But from this point of view, it would be too far away for support, and from this point of view, the concealment is also very poor. Although the vision of a magician may not be very strong, he can use enhanced magic.

The strengthened magic is applied to the eyes, which can clearly see things within one kilometer.

Even if you can't see the bricks, it's more than enough to see the individual.

"If we are like this, we will probably be discovered in reverse. Isn't there a famous saying that says so? When you are staring at the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you."

"Sakura, why don't you just say that it's reversible?" Shirou summed up Sakura's meaning, "Don't be so literary."

Sakura sticks out her tongue, and she doesn't know how senior's physics became so powerful all of a sudden, making such emotional words so physical.

Obviously, he is really a scumbag. Originally, his English was a little better, so half of his homework was wrong. Later, his English also became better.

Shirou thought carefully about how to counter reconnaissance.

Nice to see each other here.

However, it will be discovered in reverse, which is indeed a serious problem.

So Shirou projected a shield.

King Hassan covers my shield.

"In this way, whether it is infiltration or assassination, it can be completed."

And there is no need to hide so far away, just hide in the toilet in front of the playground.

Infiltrate, assassinate, infiltrate, assassinate again,

Shirou had already hungrily pulled out a big sword that he had never projected in front of Rin.

After thinking about it, I still put the paper sleeve of Kendaji takeaway on my head and dug two holes.

You're done!


Illya yawned and ran to the Hokuhara Academy Middle School.

Tonight, the moon was very round, which made her feel a little flustered.

The full moon always has some strange nicknames in the magic world, and they also represent derogatory names for some special species, although it is undoubtedly related to fear.

After all, werewolves or vampires that humans thought did not exist would have unusual behaviors when the moon was full.

She secretly cheered herself up, she was also the third magician after all.

Although in various senses, it is not very useful.

You can't play, and you can't usually use it.

She is equivalent to a nanny with infinite blue and zero cooling time. She can not only nurse but also pull people, but her fighting ability is extremely weak.

There is no powerful output means, and there are no weird props that can be made.

Thinking about it this way, Ilya suddenly felt that the third method was useless.

At least compared to the second method that can travel through the world line, it seems to be much worse.

The owner of the second law is said to have defeated Zhu Yue, the existence of UO on the moon.

"By the way, Ruby, do you know the purpose of the third method?"

"The third method, um—it is said that the Einzbern family is planning to use this kind of magic to save all mankind? But later I heard that your father almost wiped out the family." Ruby thought for a while, "It can save people?"

"Aside from that, is there any other usage?"

"Pull the heroic spirits from their seats and let them have a second life?" Ruby asked tentatively, "But why are you asking this?"

"No—" Illya shook her head, concealing the fact that she was the third magician.But at this moment, she suddenly thought of a purpose.

If so, can the berserker materialize the soul by relying on the card?

If all the class cards are obtained, can these cards including servants be summoned?

Nanny also has a limit, unless you go beyond the nanny!

Ilya has decided that she will not be a pure battery and nanny anymore!She wants to change jobs!

Be a Summoner!

For example, the Legion of Heroic Spirits, ready to go out and so on.

You can also row a boat!

"Illya, are you here?" Rin stood on the playground and greeted, "Hurry up and transform, the current state cannot deal with the enemy."

"it is good."

After speaking, Illya walked into the toilet.

Illya turned on the light, and took out the ruby ​​with a face of shame.

"Be transformed."

The two hiding in the toilet couldn't help covering their eyes in shame.

How can it be like this?

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