"Ah, this, actually, I have some things to do when I come back this time, and I have to stay for a long time. By the way, why did Senior ask you just now, seeing how he is in such a hurry." Rin couldn't understand Looking at the direction of Shirou's departure, he suddenly remembered the matter of money.

It was because of lack of money that Luvia's cow bullied her like this.

When she finds a way, she must compare Luvia.

She has already figured out how to make money.

Start by reaching out to Japanese celebrities, those who love knives.

Learn and compare their favorite knives.

The next step is to throw the projection into the auction house.

Rin almost couldn't help laughing out loud, her plan was perfect.

"Sakura, Emiya came with you, right?" Rin asked nervously.

After all, the key to her plan is Shirou Emiya.

Sakura subconsciously nodded.

"It's good like this." Rin showed a mysterious smile, "Uncle Kariya won't have to worry about the Matou family's family all day long."

Shirou also secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

As long as Sakura doesn't make mistakes, Rin won't come to her door, Sakura is still very stable.

But why do you feel that your Yintang is a little black?

Chapter 30 Please Sakura Eat Chicken

In front of the Fuyuki Oak Inn, a purple-haired girl stood.

Sakura is waiting for Shirou's arrival.

It is already ten forty past ten, and she has been there for five minutes, and she is still a little nervous at this time.After all, it was the first time she was invited to a small hotel by her seniors.

A little nervous, no, very nervous!

Are some exciting applications about to happen?Sakura's heartbeat quickened when she thought of this, and she blushed so much that she didn't dare to look in the mirror.

But inexplicably, she had a sense of anticipation, and this wonderful sense of anticipation made her stay here again, not daring to move at all.

Patting her own cheek, Sakura looked at the cherry tree in front of her.

There is her favorite flower here, if there is her favorite person together, it must be very happy, right?

Just looking forward to it, time began to pass.


After shopping around, I couldn’t find any place that sells a mask that can cover your head. Shirou didn’t dare to go in and buy women’s clothes. If it was really women’s clothes, I always felt that he was very familiar with certain things. .

In order not to be discovered by Sakura, Shirou struggled for a long time.

This probably came to his mind when he was going to investigate (copy) after school.

In case, Sakura found out that he brought a woman's clothing, she would definitely treat him as a psychopath, right?

Although Shirou thinks that this is really not too much of a problem.

By the way, if, if you are willing to fight chicken, there must be a way!

Just dig two holes in the top of the paper sleeve, and the hair can be covered, so the fiery red hair will not be exposed.And add two holes for the field of view, and add color contact lenses - perfect!And you can also invite Sakura to eat chicken, perfect!

"This guest?" The waitress called out kindly, but her face was actually covered with black lines.

This handsome guy with red hair is indeed handsome, but, but, can you hurry up and buy something?Otherwise, this business that is willing to fight chickens will be interrupted because of this customer.

A lot of people were already crowded at the door, mainly girls.

Of course, there are also men, but they are not mainstream, and are even squeezed out by many girls.

Their goal is this boy.

Probably about sixteen years old.

Isn't he just a handsome guy?The waiter looked at the crowd contemptuously, what did they panic about?She is relatively calm, and she will not be discouraged at all just because the other party is handsome...

The opponent's orange-red, lightning-like eyebrows raised.

At this moment, a smile as warm as the sun bloomed on his face.

"Here, this guest, what set meal do you want? This, this, or this? Ah, don't worry, take your time and choose."

Shirou scratched his head apologetically and said, "Sorry, I was in a daze for a while, but I didn't realize that I was already at the front. Please show me the menu."

"Yes, it is!"

Shirou flipped through the menu, thinking about what to do next.

Today, according to what Illya said, it was zero o'clock to gather at the middle school playground of Hokunhara Academy for the next enemy crusade.

Now that two card servants have been eliminated, that means there are still six.

Relying on Sakura's ability, she can travel to the imaginary space and the mirror world.

Find a suitable hiding place, monitor whether Illya is safe or not, and the rest is to eat the Kenda Chicken family bucket set meal with Sakura.

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