo shook his head: "No, your meaning is very clear, but this surprised me even more. Are you going to accept disciples?"

"That's right. By the way, I'll give them some tests to see who can be my first disciple."

Weber was even more surprised, big disciple?

This kind of thing cannot be neglected, and Weber immediately called the two of them in.

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