Rin kicked over, kicked Luvia away, and snatched the card.

"Thank you, Miss Bassett!" Rin took it, but found that Bassett was still holding it tightly and didn't intend to let go.

"Miss Basett?"

Rin forced a smile, but was actually a little embarrassed.

"Your strength is not good. If you deal with the enemy, you will die." Bazzett said firmly, "I still can't promise to let you recover the cards. And if you two fight together, won't things go wrong?"

"Huh? Miss Bazzett, what are you talking about. Gemstone gave us some protective equipment. It is a kind of magic dress, which is very powerful. Even one person can recycle cards."

Luvia stood up, approached slowly, and said, "Yes, so please rest assured. If you are worried about Rin Tohsaka, you can leave it to me."

Putting her hand on the card, Luvia smiled.

"Luvia, should you let go of the card?"

"Hmph, what are you kidding? Tohsaka Rin, haven't you noticed? Miss Basset doesn't want to give you a card at all."

Bazzett sighed softly and let go of his hand.

The two fell to the ground and each got a card.

Then two sticks flew out.

"Miss Bazzett, you don't have to worry at all. With us here, even if you can't fight, you can escape." Sapphire said, "You don't need to worry about that."

"Yeah, yeah! Or do you still want to follow Bazzett? Then become a magical girl? How about it? I think Miss Bazzett's innocent appearance has this meaning!"

Bazzett shook his head: "I'm not worried about you escaping. I'm very relieved about His Excellency Gemstone's magic dress."

"Since this is the case, then I will tell you some more things."

Hearing Bazzett's words, Rin and Luvia at least put on a serious look on the surface.

Anyway, Bazzett in front of him is also an old senior. Even the designator of the seal has fallen in front of this enemy before, and they have no reason to despise the enemy.

"If you really can't beat it, run away quickly. Then seek help. If I remember correctly, it is the house at No. XX Street, Fuyuki City. If you can't beat it, go to the owner of that house. He will help you."

"Thank you, Senior Bazzett!" Tohsaka Rin bowed, although this suggestion did not sound that useful.

But why is this address so familiar?

Bazzett nodded and left the room.

Rin looked at the card with the figure of an archer in his hand and the word "archer" written on it, and he was filled with emotion, thinking of the red figure standing in front of him.


Suddenly the card was drawn.

"Luvia, you!" The cold air did not strike a single point.

"Tosaka, I didn't expect you to be so dazed, oh roar roar ..." Lu Weiya laughed.

Rin took out the gem, anger burning in his body.

"Luvia, you did such a thing, I can't spare you! Shit you!"

"Hmph, Tohsaka Rin, do you think such a few gems are useful? Not only do I have them, but I have many more than you!"

Rin was short of breath for a while: "Can you do whatever you want with more gems?"

"Yes, with more gems, you can do whatever you want, oh ha ha ha, oh ho ho ho..."

But Rin seized this opportunity, and after a little strengthening, his body speed reached the limit.


Luvia was beaten so that her body was suspended in the air.

Rin took another set of military punches and knocked Luvia into the air.

"Sorry, but now I'm the one who can do whatever I want."

Archer caught the card instantly, and Rin showed a rare smile.

Chapter 23 The title king is dead

At Fuyuki International Airport, a flight landed smoothly.

There is no delay, and there are no extra things, which is a bit abnormal for people who have too many planes.

Last time in London, due to the smog, I failed to land several times, which made Rin very dissatisfied.

The UK has completed industrialization, why is there still so much smog?

The setting sun shone on the body through the glass, and finally returned to the hometown after a long absence.

People and salutes are constantly moving on the conveyor belt, Rin frowned, but actually said happily:

"Really, I didn't expect to come back in a year."

In the suitcase, a voice asked:

"How is it? How do you feel about returning to your homeland? Master?"

This voice is exactly one of the magic dresses given to them by the master Gem Weng-Ruby.

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