The Mirror Realm is the world where the Card Servant lives. This world does not really exist, let alone jump out of it and kill people in the real world.

If card followers existed in the world of ordinary people, they would have been discovered by people a long time ago, and it was reported how many people died.

After all, this is not the time for a broken cup war, and the Church of the Holy Church will not deal with the aftermath of such a broken thing.

Unless, someone can lead him into the mirror world, he can hide in some corner, eat Kenda chicken, and when he sees danger, he will transform and kill people.

But here comes the question - how can I go to the mirror world?

Ruby, the kaleidoscope staff, can naturally complete this task. Even Bazzett brought a temporary magic dress to make the trip to the mirror world.

Of course, the problem of transformation is also very important, but this is much simpler than the previous problem.

Put on a white wig, put on red contact lenses, and change your name from Amy to Emilia, wouldn't that solve the problem?

Projection magic can't be used in front of them, so just project the weapon directly before the battle.

He didn't believe it anymore. Facing this group of rookie card followers, he couldn't kill them with a single blow.

If not, give it another shot.

And turning to the mirror world, this kind of space is a transition that adds an imaginary number axis to the real world.

So that means imaginary number magic has a very useful effect on this?Maybe it can be directly crossed into the mirror world?

Go discuss it with Sakura later, will this matter be over?

Shirou slapped his thigh, feeling that he was too witty.

This way you don't have to worry about exposing yourself.

"Hey, hello, Emiya, are you listening to me?" Shen Er said angrily, "I'm telling you some topics that everyone will care about and take seriously very soon."

Shirou squinted his eyes, no question was as important as the question he was thinking about just now.

But at this time, Shen Er seems to be suffering from a tsundere disease, and he needs to comfort him.

"So, what's the topic?"

Shirou took the initiative to take up the topic, and Shen Er was very happy, and opened up the conversation: "Weimiya, it seems that you haven't heard of it, and I am indeed the first to know."

Shirou looked at Shinji with disbelief.

As an otaku, it would be nice if he didn't need Shirou to come to the Martian rescue, and the first batch?

"That's right, there is a new transfer student coming to our class." Shen Er raised his head and said proudly.

This pride is probably because he got the information faster than Shirou for the first time.

Shirou nodded casually: "It's like this."

"Yes, yes! There is another attribute that I like, black double ponytails, the breasts are not too big, but the legs are beautiful."

Black double ponytails, small breasts, beautiful legs?


"You, say it again."

"Tsk tsk, Emiya, you don't really want to attack her, do you? Are you tempted to hear such a small description? What about my sister, you irresponsible man!"

Shirou covered his head.

This description, how does it sound, how does it look like a certain person.

The one who came to his house yesterday was short of meeting him directly.

Tohsaka Rin, it can't be you!

Shirou roared in his heart, but the roar was extremely powerless.

All the previous plans were in vain.

"We have two new classmates today." Ge Mu walked in and motioned to the two at the door.

Seeing the two people standing on the podium, Shirou understood that his dream would never come true again.

"Hi everyone, my name is Rin Tohsaka."

Chapter 29 At night, go to a small hotel with Sakura

Gone is the good old golden age.

Shirou is well aware of this.

Not only is it clear, but also a bit of a stomachache.

"This seemingly stupid creature with no special skills is Tohsaka Rin, and I am Luvia Celenta Edelfelt."

Luvia raised her head proudly, belittling Tohsaka Rin in front of everyone.

"Luvia, you..."

Ge Mu couldn't stand it anymore and interrupted their conversation.

"Enough is enough. Although you are foreign students, you should at least act like a student to me." Ge Mu pushed his glasses, releasing his killing intent without leaving any traces.

"Yes..." The two were quieter.

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